The Purchase resource allows getting detailed info about Purchase. This is how you call it:
/Purchase/<ID> - returns details of a particular purchase;
The full range of URIs and HTTP Verbs supported are:
Operation | HTTP Action |
View any Purchase | GET /Purchase/{id} |
Void Purchase | DELETE /Purchase/{id} |
Available Fields for Purchase:
Property | Type | Length | Required | Notes |
ID | Guid |
| Unique Cin7 Core Purchase ID |
Supplier | String | 256 | Yes | Supplier name |
SupplierID | Guid |
| Yes | Identifier of Supplier |
Contact | String | 256 |
| Supplier Contact name |
Phone | String | 50 |
| Supplier Contact phone |
InventoryAccount | String | 50 |
| Account code used by default for invoice lines when no Inventory account is defined on Product. By default Inventory Control Account is used from account mapping. |
BlindReceipt | Boolean |
| “True” if there is no order in the purchase. “False” is default |
Approach | String | 10 | Yes | “INVOICE” for “Invoice First”, or “STOCK” for “Stock First” |
VendorAddress | Structured |
| Purchase Vendor address, see below |
ShippingAddress | Structured |
| Purchase Shipping address, see below |
BaseCurrency | String | 3 | Yes | 3 character currency code of Base Currency defined in General Settings on the moment when Purchase was created. |
SupplierCurrency | String | 3 | Yes | 3 character currency code of Supplier Currency defined in Supplier card at the moment when Supplier is selected for the Purchase. |
TaxRule | String | 50 | Yes | Default Tax Rule name selected for Purchase |
TaxCalculation | String |
| Yes | “Inclusive” or “Exclusive” |
Terms | String | 256 | Yes | Payment terms name |
RequiredBy | Date |
| Date when shipment is due |
Location | String | 256 |
| Default location to store stock to |
Note | String | 1024 |
| Custom Purchase note |
OrderNumber | String | 256 |
| Represents Purchase Order Number |
Status | String | 20 |
| Read-only. Purchase Status, see below for possible values |
RelatedDropShipSaleTask | Guid |
| Read-only. ID of SaleTask this drop-ship purchase is related to. |
CurrencyRate | Decimal | Up to 5 decimal places | Yes | Conversion Rate expressed as number of Base currency units for one Supplier currency unit |
Order | Structured |
| Yes | Purchase Order, see below |
StockReceived | Structured |
| Purchased and received items, see below |
Invoice | Structured |
| Yes | Purchase Invoice, see below. |
CreditNote | Structured |
| Purchase Credit Note, see below |
LastUpdatedDate | datetime |
| Date and time when purchase task was created of last time modified |
AdditionalAttributes | Structured |
| Purchase Additional Attributes, see below |
Available Purchase Statuses:
Status | Description |
DRAFT | No data added to Purchase details. |
VOIDED | Task has been voided |
ORDERING | OrderStatus = DRAFT |
RECEIVING | OrderStatus = AUTHORISED, StockReceivedStatus = DRAFT |
RECEIVED | StockReceivedStatus = AUTHORISED |
CREDITED | CreditNoteStatus = AUTHORISED |
COMPLETED | InvoiceStatus =AUTHORISED, StockReceivedStatus = AUTHORISED |
Available Fields for VendorAddress and ShippingAddress:
Property | Type | Length | Required | Notes |
DisplayAddressLine1 | String | 256 |
| Address Line 1 as displayed on Purchase form. = Line1 + Line2 |
DisplayAddressLine2 | String | 256 |
| Address Line 2 as displayed on Purchase form. = City + State/Region + Zip/Postcode + Country |
Line1 | String | 256 |
Line2 | String | 256 |
City | String | 256 |
State | String | 256 |
Postcode | String | 20 |
Country | String | 32 |
Available Fields for Order:
Property | Type | Length | Required | Notes |
Memo | String | 1024 |
| Purchase Order memo |
Date | Date |
| Purchase Order Date |
Status | String | 20 | Yes | Purchase Order status. Possible values are “VOIDED”, “DRAFT”, “AUTHORISED”, “NOT AVAILABLE” |
Lines | Array of OrderLine |
| Order Lines, see below |
AdditionalCharges | Array of AdditionalCharge |
| Order Additional Charges, see below |
Prepayments | Array of Prepayment |
| Prepayments, see below |
TotalBeforeTax | Money |
| Yes | Order Total before taxes in Supplier Currency |
Tax | Money |
| Yes | Order Total Tax in Supplier Currency |
Total | Money |
| Yes | Order Total (TotalBeforeTax + Tax) in Supplier Currency |
Available Fields for StockReceived:
Property | Type | Length | Required | Notes |
