Fixed Asset Overview

Fixed Asset Overview

This shows an overview of the organisation’s fixed assets, including active, disposed (fully depreciated) and inactive assets. Use this report to see an overview of fixed assets current book value, purchase value, and depreciation information.

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Asset Listing

The Asset Listing is a table showing the purchase value, book value, and quantity of your fixed assets.

  • Active displays registered assets that are not fully depreciated.

  • Disposed displays fully depreciated assets.

  • Inactive displays unregistered assets regardless of depreciation status.

Active Assets by Category

Active Assets by Category shows active assets segmented by their Fixed Asset Type. Assets are shown based on acquisition value, not current book value.


Latest Activity Dates

This section shows the latest asset activity dates - last asset purchase date and last depreciation date are displayed.

Investment by Remaining Life

This section shows how much time assets have left before becoming fully depreciated. The pie chart is split into Short (0-2 years), Mid (3-5 years), Long (5-11 years), and Extended (11+ years). The chart is split according to asset value.

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