Product Segmentation

Product Segmentation

Cin7 Core offers several ways to segment and group your products and services. These segmentation options can be used to filter your inventory, for example, when printing a price list, doing a stocktake or stock transfer, or preparing to list products on a sales channel.




Products can only belong to one category at a time; for additional segmentation, you can use Product Tags. Category is a mandatory field when creating a new product or service. Add and manage categories by going to Settings → Reference Books → Stock → Categories. You can also add new categories from the product creation screen. Users will need the Settings: Stock - Product Categories permission to add or edit brands.



Only one brand can be assigned to a product at a time. For additional segmentation, you can use Product Tags. Add and manage categories by going to Settings → Reference Books → Stock → Brands. You can also add new brands from the product creation screen. Users will need the Settings: Stock - Brands permission to add or edit brands.


You can add as many tags to a product as you want. This is useful when a product or service could belong in multiple categories. Product tags are added in the product details screen (Inventory → Products → [selected product]). Type the product tag names separated by commas. As you type, a field will appear showing previously created product tags which you can select. Users will need the Inventory: Products & Families permission to add or tags for a product.


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