Manage the B2B product catalog
List products from your inventory on your B2B portal so that customers can buy them. Each portal can display a specific catalog of products; for example, if you maintain multiple brands, you may consider publishing products from a specific brand to a particular B2B portal associated with this brand. Products must already be created in Cin7 Core before they can be listed to your B2B portal. Product details - name, SKU, price, etc. are all taken from the product's record.
B2B portal must be included in or added to your subscription.
Set up products
Configure B2B portal settings - many settings affect what information is shown to customers in the catalog
Access the catalog
Access the catalog by going to Integration → Cin7 Core B2B Portal and selecting the Catalog section. If you have not previously created a portal, you will be greeted by an empty Overview page. You may have several portals for different customers, each with different lists of products to sell. Each B2B portal requires a B2B portal license added to your base subscription.
The catalog page shows product name, SKU, category, price, listed/unlisted status, quantity available and quantity on order (for the Portal Location selected in the General Settings.)
List items
Listing items on the B2B portal makes them available for your customers to buy. Products must already be created in Cin7 Core before they can be listed to your B2B portal. Product details - name, SKU, price, etc. are all taken from the product's record.
In the Catalog section, search for the product or products to list. You can also filter the inventory list products by Category, Family, Product Tag or Brand. If no filters are applied, all items in your inventory will be listed.
You can optionally add a minimum or maximum order quantity for the listed products. This will apply to all filtered products listed.
Click List to publish the products and make them available for purchase on the B2B portal.
Click Save. Repeat the procedure to list other products.
Unlist items
Unlisting items removes them from your B2B portal and makes them unavailable for customers to select. Unlisting an item from the catalog does not delete the item in Cin7 Core.
Go to the Catalog tab. This will display all of the products in your inventory, both listed and unlisted.
Search for the product to delist. You can also filter the inventory list products by Category, Family, Product Tag or Brand. If no filters are applied, all items in your inventory will be listed.
Click Unlist to remove the products from the B2B portal and make them available for purchase.
Click Save. Repeat the procedure to unlist other products.
Set minimum or maximum order quantity for a product
The catalog page allows you to set a minimum and/or maximum order quantity when you list a product. Search or filter for the products to list with a minimum and/or maximum order quantity. Enter a number in the Minimum to Order field and Maximum to Order field and click List. Unlisted items will be listed with the min/max order quantity.
Note: Quantity can be decimal and less than one.
To change the minimum or maximum to order quantity for a product, unlist the item, change the Minimum to order/Maximum to order value, then List it again.
NOTE: You can set a minimum/maximum order amount from your portal's General Settings
NOTE: Enable/disable display of minimum/maximum product limits from your portal's Advanced Settings
Show or hide available quantity to customers
This setting allows you to show or hide product availability from customers. It can be found in the General settings of the General tab of your B2B portal settings.
Show available quantity lets you choose from three (3) options for showing remaining available item quantities to customers:
Hide – the available quantity will not be shown.
In/out of stock – the actual quantity will not be shown. Customers will only see whether a product is in or out of stock.
Show Quantity – the available quantity for the product will be shown.
Out of stock items
You can choose to allow your customers to view and order out of stock items. By default, this function is disabled and out of stock items will not be shown in the product catalog, even if they have been listed. Customers will not be able to order out of stock items.
Allow viewing and ordering of out of stock items by enabling the Allow backorders setting, or by enabling the Show out of stock items setting when backorder is disabled. These are found under General → Advanced Settings.
When this setting is enabled, out of stock products will be listed on the product catalog with status Coming soon (if on order) or Out of stock (if not). Completing an order for an out of stock product will initiate a backorder. See Backorders for more information on the backorder function.
Enable or disable backorder for products
You can choose to enable backorder for your whole catalog, or enable/disable backorder for individual products. This will allow customers to order out of stock items and will display to customers which products are out of stock.
Enable backorder for your entire catalog, a group of items, or a single product at a time.
Whole catalog:Enable Allow backorder for your whole catalog from General → Advanced Settings.
One product: On the Catalog page, the backorder slider enables/disables backorder for one product at a time. Click List to update the product in the portal.
Multiple products: Use the filters to search for the group of products you wish to update. Click More options → Enable backorder /Disable backorder to enable or disable backorder for all items shown in the table.
Displaying prices, taxes, discounts and deals
Cin7 Core allows you to customize the display of prices, taxes, and discounts using the Advanced Settings, found on the General tab.
If the Show Price Before Discount setting is active (under General → Advanced Settings of the B2B portal), the original price will be displayed next to the discount price for the item. If the setting is inactive, only the discounted price will be visible to users.
If the Show potential deal information in shopping cart page is active (under General → Advanced Settings of the B2B portal), the user will be notified at the shopping cart if they can unlock a better deal by purchasing more items. See Product Deals for detailed instructions for how to set up Product Deals.
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