Backorder for ecommerce channels
You can allow sales of items in your sales channels that are not currently in stock with backorder. You can enable backorder for the entire channel, or only for some items in the channel.
Pick, pack, and ship processing mode must not be Load data from [sales channel]
Capture order when it is must be Created or Paid.
Allow backorder for the sales channel
Backorder settings for the whole channel are controlled from your sales channel integration.
Go to the Setup section of the sales channel integration.
Enable Allow users to purchase out of stock items. This setting allows you to sell products through your sales channel even when you do not have the product in stock. You will be able to enable or disable backorder for specific products later.
You will need to list or update products to apply a change in backorder settings.
Disable backorder for a product
You can disable or re-enable backorder for individual products in the sales channel. You must have already allowed backorder for the sales channel before you can do this.
Go to the Catalog section of your sales channel integration.
Click on a listed or unlisted item to open a pop-up window.
Turn off Allow backorder.
Save and Close to continue.
Update or List the product for to apply the backorder setting change in the sales channel.
Disable backorder for multiple products
You can disable or re-enable backorder for multiple products at once. You must have already allowed backorder for the sales channel before you can do this.
Go to the Bulk listing section of your sales channel integration.
Use the search box and filter options to filter for the required products.
Select Don't allow from the dropdown field for Allow backorder. You can also re-enable backorder for products, or make sure that existing backorder settings stay the same.
Click List to update the filtered products.
Process backorders
When a customer buys an out-of-stock product through your sales channel, the order will be captured according to your sales channel order capture settings.
Cin7 Core downloads the order and processes the order into a sale.
As there is not enough stock to pick the order, Pick cannot be authorized, regardless of your Pick, pack, and ship processing mode settings.
You will need to manually pick, pack, and ship the order when the ordered items are back in stock. This completes the sale.