Customize RMA portal appearance
Customize how your RMA portal appears to your customers. Cin7 Core allows you to upload a company logo, change the website's colors to match your branding, add social media links, and more to make your portal more unique.
RMA portal must be included in or added to your subscription.
Upload a logo
The portal shows your company logo. Uploading a logo is a mandatory step before customers can start using your portal. This can be edited from the Appearance tab of your RMA portal settings (Integration → Cin7 Core RMA Portal).
Click Browse and choose a file to upload. Maximum image height is 72 pixels, but logos will be resized automatically. Logo width is only limited by the width of the screen.
Click Save to complete.
Configure Portal colors
In this section, you can further customize the appearance of your Portal by changing the color scheme to match your branding. This can be edited from the Appearance tab of your RMA portal settings (Integration → Cin7 Core RMA Portal). To change the color scheme, click an option, then either enter the color's hexadecimal code or choose a color from the palette.
Copy appearance from B2B Portal
If your organization has one or more active B2B Portals, the appearance of this portal can be copied to your RMA Portal to easily keep your brand identity consistent. This can be selected from the Appearance tab of your RMA portal settings (Integration → Cin7 Core RMA Portal).
A dropdown field will allow you to choose Custom appearance, or the appearance of any of the organization's active or B2B Portals.
When a B2B Portal appearance is selected, the color fields will no longer be editable. Updates to B2B Portal appearance will automatically be mirrored in the RMA Portal.
Add or edit slogan
Cin7 Core allows you to change the slogan which appears on the login screen. This can be edited from the Appearance tab of your RMA portal settings (Integration → Cin7 Core RMA Portal).
Scroll down to Slogan to edit and format the text, then save your changes. This can be left blank but cannot be deleted.
Add and edit content pages
In this section, you can manage various information pages you would like to include in the footer of your portal, such as a privacy policy, FAQ, etc. This can be edited from the Content pages tab of your RMA portal settings (Integration → Cin7 Core RMA Portal).
By default, some content pages are already available and can be customized from this tab. Log in Information displayed on the login screen can also be edited from this page. This cannot be deleted but can be left blank. Slogan, which also appears on the log in screen, is edited from the Appearance section.
Select a content page from the list, add and format the text, table or image content using the HTML Editor (< > symbol). You can copy and paste content from an existing website or edit directly in the editor. Save your changes when you are done.
Add a new content page to the footer by clicking + New page. Enter a title for the new content page and begin creating/formatting the text, table or image content using the HTML Editor (< > symbol).
Delete a content page from the footer by clicking the X next to a content page. This action cannot be reversed once you have saved your changes.
Add social media links
You can add links to your social media channels to your portal to make it easier for customers to find your content. These will be displayed at the very bottom of the Portal page.
Add social media links from the General of your RMA portal settings (Integration → Cin7 Core RMA Portal), then scroll to Social media links. Add the full URL of your social media channels and save your changes.
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