The ProductFamilies resource allows Product Families to be listed, viewed, create and modified. Here are some examples URIs:
/ProductFamilies/E6E8163F-6911-40e9-B740-90E5A0A3A996 - returns details of a particular product family;
/ProductFamilies?page=2 - returns the second page of 100 Product Families;
/ProductFamilies - returns the first 100 Product Families because page number 1 is the default;
/ProductFamilies?page=2&limit=500 - returns the second page of 500 Product Families; i.e. the 501st to 1000th Product Families;
/ProductFamilies?name=ABC - returns the first page of 100 Product Families with name starting with ABC;
/ProductFamilies?sku=ABC - returns the first page of 100 Product Families with sku starting with ABC;
The full range of URIs and HTTP Verbs supported are:
Operation | HTTP Action |
List of paginated Product Families | GET /ProductFamilies?page={pageNumber} |
View any Product Family | GET /ProductFamilies/{id} |
Create new Product Family | POST /ProductFamilies |
Update existing Product Family | PUT /ProductFamilies |
These filters can be used with the GET ProductFamilies endpoint:
Filter | Description |
limit | Specifies the page size for pagination. Default page size is 100 ProductFamilies. |
name | Only return ProductFamilies that start with the specific product name |
sku | Only return ProductFamilies that have this specific sku |
modifiedSince | Only return ProductFamilies modified since a specified date (UTC time) |
Filters are used by adding the filter and value to the URI: /ProductFamilies?sku=ABC
Available Fields for ProductFamily:
Property | Type | Length | Required | Notes |
Products | Array of Products | Min 1 element | Yes | List of Products included in the Family. See description below. |
ID | Guid |
| Unique ID. Required for PUT request |
SKU | String | 45 | Yes | Must be unique. Product Family SKU, used to generate Product SKUs |
Name | String | 256 | Yes | Product Family name, used to generate Product names |
Category | String | 256 | Yes | Category name |
Brand | String | 256 |
| Brand name |
CostingMethod | String |
| Yes | Valid values: “FIFO”, “Special - Batch”, “Special - Serial Number”, “FIFO - Serial Number”, “FIFO - Batch”, “FEFO - Batch”, “FEFO - Serial Number” |
DefaultLocation | String | 256 | Yes | Name of the default Location for product family. (Location with this name must exist in Locations reference book) |
UOM | String | 50 | Yes | Unit of Measure (Unit of measure with this name must exist in Units of measure reference book) |
MinimumBeforeReorder | Decimal Nullable |
| Minimum available product quantity for this product to appear on Reorder report/forms. Defaults to 0 |
ReorderQuantity | Decimal Nullable |
| Default quantity to put into purchase order when reordering this product. Not applicable to reorder backordered form. Defaults to 0 |
PriceTier1 | Decimal |
| Product Sale Price used when Price Tier 1 is selected in Sale Task. Up to 4 decimal places |
PriceTier2 | Decimal |
| Product Sale Price used when Price Tier 2 is selected in Sale Task. Up to 4 decimal places. |
PriceTier3 | Decimal |
| Product Sale Price used when Price Tier 3 is selected in Sale Task. Up to 4 decimal places. |
PriceTier4 | Decimal |
| Product Sale Price used when Price Tier 4 is selected in Sale Task. Up to 4 decimal places. |
PriceTier5 | Decimal |
| Product Sale Price used when Price Tier 5 is selected in Sale Task. Up to 4 decimal places. |
PriceTier6 | Decimal |
| Product Sale Price used when Price Tier 6 is selected in Sale Task. Up to 4 decimal places. |
PriceTier7 | Decimal |
| Product Sale Price used when Price Tier 7 is selected in Sale Task. Up to 4 decimal places. |
PriceTier8 | Decimal |
| Product Sale Price used when Price Tier 8 is selected in Sale Task. Up to 4 decimal places. |
PriceTier9 | Decimal |
| Product Sale Price used when Price Tier 9 is selected in Sale Task. Up to 4 decimal places. |
PriceTier10 | Decimal |
| Product Sale Price used when Price Tier 10 is selected in Sale Task. Up to 4 decimal places. |
Description | String | Unlimited |
| Multiline description of the product |
AttributeSet | String | 50 |
| Name of the product’s additional attribute set. Ignored when current Cin7 Core Subscription plan is Small or Medium. (AttributeSet with this name must exist in Additional Attribute Sets reference book) |
DiscountRule | String | 128 |
| Valid discount name (discount with this name must exist in Product Discounts reference book and should be active) |
Tags | String | 256 |
| Comma delimited list of custom tags |
COGSAccount | String | 50 |
| Account code of an active EXPENSE class account from Chart Of Accounts. |
RevenueAccount | String | 50 |
| Account code of an active REVENUE class account from Chart Of Accounts |
InventoryAccount | String | 50 |
| Account code of an active ASSET class account from Chart Of Accounts with Type not equal to FIXED or BANK. |
PurchaseTaxRule | String | 50 |