Status | String | 20 | Yes | Purchase StockReceived status. Possible values are “VOIDED”, “DRAFT”, “AUTHORISED”, “NOT AVAILABLE” |
Lines | Array of StockReceivedLine |
| Lines stock received, see below |
Available Fields for Unstock:
Property | Type | Length | Required | Notes |
Status | String | 20 | Yes | Purchase Unstock status. Possible values are “VOIDED”, “DRAFT”, “AUTHORISED”, “NOT AVAILABLE” |
Lines | Array of UnstockLine |
| Lines unstock, see below |
Available Fields for Invoice:
Property | Type | Length | Required | Notes |
Status | String | 20 | Yes | Invoice status. Possible values are “VOIDED”, “DRAFT”, “AUTHORISED”, “NOT AVAILABLE”, “PAID” |
InvoiceDate | Date |
| Date when invoice created. Default value is current date, used if not specified |
InvoiceDueDate | Date |
| Date until invoice is valid. If not specified, used default value from Terms |
Lines | Array of InvoiceLine |
| Invoice Lines, see below |
AdditionalCharges | Array of InvoiceAdditionalCharge |
| Invoice Additional Charges, see below |
Payments | Array of Payment |
| All invoice payments, see below |
TotalBeforeTax | Money |
| Yes | Invoice Total before taxes in Supplier Currency |
Tax | Money |
| Yes | Invoice Total Tax in Supplier Currency |
Total | Money |
| Yes | Invoice Total (TotalBeforeTax + Tax) in Supplier Currency |
Paid | Money |
| Yes | Invoice Paid Total in Supplier Currency |
Available Fields for CreditNote:
Property | Type | Length | Required | Notes |
Status | String | 20 | Yes | Credit Note status. Possible values are “VOIDED”, “DRAFT”, “AUTHORISED”, “NOT AVAILABLE” |
CreditNoteDate | Date |
Lines | Array of CreditNoteLine |
| Credit Note Lines, see below |
AdditionalCharges | Array of CreditAdditionalCharge |
| Credit Note Additional Charges, see below |
Refunds | Array of Refund |
| All credit note refunds, see below |
Unstock | Structured |
| See above |
TotalBeforeTax | Money |
| Yes | Credit Note Total before taxes in Supplier Currency |
Tax | Money |
| Yes | Credit Note Total Tax in Supplier Currency |
Total | Money |
| Yes | Credit Note Total (TotalBeforeTax + Tax) in Supplier Currency |
Refunded | Money |
| Yes | Credit Note refunded Total in Supplier Currency |
Available Fields for Order Line:
Property | Type | Length | Required | Notes |
ProductID | Guid |
| Yes | Unique ID of the product referenced by this Order Line |
SKU | String | 50 | Yes | Product SKU |
Name | String | 256 |
| Read-only. Product name |
Quantity | Decimal with up to 4 decimal places |
| Yes |
Price | Decimal with up to 4 decimal places |
| Yes | Price per unit in Supplier currency |
Discount | Decimal with up to 2 decimal places |
| Yes | Discount. Value between 0 and 100. For free items discount is 100 |
Tax | Decimal with up to 4 decimal places |
| Yes | Calculated Tax value in Supplier currency |
Total | Decimal with up to 2 decimal places |
| Yes | Line Total in Supplier currency. Can include Tax if Tax Rule for Purchase is Tax Inclusive |
TaxRule | String | 50 | Yes | Line Tax Rule name |
Comment | String | 256 |
SupplierSKU | String |
| Supplier’s product Code |
Available Fields for Order AdditionalCharge:
Property | Type | Length | Required | Notes |
Description | String | 256 | Yes | Additional charge description |
Reference | String | 256 |
| Reference |
Amount | Decimal with up to 4 decimal places |
| Yes | Charge amount in Supplier currency |
Discount | Decimal with up to 2 decimal places |
| Yes | Discount. Value between 0 and 100. For free items discount is 100 |
Tax | Decimal with up to 4 decimal places |
| Yes | Calculated Tax value in Supplier currency |
Total | Decimal with up to 2 decimal places |
| Yes | Additional Charge line total in Supplier currency. Can include Tax if Tax Rule for Purchase is Tax Inclusive |
TaxRule | String | 50 | Yes | Additional Charge Tax Rule name |
Available Fields for Payment, Refund and Prepayment:
Property | Type | Length | Required | Notes |
Reference | String | 50 |
| Payment reference number |
Amount | Money |
| Yes | Payment amount in Supplier currency |
DateCreated | Date |
| Yes | Date when payment was created |
DatePaid | Date |
| Yes | Date when payment has been made |
Account | String | 50 | Yes | Account Code of the Bank account |
CurrencyRate | Decimal with up to 5 decimal places |
