Synchronizing Cin7 Core and Avalara

Synchronizing Cin7 Core and Avalara

Synchronize sales orders in Cin7 Core can with Avalara. Any updates to sales orders in Cin7 Core mean that data in Avalara related to these orders are also updated during synchronization. Sync can be manual or automatic.

Synchronization causes authorized invoices in Cin7 Core to create committed sale transactions in Avalara. When you create, change, undo, or void an invoice in Cin7 Core, the corresponding committed transactions will be created, updated, or deleted in Avalara. Committed transactions in Avalara are generated for all authorized invoices in Cin7 Core that have not been uploaded to Avalara or have been edited since the last synchronization.

NOTE: Avalara calculates taxes for Cin7 Core sales a sale quote, order, and is authorized (credit notes use taxes from the original sale), as long as Avalara is enabled. This does not require any additional synchronization.


  • You must be integrated with Avalara

  • Report to tax authority must be turned on in your integration settings

Sync manually

Sync transactions with Avalara manually at any time.

  1. Go to Integrations → Avalara.

  2. Open the Sync options tab.

  3. Click Sync now.

Configure auto synchronization and alerts

Choose an auto sync frequency and start time, and decide how to receive alerts if there are synchronization errors.

  1. Go to Integrations → Avalara.

  2. Open the Sync options tab.

  3. Go to Autosync and alerts.

  4. Enable Auto synchronization.

  5. Select a start date and start time to perform the first auto sync.

  6. Select a Sync frequency.

  7. Select how to be alerted when synchronization errors happen; internally via the Cin7 Core notification system or via email to a mailing list.

View sync history

View transactions which are waiting to sync or have already been synced to Avalara. Transactions which cannot be synced due to an error will display the error here.

  1. Go to Integrations → Avalara.

  2. Open the Sync options tab.

  3. Go to Sync history.

  4. You can filter the list by status (Pending, Success, Failed, Skipped or Completed). You can also use the Search box to perform a search by sale number or customer name. The status, date, sale order number, and error/comments of each sale task on the list are shown. Clicking Refresh updates the list with the latest data from Cin7 Core.

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