| Tax rule used for this product in Purchases. Tax Rule with this name must exist in Taxation Rules reference book and should be Active and have For Purchases flag set to “true” in API |
SaleTaxRule | String | 50 |
| Tax rule used for this product in Sales. Tax Rule with this name must exist in Taxation Rules reference book and should be Active and have For Sales flag set to “true” in API |
DropShipMode | String |
| One of these values: “No Drop Ship”, “Optional Drop-Ship”, “Always Drop-Ship”. Default value is “No Drop-Ship” |
Option1Name | String | 50 | Yes | Family Option 1 name. I.e. Size, Colour, etc. Defaults to Option 1 |
Option2Name | String | 50 |
| Family Option 2 name. I.e. Size, Colour, etc. Defaults to Option 2 |
Option3Name | String | 50 |
| Family Option 3 name. I.e. Size, Colour, etc. Defaults to Option 3 |
Option1Values | String |
| Comma-delimited list of all possible values for Option 1. Combination of unique values of Option 1 Value for product family products. |
Option2Values | String |
| Comma-delimited list of all possible values for Option 2. Combination of unique values of Option 2 Value for product family products. |
Option3Values | String |
| Comma-delimited list of all possible values for Option 3. Combination of unique values of Option 3 Value for product family products. |
LastModifiedOn | Nullable DateTime |
| UTC Time |
Property | Type | Length | Required | Notes |
ID | Guid |
| Yes | Unique Product ID |
SKU | String | 50 |
| Must be unique across all products. Ignored in POST and PUT |
Name | String | 256 |
| Product variation name. Ignored in POST and PUT |
Option1 | String | 256 | Yes | The value that corresponds to the Option 1. Should be included in Option1Values |
Option2 | String | 256 |
| The value that corresponds to the Option 2. Should be included in Option2Values. Should be empty if Option 2 wasn’t set. |
Option3 | String | 256 |
| The value that corresponds to the Option 3. Should be included in Option3Values. Should be empty if Option 3 wasn’t set. |
Create new Product Family
To create new Product Family you need to send POST request to ProductFamilies endpoint with ProductFamily structure (see above) as payload.
Product Family creation details
The following properties of the ProductFamily are read-only for POST request. If any of these properties are included in the request, it will be ignored.
The properties marked “Required” are required for POST request. The request won’t be fulfilled unless these properties are valid.
If any optional field was not provided in payload Cin7 Core will set it to default value (if field has it). If there is no default value specified Cin7 Core will leave it empty.
If any optional field was not provided in payload Cin7 Core will set it to default value (if field has it). If there is no default value specified Cin7 Core will leave it empty.
POST /ProductFamilies
"Products": [
"ID": "0f4b6d4e-a411-40a9-9fd0-b147744e42eb",
"Option1": "Ultimate"
"Name": "[Test] product family for testing",
"Category": "Accessories",
"CostingMethod": "FIFO",
"UOM": "Item",
"MinimumBeforeReorder": 0,
"ReorderQuantity": 0,
"PriceTier1": 29,
"PriceTier2": 0,
"PriceTier3": 0,
"PriceTier4": 0,
"PriceTier5": 0,
"PriceTier6": 0,
"PriceTier7": 0,
"PriceTier8": 0,
"PriceTier9": 0,
"PriceTier10": 0,
"Description": "Test description",
"DropShipMode": "No Drop Ship",
"Option1Name": "Test option",
"Option1Values": "Ultimate"
Return value
In case if no errors occurred you will receive response with newly created ProductFamily structure, otherwise you will receive response with error list, like this:
“Exception”:”Error explanation will be here”
“Exception”:”Product was not found”
Update existing Product Family
To update Product Family you need to send PUT request to ProductFamilies endpoint with part of ProductFamily structure as payload. You also could provide full structure’s data as payload, but in this case all not read-only fields will be updated.
Product Family update details
The following properties of the ProductFamily are read-only for PUT request. You can’t update it.
All provided fields of ProductFamily, except read-only fields will be updated.
Samples of Product Family update
Next sample will update price in PriceTier1 for Product Family
PUT /ProductFamilies {“ID”:”_some_guid_”, “PriceTier1”:”99.99”}
Update description and Tags
PUT /ProductFamilies
{“ID”:”_some_guid_”, “Description”:”new description” , “Tags”:”one,two,three,four,five”}
If you want provide products inside ProductFamilies PUT request, it will be added or updated. Delete operations are not allowed. So, it will be added to family it there are no such products were already added to product family, or it will be updated in case if these products are already were added before.
Return value
In case if no errors occurred you will receive response with updated ProductFamily structure, otherwise you will receive response with error list, like this:
“Exception”:”Error explanation will be here”
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