| Yes | Currency Conversion rate expressed as number of Base currency units for one Supplier currency unit. Equals 1 when Supplier currency is the same as base currency. |
Available Fields for StockReceivedLine, UnstockLine:
Property | Type | Length | Required | Notes |
ProductID | Guid |
| Yes | Unique ID of the product referenced by this Line |
SKU | String | 50 | Yes | Product SKU |
Name | String | 256 |
| Read-only. Product name referenced by this Line |
Location | String | 256 | Yes | Location where the product would be stock to/from |
Quantity | Decimal with up to 4 decimal places |
| Yes |
DateReceived | Date |
| Date when items were received |
SupplierSKU | String |
| Supplier product code |
IsReceived | bool |
| Yes | Flag, which indicates if items were received |
Batch | String | 50 |
| Batch or Serial Number |
ExpiryDate | Date |
| Date when selected Batch expires |
Available Fields for InvoiceLine:
Property | Type | Length | Required | Notes |
ProductID | Guid |
| Yes | Unique ID of the product referenced by this Line |
SKU | String | 50 | Yes | Product SKU |
Name | String | 256 | Yes | Product name referenced by this Line |
Quantity | Decimal with up to 4 decimal places |
| Yes |
Price | Decimal with up to 4 decimal places |
| Yes | Price per unit in Supplier currency |
Discount | Decimal with up to 2 decimal places |
| Yes | Discount. Value between 0 and 100. For free items discount is 100 |
Tax | Decimal with up to 4 decimal places |
| Yes | Calculated Tax value in Supplier currency |
Total | Decimal with up to 2 decimal places |
| Yes | Line Total in Supplier currency. Can include Tax if Tax Rule for Purchase is Tax Inclusive |
TaxRule | String | 50 | Yes | Line Tax Rule name |
Account | String | 50 | Yes |
Comment | String | 256 |
SupplierSKU | String |
| Supplier’s product code |
Available Fields for InvoiceAdditionalCharge and CreditNoteAdditionalCharge:
Property | Type | Length | Required | Notes |
Description | String | 256 | Yes | Additional charge description |
Amount | Decimal with up to 4 decimal places |
| Yes | Charge amount in Supplier currency |
Reference | String | 256 |
| Reference |
Discount | Decimal with up to 2 decimal places |
| Yes | Discount. Value between 0 and 100. For free items discount is 100 |
Tax | Decimal with up to 4 decimal places |
| Yes | Calculated Tax value in Supplier currency |
Total | Decimal with up to 2 decimal places |
| Yes | Additional Charge line total in Supplier currency. Can include Tax if Tax Rule for Purchase is Tax Inclusive |
TaxRule | String | 50 | Yes | Additional Charge Tax Rule name |
Account | String | 50 | Yes |
Available Fields for CreditNoteLine:
Property | Type | Length | Required | Notes |
ProductID | Guid |
| Yes | Unique ID of the product referenced by this Line |
SKU | String | 50 | Yes | Product’s SKU |
Name | String | 256 |
| Read-only. Product name referenced by this Line |
Quantity | Decimal with up to 4 decimal places |
| Yes |
Price | Decimal with up to 4 decimal places |
| Yes | Price per unit in Supplier currency |
Discount | Decimal with up to 2 decimal places |
| Yes | Discount. Value between 0 and 100. For free items discount is 100 |
Tax | Decimal with up to 4 decimal places |
| Yes | Calculated Tax value in Supplier currency |
Total | Decimal with up to 2 decimal places |
| Yes | Line Total in Supplier currency. Can include Tax if Tax Rule for Purchase is Tax Inclusive |
TaxRule | String | 50 | Yes | Line Tax Rule name |
Account | String | 50 | Yes |
Comment | String | 256 |
Available Fields for AdditionalAttributes:
Property | Type | Length | Required | Notes |
AdditionalAttribute1 | String | 256 |
| Additional Attribute 1 value |
AdditionalAttribute2 | String | 256 |
| Additional Attribute 2 value |
AdditionalAttribute3 | String | 256 |
| Additional Attribute 3 value |
AdditionalAttribute4 | String | 256 |
| Additional Attribute 4 value |
AdditionalAttribute5 | String | 256 |
| Additional Attribute 5 value |
AdditionalAttribute6 | String | 256 |
| Additional Attribute 6 value |
AdditionalAttribute7 | String | 256 |
| Additional Attribute 7 value |
AdditionalAttribute8 | String | 256 |
| Additional Attribute 8 value |
AdditionalAttribute9 | String | 256 |
| Additional Attribute 9 value |
AdditionalAttribute10 | String | 256 |
| Additional Attribute 10 value |
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