Product Prices By Supplier

Product Prices By Supplier

This report shows the latest price and fixed price (if applicable) for every supplier/product combination. Prices are shown in the supplier currency. It also shows supplier SKUs and whether dropshipping is enabled. This report allows for editing of data via CSV export/import. This report cannot be customised and there are no inputs to the report.

The following information is shown:


Product SKU


Product category


The name of the supplier

Supplier SKU

Product SKU as specified by the supplier

Supplier Product Name

Product Name as specified by the supplier


URL of the web page describing the product on the supplier's web site

Latest Price

Latest Price of the product excluding discount from the most recent purchase invoice of the supplier

Fixed Price

Fixed Price of the product defined by the supplier

Drop Ship

Drop shipment provided by the supplier (Yes/No)


This report allows importing/exporting product prices by the supplier via CSV.


I need to see sales for a certain period - by supplier - with fixed price visible. Is this possible?

Unfortunately, the data you required cannot be viewed in a single report. We advise to utilise two reports such as Sales By Product Details (shows quantities, profit and additional financial summary for sales by product) and Product Prices by Supplier Report (shows the most recent and fixed prices from every supplier/product combination) and combine in Excel with VLOOKUP.

Can I insert purchase prices per supplier on a price list?

If you want to add Purchase Price per Supplier on the Price List report, combine Product Prices by Supplier report to the Price List report using Excel and VLOOKUP.

Still no answer to your question? Please do not hesitate to get in touch with Cin7 Core support.

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