Production Cost Analysis Report

Production Cost Analysis Report

This report shows the number of finished goods with their costs split by the components/services used in the assembled product. The report shows both assembly products and production products. Use this report to analyse finished goods yield quantity, production cost, and cost of component products and services for a selected reporting period. Both assembly and production finished goods are shown on this report.

Note: For a more detailed breakdown off production order costs, use the Production Costs Breakdown.

By default, the report shows all finished goods that have been completed, authorized or are currently in progress. To narrow down the results, you can filter the report by either status = Authorized or status = In progress or status = Completed.

Users need the Inventory Reporting or Production Reporting permission to access this report.




Data from this report can be exported in Excel, PDF or RTF format.


Reporting Period

Allow user to select the reporting period from a list of options or set a custom date range


Set to the Default layout. Allows selection of saved layouts, if any.

Save Layout As

Allows saving of a layout for potential future use.

Reset Layout

Resets layout to the default layout or selected saved layout.


Select Apply Filter to set filter fields for the report and Update to refresh the output with any new changes. See Managing Cin7 Core Reports - Filtering Reports for more detailed information about using filters.


The following output fields are available for this report. You may have to open the Configure Layout menu to add some of them to your report.


Order #

The assembly/production order number

Completion Date

The actual completion date for Authorized tasks and expected completion date for In Progress tasks


Finished Goods task status. By default, Authorized and In Progress tasks are displayed regardless of the specified date range

Component SKU

The SKU/s of the material/s used in production


The name/s of the material/s used in production

Component Unit

The unit/s of measure of the material/s used in production


Location of the assembly

Component Batch #

The batch or serial number/s of the material/s used in production

Assembled Batch #

The batch or serial number of the assembly

Assembled Product

The name of the assembled product


The type of component used in production, i.e. Service or Material

Assembled SKU

The SKU of the assembled product

Assembled Tags

The tags associated with the assembled product

Assembled Unit

The unit of measure for the assembled product

Assembled Category

The category of the assembled product

Assembled Brand

The brand of the assembled product

Assembled Family

The family name of the assembled product


The year of the assembly completion date


The quarter of the assembly completion date


The month of the assembly completion date

Product Additional Attribute 1-10

The values of the product's additional attributes

Data Headers


The actual yield quantity of the assembled product (in multiples of SKU unit of measure).

Production Cost

The total cost, in base currency, of the assembled product, based on the quantity specified in Yield. Production Cost value is generated upon assembly completion.

Component Quantity

The total quantity of the component used in production of the assembled product

Component Cost

The total cost of the component used in production of the assembled product


The average cost for a component was tracking correctly up until the FG-0193. What could have caused this abrupt change?

The reason for the component having incorrect cost on the FG-0193 is that this component was received as a result of disassembly FG-0192. Cin7 Core distributed the cost evenly among the product lines by default. You can undo this FG after you undo FG-0193 as well and change the costs distribution manually (see Disassembly Costs). It is also possible to set these rules in the bill of materials.

Can I see a unit cost on this report?

You will have to refer to the Production Cost column and divide it by the Yield. As of now, this is the only simplest method to do so.

This report seems to cover everything except for the expiry date. Is there a reason for this?

Unfortunately this feature is not currently available. As a workaround, you can try running 2 reports, Finished Goods Analysis Report and Lot Expiry Report, then export these to Excel and use VLOOKUP to get the information you require.

Is it possible to filter Finished Goods Assembly by the effective date of in Progress?

Unfortunately this feature is not currently available.

Still no answer to your question? Please do not hesitate to get in touch with Cin7 Core support.

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