Production Shortage Report

Production Shortage Report

This report shows the quantity of components required for released and in progress production orders. This allows the user to assess which orders can be completed with the current stock allocation. Available and on order quantities of components are shown and compared to the required quantities, and displays possible shortages. The report determines possible shortages assuming that orders in progress will be picked first, and remaining orders picked in order of Required By date.

The report does NOT display definite allocation, but assumes the user will allocate components according to order priorities.

NOTE: This report considers only the components needed for Released and In Progress production orders. Production demand from sales orders or any other order is not considered.

Users can have read-only or full access to these reports with the Production Reports permission.



Data from this report can be exported in Excel, PDF or RTF format or saved to Google Drive.



Set to the Default layout. Allows selection of saved layouts, if any.

Save Layout As

Allows saving a layout for potential future use.

Reset Layout

Resets the layout to the default layout or selected saved layout.


Select Apply Filter to set filter fields for the report and Update to display the most recent data. See Managing Cin7 Core Reports - Filtering Reports for more detailed information about using filters.

Users can check Hide components without shortages to only show production orders with a shortage of at least one component, or leave unchecked to show all production orders.


The following output fields are available for this report. You may have to open the Configure Layout menu to add some of them to your report.



Product used in the production process: SKU: Component name.


Production order Status.

Production Order #

Production order number.


Shopfloor production location.


Production operationnotes.

Release Date

Release date of the production order.

Required By Date

Required by date of the production order.

Finished Product

Name of the Production BOM product: SKU: Finished Product name. This is the main finished product for which order is created.


Quantity of main finished product specified by production order.


Component product category.


Component product brand.


Unit of the component product.


Component product family.


Comma-separated tags of the component product.


Bill of material version number.

Component Additional Attribute 1-10

Values of product additional attributes.

Production order/run additional attribute 1-10

Value of additional production attributes (only visible if production order/run has additional attribute)

Data Headers


Component quantity required in production process. This is the sum of quantities for component indicated in operation/order.


Component quantity available for production process in shopfloor. See Availability for more information.

On Order

Component quantity On Order to the shopfloor location.


Component quantity shortage for production process. Shortage = Required - On Order - Available


The Production Shortage Report does not display definite allocation, but assumes the user will allocate components according to order priorities, with orders in progress being picked first, then in order of required by date. The quantities shown in the Availability column reflect this, with the available quantity allocated to production orders in order of priority. This allows users to make sure that component orders are timed most advantageously compared to production requirements.

For example, we have three finished products made from the same base component.

  • For the first order, the order with highest priority, 3758.94 units of the component are required and 6375 are available. There is no shortage.

  • For the second order, there would now be 2636.06 available (6375 - the quantity allocated to the 1st order, 3758.94). 1898.23 units are required, so there is no shortage.

  • For the third order, there would now be 737.83 available (2636.06 - the quantity allocated to the 2nd order, 1898.23). 1898.23 units are required, so this could cause a shortage, however, the extra units 'on order' resolves any shortfall. Shortage = Required - on order - available.



This is different to a report such as Product Availability, which shows simply a snapshot in time. For example, looking at Product Availability on the 26th of July, would show availability of this component as 6375, as it is before the release date of 27th July.

Viewing the Product Availability Report on the 27th of July, however, would show availability of 2636.06, with 6375 on hand, as releasing the order allocates the required quantity. Once production starts, the allocated components are consumed, and the on hand AND available quantity will be 2636.06.

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