Product Available Quantity Change Logs

Product Available Quantity Change Logs

Every time the available quantity of a product in your inventory changes, Cin7 Core logs the change. All logging is done asynchronously to prevent any performance issues in Cin7 Core.


  • Product and Service Management (required)

  • Users will need the Inventory: Products & Families and Movements & Service Usage permissions in order to view the quantity change log.


Viewing a Product's Available Quantity Change Log

Like all other activities in Cin7 Core, the change logs can be found in the product's Details page, specifically in the Movements tab. Undo and void operations are also shown on the logs.

To view the logs:

  1. Navigate to Inventory → Products.

  2. Select the product with the log that you want to view.

  3. Click the Movements tab.

  4. Select Show availability changesfrom the dropdown list, then press Enter or click the Search button. The logged activity is then displayed below.

    • You will also be given the option of filtering by Sales Channel and Action.



By default, the read-only logs are arranged in descending order. The table below shows the format of the logs.

Column Name                                                         



Shows the event's date and timestamp

User Name

Shows the user who performed the action (or if it was a system action)


Shows the activity that was logged


Cin7 Core Task reference number from Cin7 Core and link to task


For Cin7 Core events, Cin7 Core Location where event had happened is displayed.
For external API calls, Sale Channel Store and Sale Channel Location where event happened will be shown.

Quantity Moved

Quantity of items moved in the task.
For kits, quantity of items moved will always be N/A.
For kits, Available Quantity will be calculated.
For API external calls, quantity moved will always be N/A.

Available Quantity in Stock

Quantity of items available in location, after the event


Shows status of the event, Success or Fail

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