Managing workflow automation
Automate events and actions for your sales, purchase, and CRM processes in Cin7 Core with the Automation module. You can also use task to set up (non-automated) workflows, sending notifications to staff members when conditions are met or an event completes, for supplier, customer, credit note, assembly or disassembly operations.
Upgrade subscription to enable Automation Module (required)
Familiarity with the Automation Module (required)
Set up mailing lists (required)
User will need full access to Automation and Automation - Workflow permissions
Setting up a new workflow
The typical workflow consists of parameters and conditions, events and actions. Parameters and conditions must be met before an event and a subsequent action are triggered. Workflows in Cin7 Core are set up in Settings → Automation → Workflow.
Add a workflow parameter and condition
The first step in the workflow configuration is to add a parameter and condition to the workflow.
From the menu, click Settings → Automation → Workflow.
On the Workflow list page, click Add new workflow.
On the New workflow page, enter a name for the workflow, then select the workflow type.
Click + Workflow condition. If condition is left blank, the active workflow will be triggered in all cases.
This will activate a sidebar where you can add conditions and parameters. Select the parameter name and condition from the appropriate lists. Each parameter has a given set of applicable conditions. For more information, see Table 1a (Sale), Table 1b (Purchase), Table 1c (Lead), and Table 1d (Opportunity). Enter the value of the parameter if applicable.
Multiple conditions are supported. Click + Condition, select the appropriate join condition (And / Or) from the list, then add the other parameter following Steps 5-7.
Once all parameters are set up, click Done to return to the main workflow.
Back on the New workflow page, to activate the workflow, toggle the Workflow button to Active.
Click Save. With the condition set up, you can now add an event to the workflow. For more information, see the next section, Add an event and event action.
Table 1a. Sale parameters and conditions
The list of Sale parameters and the applicable conditions under each parameter is shown in Table 1a.
Parameter |
Condition |
Comments |
Equals, contains, does not contain, empty, not empty |
Customer billing address |
Equals, contains, does not contain, empty, not empty |
Customer name |
Equals, contains, does not contain, empty, not empty |
Customer shipping address |
Equals, contains, does not contain, empty, not empty |
Invoice total |
Equals, greater than, less than, greater than or equal to, less than or equal to, not equal to |
Order payment |
Equals, greater than, less than, greater than or equal to, less than or equal to, not equal to |
Order refund |
Equals, greater than, less than, greater than or equal to, less than or equal to, not equal to |
Order status |
Equals |
Product SKU: Name |
Equals, contains, does not contain, one of |
Product tag |
Equals, contains, does not contain, empty, not empty |
Sale location |
Equals, contains, does not contain, one of |
Sales representative |
Equals, contains, does not contain, empty, not empty, one of |
Quote total |
Equals, greater than, less than, greater than or equal to, less than or equal to, not equal to |
Sales channel |
Equals, contains, does not contain, empty, not empty |
Reference | Equals, contains, does not contain, empty, not empty |
Sale process attribute set (values taken from Settings→General Settings→Sale process customization) |
For attributes and attribute sets, the condition depends on the attribute type. |
Customer attribute set (values taken from Sale→Customer→[selected supplier]) |
For attributes and attribute sets, the condition depends on the attribute type. |
Table 1b. Purchase parameters and conditions
The list of Purchase parameters and the applicable conditions under each parameter is shown in Table 1b.
Parameter |
Condition |
Comments |
Equals, contains, does not contain, empty, not empty |
Location |
Equals, contains, does not contain, one of |
Order payment |
Equals, greater than, less than, greater than or equal to, less than or equal to, not equal to |
Order refund |
Equals, greater than, less than, greater than or equal to, less than or equal to, not equal to |
Product SKU: Name |
Equals, contains, does not contain, one of |
Product tag |
Equals, contains, does not contain, empty, not empty |
Purchase invoice total |
Equals, greater than, less than, greater than or equal to, less than or equal to, not equal to |
Purchase order total |
Equals, greater than, less than, greater than or equal to, less than or equal to, not equal to |
Purchase paid |
Equals, not equal to |
Supplier name |
Equals, contains, does not contain, one of |
Supplier shipping address |
Equals, contains, does not contain, empty, not empty |
Supplier billing address |
Equals, contains, does not contain, empty, not empty |
Supplier attribute set (values taken from Purchase→Supplier→[selected supplier]) |
For attributes and attribute sets, the condition depends on the attribute type. For example, for an attribute with checkbox type, the condition will be "Is" and the value will be an actual checkbox that you can then check or not. |
Product attribute set |
For attributes and attribute sets, the condition depends on the attribute type. For example, for an attribute with checkbox type, the condition will be "Is" and the value will be an actual checkbox that you can then check or not. |
Note: See additional attributes for more information about applying attribute sets to sale process, purchase process, customers and suppliers.
