Production BOM versions

Production BOM versions

The same product can be produced in different ways. For example, a widget can be fully produced in house, produced through a co-manufacturer, or using different components and resources. You can define multiple production processes for the same finished product with production BOM versions.


  • Advanced Manufacturing must be included in or added on to your subscription.

  • You should have created at least one production BOM.

Add a new BOM version

New BOM versions use a previous BOM version as a base.

  1. Open a product's record and go to the Production BOM section.

  2. Click Add BOM version to create a new version for the finished product. This will clone the production BOM from the current version.

  3. Next, you can make any required changes to the production process, resources, and components.

  4. Click Save to keep the version.


View BOM versions and set default

Select a Version from the dropdown menu to see its production BOM.

View BOM version history from the Versions section. This page shows the date that each version was created and allows you to name the versions.

Select the default BOM version by checking the box next to the version. The default version of the production BOM is used when a production order is auto-generated, e.g. from a sales order.

Select BOM version for production order

You can select a production BOM version whenever you manually create a production order. Version can be selected while production order has Draft or Planned status. Simply select a version from the dropdown menu when creating a new production order, then Load BOM to load that version of the BOM.

NOTE: If a production order is auto-generated, for example as result of a sale, Cin7 Core will use the default BOM version.

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