Import deals via CSV

Import deals via CSV

Product deals can be used to apply or combine discounts at the order level for your customers, for example if the customer's order has met a certain criteria, such as including certain products or brands, or meeting a certain order amount. Adding lots of deals at once, or many deal conditions to a single deal, manually can take a lot of time. Upload your deal data via a CSV file to import or edit many deals at once.


Import deals

Import your deals from the Reference Books screen, then clicking Import. This will open a dialog box where you can download Cin7 Core's deals CSV template. When creating a new deal, the TaskID field should be empty, but the Name field should be a new deal name. If more than one line contains a new deal name, Cin7 Core will create a single deal containing all of the deal criteria with the same deal name.

Copy your deal information into the template, making sure the copied data matches the column headings provided in the template. When you are finished, import the updated template file. The name of the file should end with either .csv or .txt.

Update existing deals

Update your deals from the Reference Books screen, then clicking Export. This will generate a .csv file where all your existing deals are represented as lines of the file. When updating an existing deal, the TaskID must be provided. If the TaskID field is left empty, a new deal will be created instead.


Edit the CSV file to make your desired changes. When you are finished, import the updated template file.

Field specifications

For any import/export operation, you can expand the Field specification for the template to see which fields are mandatory or option for each record type, plus what information should be entered for each field.

Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Field Description
TaskID A unique deal ID. Entering a TaskID will update this deal. If left blank, a new deal will be created.

Deal name. If TaskID is blank, a new deal will be created with this name including all CSV lines with the same name.

If TaskID is not blank, the deal's name will be updated to this value.

DateFrom Date from which the deal will be in effect, in yyyyMMdd format.
DateTo Date to which the deal will be in effect, in yyyyMMdd format.
IsActive* Activate the deal to make it available, or deactivate it to make it unavailable but saved for use at a later date (true, false, yes, no).
AllowCoupons* Allows the use of coupons to redeem the deal (true, false, yes, no).
SingleUse Allow coupon to be used multiple times or only once (true, false, yes, no). Mandatory field if AllowCoupons is true.
CouponCodes Coupon codes, separated by comma, that apply deal to the order. Available field if AllowCoupons is true.

Name of the discount rule. Discounts can be configured from Settings > Reference Books > Discounts.

If discount is of type 'Free shipping', BuyX, BuyXValue, BuyAmount, BuyOrMore, GetX, GetXValue, GetAmount fields are disabled.


Apply the deal to the entire order (true, false, yes, no).

If discount is of type 'Quantity-based', must be false/no.

CustomerGroup* Customer group to which the deal is applicable (All customers, B2B only, POS only, Selected, with tags...).
CustomerName A unique customer name. If CustomerGroup value is 'Selected', then CustomerName is a required field.
CustomerTagName Customer tag associated with one or more customers. If CustomerGroup is set to 'With tags...', then CustomerTagName is a required field. Separate multiple tags with commas.
BrandName Product brand. Not applicable to deals applied to the entire order.
CategoryName Product category. Not applicable to deals applied to the entire order.

Custom tags classifying the product, separated by comma. Not applicable to deals applied to the entire order.

ProductSKU Each product must have a unique SKU, separated by comma. Not applicable to deals applied to the entire order.
BuyX Customer must buy a minimum quantity or amount of X (Brand, Category, Tag, Product, Order total) to qualify for the deal. Enter X here.
BuyOrMore Discount applies once when deal criteria met or exceeded (true, yes). Discount can be applied multiple times if deal criteria is met multiple times (false, no). Required field for deals applied to the entire order.

If BuyX contains an entry, BuyXValue is an available field. Not applicable if BuyX is 'Order total'.

Enter the name/s of the product brand, product category, product tag, or product SKU. For multiple values, use commas to separate.

BuyAmount Minimum quantity or amount of X required to apply the deal. Required field for deals applied to the entire order.
GetX Discount is applied to an amount or value of X (Brand, Category, Tag, Product, Order total) when deal criteria are met. Enter X here.

If GetX contains an entry, GetXValue is an available field. Not applicable if GetX is 'Order total'.

Enter the name/s of the product brand, product category, product tag, or product SKU. For multiple values, use commas to separate.


No. of products that discount will be applied to. Required field for deals applied to the whole order.

When GetX is 'Order total', GetAmount should be '1' to apply discount to order total after deal criteria are met.

CSV formatting information

CSV is a simple text format where each line corresponds to a data row and every data column is separated by a comma. If a data column contains a comma, all column content should be escaped with double quotes (example: 34, ”cell text, with comma”, 23042014). Values can be set individually to necessary columns, to do this you need to skip unnecessary columns by specifying the appropriate number of commas (example: ,,34,,,,,abc,,8,,). Last commas can be omitted (example: ,,34,,,,,abc,,8).

This format can be directly edited by table processors like MS Excel.

Cin7 Core requires that the first line of this file contains column headers. A header line is used to check that the CSV file is of an appropriate type. Do not amend the structure of the first line; leave it as per template (it can be loaded from the historical purchases import page).

Cin7 Core ignores empty lines in importing files.



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