Table 1c. Lead parameters and conditions
The list of Lead parameters and the applicable conditions under each parameter is shown in Table 1c.
Parameter |
Condition |
Lead name |
Equals, contains, does not contains, empty, not empty |
Lead value |
Equals, greater than, less than, greater than or equal to, less than or equal to, not equal to |
Lead chance of close |
Equals, contains, does not contain, empty |
Lead status |
Equals, contains, does not contain |
Sales representative |
Equals, contains, does not contain, empty, not empty |
Table 1d. Opportunity parameters and conditions
The list of Opportunity parameters and the applicable conditions under each parameter is shown in Table 1d.
Parameter |
Condition |
Customer/lead name |
Equals, contains, does not contain, empty, not empty |
Opportunity total |
Equals, greater than, less than, greater than or equal to, less than or equal to, not equal to |
Customer/lead billing address |
Equals, contains, does not contains, empty, not empty |
Sales representative |
Equals, contains, does not contains, empty, not empty |
Customer/lead shipping address |
Equals, contains, does not contains, empty, not empty |
Add an event and event action
After adding a parameter and condition, you can add an event and a corresponding action to the workflow.
On the Workflow page, click +Event.
From the list, select an event to be processed by the workflow.
Select an action to be triggered by the event. To add another action to the event, click +Action. You can add multiple actions to an event. The list of events and the applicable actions under each event is shown in Table 2a (Sale), Table 2b(Purchase), and Table 2c(Leads) and Table 2d(Opportunities). In addition, some event actions may require additional configuration. Not all actions are available for all events. See the subheadings for more detail about each event action:
Next to the action text, it is possible to optionally Configure a condition. If this is left blank, the action will apply in all cases of the triggering event.
Click Save. To add another event and another set of event actions, repeat Steps 1-4. You can add as many events and event actions to the workflow as you want.
Table 2a. Sale events and event actions
Event |
Available actions |
Sale is created |
Sale quote is authorized |
Sale quote approval is received |
Sale order is authorized |
Sale invoice is authorized |
Sale payment is received |
Sale pick is authorized |
Sale pack is authorized |
Sale shipment is authorized |
Sale fulfillment is created (pick, pack or ship created but not authorized) |
Sale credit note authorized |
Sale refund is authorized |
Table 2b. Purchase events and event actions
Event |
Available aactions |
Purchase order is created |
Purchase order is authorized |
Purchase invoice authorized |
Payment is made |
Stock received is started |
Stock received is authorized |
Purchase credit note is authorized |
Purchase is refunded |
Table 2c. Lead events and event actions
Event |
Available actions |
New lead is created |
Lead status changes |
Table 2d. Opportunity events and event actions
Event |
Available actions |
Status changed to 'in progress' |
Status changed to 'awaiting approval' |
Status changed to 'won' |
Status changed to 'lost' |
The Notify action sends a notification to selected recipients without requiring a response. Notifications can be sent via email to a single recipient, to a mailing list, or via internal notification (to users of your Cin7 Core organization, e.g, a sales representative). Mailing lists must already exist before they can be selected for notifications.
You will be given the option to edit the email template or internal notification text in the side bar Configure notification or Edit configured notification. Click Supported placeholders to enter placeholder fields into the template. For emails, you can add images directly into the body of the email by using the image icon and entering an image address.
If you have selected a document for the email, you must toggle Add document as attachment on the email template editing pop-up or include a download link in the email. A PDF version of the document will be attached and sent to all recipients, or available to download from the download link.
Save to return to the workflow.
The Confirm action is available for events that require a confirmation to continue, such as confirming a sale quote before a sale order can be authorized, or a supplier confirming a purchase order, or awaiting approval of an opportunity.
The confirm action is accepted or rejected explicitly from the email generated by this action. Accepting or rejecting approval in the purchase or sale order itself will not complete the confirm action.
Confirmation requests can be sent via email to a single recipient, to a mailing list, or via internal notification (to users of your organization, e.g, Sales representative). Mailing lists must already exist before they can be selected for notifications. The confirm action can choose to wait for all users in a mailing list to confirm to complete the action, or for just one user to confirm to complete the action.
Confirm actions automatically add a response action to the workflow - for example, when a Confirm action is added to a sale quote is authorized event, a sale quote is received event is automatically added.
Configure the waiting period and select the retry count for sending reminders. If there is no response, select whether the system Skips (does nothing), Undo or Void the document.
In case of rejection, the system can be set to Undo or Void the document, or perform the Notify action.
You will be given the option to edit the email template or internal notification text. Click Supported placeholders to enter placeholder fields into the template. For emails, you can add images directly into the body of the email by using the image icon and entering an image address.
