The ProductAvailability resource provides stock-related information about products. Here are some example URIs:
· /ProductAvailability/E6E8163F-6911-40e9-B740-90E5A0A3A996 – returns stock info of a particular product;
· /ProductAvailability?page=2 - returns the second page of 100 products;
· /ProductAvailability - returns the first 100 products because page number 1 is the default;
· /ProductAvailability?page=2&limit=500 - returns the second page of 500 products; i.e. the 501st to 1000th ProductAvailability;
· /ProductAvailability?name=ABC - returns the first page of 100 products with name containing ABC;
· /ProductAvailability?sku=ABC - returns the first page of 100 product with sku equal to ABC;
Endpoint only returns data if available, on hand and on order quantities are not zero.
The full range of URIs and HTTP Verbs supported are:
Operation | HTTP Action |
List of paginated data | GET /ProductAvailability?page={pageNumber} |
View specific product with specified SKU | GET /ProductAvailability?sku={sku} |
View any specific product stock info | GET /ProductAvailability/{id} |
These filters can be used with the GET ProductAvailability endpoint:
Filter | Description |
limit | Specifies the page size for pagination. Default page size is 100. |
name | Only return products with product name containing specified name value |
sku | Return product that has this specific sku |
location | Returns the first page of 100 products with stock information only for specified location name |
batch | Returns the first page of 100 products with stock information only for specified batch/serial number |
category | Returns the first page of 100 products with stock information only for specified product category name |
Filters are used by adding the filter and value to the URI: /ProductAvailability?sku=ABC&nonZeroProductsOnly =true
Available Fields for ProductAvailability:
Property | Type | Length | Required | Notes |
ID | Guid |
| Yes | Unique Cin7 Core product identifier |
SKU | String | 50 | Yes | Unique SKU of the product |
Name | String | 256 | Yes | Product name |
Barcode | String | 256 |
| Product Barcode |
Location | String | 256 | Yes | Stock location name |
Bin | String | 256 |
| Bin name |
Batch | String | 50 |
| Batch or serial number. Is empty for FIFO costing method products or for allocated stock when no picking has been made |
ExpiryDate | Date |
| Batch Expiry Date. Only required for FEFO costing method products, can be empty for the rest. |
OnHand | Decimal | Up to 4 decimal places | Yes | Quantity of the product On Hand |
Allocated | Decimal | Up to 4 decimal places | Yes | Quantity of the product allocated by Sale and Finished goods tasks. Available quantity is calculated as Available = OnHand - Allocated |
Available | Decimal | Up to 4 decimal places | Yes | Quantity of the product available = On Hand - Allocated + Potential Kits that can be assembled |
OnOrder | Decimal |
| Yes | Quantity of the product ordered with Purchase Order or by authorized Finished Goods task but not received into stock yet |
StockOnHand | Decimal | Up to 7 decimal places | Yes | Value of On Hand quantity |
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