Stocktake in POS
Stocktakes can be performed for both the current POS outlet or another organization locations directly through the POS application. Use stocktake to check for inventory discrepancies at your Cin7 Core locations.
Go to Menu → Inventory → Stocktake. This page will show all stocktakes created from this outlet. From the top right you can search for a stocktake or stocktakes transfers by Draft, In Progress, Completed or Canceled status.
Click New stocktake to start a new stocktake.
Select the Outlet and an expense Account.
Filter the stocktake products by Category, Brand or Tag if required.
IMPORTANT NOTE: All filters define list of products that will be in the stocktake. For example, Bin filter will look up products in that bin, then stocktake all instances of those products across the stock in the selected location. If you have the same product in multiple bins, all instances of the product will be included in the stocktake, not just the products found in the filtered bin.
Enable Lock Products to stop purchases, selling or transfers from the stocktake location until the stocktake is completed. Enable Show On Hand to display on hand quantities during the stocktake.
Click Add to add the stocktake to the list. This does not start the stocktake yet.
From the stocktake screen, click the new entry and then OK to start the stocktake.
Click the entry again to fill in the stocktake quantities. Quantities can be entered manually or via scanning item barcodes.
When the stocktake, click Complete to finish.
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