If you have selected a document for the email, you must toggle Add document as attachment on the email template editing pop-up. A PDF version of the document will be attached and sent to all recipients.
The Wait action lets a selected period of time elapse before moving on to the next action, for example, checking that a payment or refund has been made.
Log payment
The log payment action allows payment to be added to the sale or purchase invoice. You will need to select an account, the date paid will be the date the action is completed and the amount will be the invoice total.
Log refund
The log refund action allows refunds to be added to the purchase credit note. You will need to select an account, the date refunded will be the date the action is completed and the amount will be the invoice total.
Create/create and authorize
Some event actions allow creation or creation and authorization of other operations.
For example, available actions for the event Sale order is authorized are Create and authorize sale invoice and Create and authorize pick. Authorization of a sale order will automatically trigger creation and authorization of invoice and pick for the order, which can in turn trigger other actions.
For some sale events, you will have the option to create and authorize tasks that provide products for the sale, for example, Create and authorize purchase order, create and authorize assembly, create and authorize transfer.
Create and authorize purchase order: An authorized purchase order will be created for the sale order quantity regardless of stock available, to the sale location. Supplier can be selected here. To take stock levels into account, use Create purchase order for out of stock items action instead.
Create and authorize assembly: An authorized assembly order will be created for any products with an assembly BOM. The assembly order quantity is the sale order quantity regardless of stock available. The assembly order will use default values for WIP account.
Create and authorize transfer: A transfer order with status ordered will be created for the sale order quantity, to the sale location. From location can be selected here.
No other configuration is required.
Create purchase order for out of stock items
This option allows the creation of backorder purchase orders. There are two options for selecting a supplier:
Single purchase: Core will try and create one purchase or all products in the order. If no common supplier is found, the action will be skipped and generate a warning message.
Multiple purchases: Group products by latest supplier and create several purchases.
This setting works best with filtering by either customer or location.
Assign picker
Assign picker assigns a specific picker to picking the sale, which can be selected here.
Mark sale as closed
The Mark sale as closed action closes the sale, no further configuration is required.
Create task
The Create task action creates a task for one of your organization's users once an event has been triggered. You can configure the task details in the sidebar – you can select which user to assign the task to, the time period and add a description. The user will receive an email notification about the task.
Start task workflow
Task workflows can assign tasks or steps that may be required to successfully complete an operation to different roles in your organization. Roles could be sales reps, accounting department, warehouse staff, marketing, and management. This action allows you a workflow event to trigger a previously created task workflow.
See Tasks module: Using notifications and tasks to create workflows for more information on setting up these task workflows.
Convert to sale quote
This action converts a sale opportunity into a sale quote. See Opportunities for more information.
Set sale property
Set sale property action allows a user to set values for sale order fields. Multiple properties can be set at once using the sidebar configuration.
Set purchase property
Set purchase property action allows a user to set values for purchase order fields. Multiple properties can be set at once using the sidebar configuration.
Convert to advanced
Convert to advanced allows the converting of a simple purchase into an advanced purchase, or a simple sale into an advanced sale. This action is only applicable to simple purchases or sales. For drop shop purchase, blind receipts, advanced purchase/sale orders the action is skipped.
Activating/deactivating a workflow
To activate a workflow, switch the toggle button to Active on the Workflow page.
To deactivate a workflow, switch the toggle button to Inactive on the Workflow page.
Editing an existing workflow
You can edit active workflows, but your changes will not affect previously executed actions.
Edit a workflow:
From the menu, click Settings → Automation → Workflow.
On the Workflow List page, in the list of workflows, look for the workflow to be edited, then click its name.
You may add and edit conditions, events and event actions following the procedures in setting up a new workflow. To delete an existing parameter and condition or an event and event action, see Delete parameters, conditions, events, and event actions.
After making your changes to the workflow, click Save.
Delete parameters, conditions, events, and event actions
When editing a workflow, you can delete parameters, conditions, events, and event actions.
From the menu, click Settings → Automation → Workflow.
On the Workflow List page, in the list of workflows, look for the workflow to be edited, then click its name.
To delete a parameter and condition from the workflow, click the workflow's existing condition, then on the Set up conditions window, look for the parameter to be deleted, then click the Delete icon to its right.
To delete an event, click the Delete icon to its right. This deletes all actions under the event.
To delete an action, click the Delete icon to its right.On the confirmation message, click Yes, delete it!.
Deleting an existing workflow
You can delete an existing workflow in case you do not need it anymore.
Delete a workflow:
From the menu, click Settings → Automation → Workflow.
On the Workflow List page, click the Delete icon to the left of the workflow to be deleted.
On the confirmation message, click Yes, delete it! to delete the workflow.
Sample workflows
Example sales workflow
This workflow automatically takes any sale from quote estimating to sale closing.
