In-App Messaging

In-App Messaging

Cin7 Core has a feature that allows users to send and receive messages to and from other users and groups of users within your organisation. To use this feature, you must enable Chat in Settings → General Settings.


You can then click the In-App Messaging icon on the Cin7 Core header to open the Messaging window. From here, you can perform the following:


The In-App Messaging icon on the menu shows the number of unread messages, if any, in your queue. You can read the messages on the Messaging window.

The number of unread messages also appears on the browser tab.

Note: The message history section on the Messaging window contains a record of all messages exchanged between users.

Send a Message to Another User

The In-App Messaging feature allows you to send messages to other users belonging to your organisation.

  1. On the Messaging window, select a user from the list.

  2. Enter your message on the box at the bottom, then click the Send button or press Enter on your keyboard.

Create a Chat Group

The In-App Messaging feature allows messages to be sent to several users at once through a Chat Group.  Before sending a group message, you must first create a chat group.

  1. On the Messaging window, click New Group.

  2. Enter a name for the group, then click Add Users.

  3. Select the users to add to the group from the list.

Send a Group Message

Once you have created a chat group (see To Create a Chat Group), you can send a message to the group at anytime.

  1. On the Messaging window, select a group from the list.

  2. Enter your message on the box at the bottom, then click the Send button or press Enter on your keyboard.

Add a User to an Existing Chat Group

You can add another user to an existing chat group at any time.

  1. On the Messaging window, select the chat group to which the user will be added from the list.

  2. Select the users to add to the group from the list.

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