Sale Credit Notes By Product Report

Sale Credit Notes By Product Report

The report shows detailed financial and quantity-related information about each sale credit note. Use this report to see how many credit notes are being raised for your products and which customers are raising them.



Data from this report can be exported in Excel, PDF or RTF format.


Reporting Period

Allows the user to select the time period from a list of options or set a custom date range.


Choose whether COGS are calculated from COGS with the selected time period only or all COGS on the record.


Set to the Default layout. Allows selection of saved layouts, if any.

Save Layout As

Allows saving a layout for potential future use.

Reset Layout

Resets the layout to the default layout or selected saved layout.


Select Apply Filter to set filter fields for the report and Update to refresh the output with any new changes. See Managing Cin7 Core Reports - Filtering Reports for more detailed information about using filters.

Note: Sale Credit Notes by Product report pulls entries based on transactions dates (if COGS within date range is selected) or invoice dates (if all COGS is selected.

Transaction dates include invoice authorization, ship tab authorization (COGS) and payments. For dropshipped products, COGS transactions are triggered when dropship purchase invoice is authorized. If you need COGS to have same date as the invoice, you need to change delivery date same as the invoice date (you can undo the ship tab to do this.)

If only COGS within date range is selected, a) you may see invoice dates from before the reporting period (with COGS transactions within the reporting period) and b) may see some 0 COGS values (if the ship date is out of the reporting period).

If All COGS is selected, the report will pull entries by invoice date, but COGS will be shown regardless of when the ship tab was authorized. If the ship tab has NOT yet been authorized, COGS will be 0.

Gift Card sales do not have COGS so will not show a margin or profit, and therefore do not appear in the report. When a gift card is redeemed, it will be used as payment, so it will be reflected as a payment amount.


The following output fields are available for this report. You may have to open the Configure Layout menu to add some of them to your report.



Product SKU


Name of the product


Product category


Product brand

Invoice #

Invoice Number identifying the sale invoice

Credit Note #

Credit Note number

Invoice Date

Date the invoice was issued

Invoice Due Date

Date the payment is due for the invoice

Credit Note Date

Date the credit note was issued


Customer name


Name of the location from where goods were picked/dispatched

Customer Reference

Customer Reference associated with the sale

Sales Representative

Name of the sales representative associated with the sale

Customer Tags

Comma-separated Customer Tags

Customer Additional Attributes 1-10

Values of customer additional attributes


Year of the sale order


Quarter of the sale order


Month of the sale order


Product Family name


Product unit of measure

Product Additional Attributes 1-10

Values of product additional attributes

Product Tags

Invoice issue date


Customer address city


Customer address country


Customer address state


Customer address postcode

Data Headers


Quantity of the product credited


Credit Note Line Total including tax in base currency


Credit Note Line Total excluding tax in base currency


Average Discount applied to the credit note line


Cost of Goods Sold in base currency = Credit Note COGS




Note: If you have added an Additional Attribute set to your sale process, the attributes will appear as additional report fields.




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