Note: If no conditions are applied to a workflow, the workflow will apply to all sales.
First, create the workflow:
From the menu, click Settings → Automation → Workflow.
On the workflow list page, click Add new workflow.
Select Type: Sale and enter a name for the workflow. Set workflow to Active. Save the workflow to continue.
As we want this workflow to apply to all sales, no conditions are configured.
Next, add the event that will trigger the workflow. In our case, this will be a quote authorization.
Select Sale quote is authorized from the list of events. We want to send the quote to the customer for approval. If a rejection is received, the quote will be voided. If the quote is approved, the sale order is authorized. These actions can be edited in the sidebar.
Selecting the Confirm action automatically adds the Sale quote approval is received event to the workflow, and we can add the action Authorize order.
Next, we want the sale order authorization to trigger the creation and authorization of the sale invoice and pick. Click Add event and select Sale order is authorized from the list of events.
At this stage, the sales rep should be notified.
Our next event should be Sale invoice is authorized, which will be triggered by the previous event. We need to send a copy of the invoice to the customer and to the accounting department.
We also add a Wait action which waits 1 week before checking if the invoice has been paid.
Payment action that checks if the payment has been made in full, and sends a reminder to the customer if the balance has not yet been paid.
Our next event, Sale pick is authorized, will be automatically triggered by the sale order authorized event. In our warehouse, pick and pack happen together, so this event should automatically trigger sale pack authorization. The warehouse staff are notified and sent the pick list.
Our last event will be Sale shipment is authorized. Upon authorization, we want to mark the sale as closed and send the customer an email notification that the package has been dispatched.
One week later, we send a follow up email to the customer to check in.
Example purchase workflow
This workflow automates the notifications for purchases above a certain value. We want to make sure purchase orders above a certain value are approved by the procurement department before ordering.
Note: If no conditions are applied to a workflow, the workflow will apply to all purchases.
First, create the workflow:
From the menu, click Settings → Automation → Workflow.
On the workflow list page, click Add new workflow.
Select Type: Purchase and enter a name for the workflow. Set workflow to Active. Save the workflow to continue.
We want the workflow to apply to orders over $3000. Click + Workflow condition to add conditions in the sidebar.
We set our parameter to purchase order total > $3000, and click Done to continue.
Next, add the event that will trigger the workflow. In our case, this will be a purchase order authorization.
Click Add event, then select purchase order is authorized from the list of events. We want to send the PO to the procurement department for approval. If no response is received, the workflow takes action Skip and goes directly to the next event. If the PO is rejected, the department user will be notified of the rejected PO.
Selecting the Confirm action automatically adds the Purchase order is approvedevent to the workflow. If the PO is approved, we add a Notify action sending an email with attached PO to the supplier.
Next, we add the event Purchase invoice is authorized. When we receive the supplier's invoice and authorize it in Cin7 Core, the workflow sends a notification to the finance department.
Sample lead workflow
In this workflow, we want to make sure a senior sales representative receives a notification if potential leads of above a certain amount are at risk of being lost.
Note: If no conditions are applied to a workflow, the workflow will apply to all leads.
First, create the workflow:
From the menu, click Settings → Automation → Workflow.
On the workflow list page, click Add new workflow.
Select Type: Leads and enter a name for the workflow. Set workflow to Active. Save the workflow to continue.
We want the workflow to apply to leads over $5000. Click + Workflow condition to add new conditions in the sidebar.
We set our parameter to Lead total >= $5000, and click OK to continue. We Add another condition, and set Lead chance of close <= 50. The Join condition in this case is And. Click Done to continue.
Save the workflow to enable adding events. Next, add the event that will trigger the workflow. In our case, this will be the creation of a new lead.
Select Create new lead from the list of events. We want to Notify the customer success team via email that a lead is at risk of being lost. You will need to configure the email notification and save to continue.
Next, we add another event to Create task. This creates a lead troubleshooting task for the selected user.
Sample opportunity workflow
This workflow automates converting opportunities with status Won to sales quotes. When an opportunity is converted, the workflow will notify the customer success team.
Note: If no conditions are applied to a workflow, the workflow will apply to all opportunities.
First, create the workflow:
From the menu, click Settings → Automation → Workflow.
On the workflow list page, click Add new workflow.
Select Type: Opportunity and enter a name for the workflow. Set workflow to Active. Save the workflow to continue.
We want the workflow to apply to all opportunities. To do this, apply no conditions to the workflow.
Save the workflow to enable adding events. Next, add the event that will trigger the workflow. In our case, this will be the creation of a new lead.
Select Status changed to "won" from the list of events and add the action Convert to sale quote.
Next, we add another action to Notify the customer success team via email about the conversion. Configure the email notification and save to complete the workflow.