Recurring Orders/Invoices

Recurring Orders/Invoices

In Cin7 Core, you can create recurring Sales Orders/Invoices at weekly, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and annual intervals.

Note: Cin7 Core also allows saving of sale order details as presets for future sales, including customer details, accounting details, shipping/billing details, and order products and quantities. These can be edited before authorizing as a new sale order and are not restricted to a fixed weekly, monthly, etc. period.

Users will need the Sales List & Tasks permission to generate recurring orders/invoices. See sales permissions for other order, pick, pack, ship, and invoice permissions you may require.

To create a recurring sale invoice:

  1. Create a sales order by navigating to Sale → New Sale or choose an existing sales order from Sale → Sales.

  2. In the document header, check the Recurring Task box.

  1. Choose the Recurring Frequency from the dropdown list.

  2. Authorize the sales order and sales invoice as usual (see sale orders and sale invoices for more information).

  3. New sales orders will be generated every recurring frequency interval from the date of the sales invoice.

  4. Fulfil and authorize these generated sales orders as usual.


To view the sales orders that are currently set to repeat, navigate to Sale → Recurring Sales. Recurring invoices will be automatically generated on the date set; however, to generate one earlier, select it from the list on this screen and click Create Invoices.


Cin7 Core can only create invoices from the present date, not in the past. If the original invoice date and invoice frequency indicate a past date, Cin7 Core will automatically set the recurring invoice date to the closest future interval. This date can be changed if required.

For example, a recurring invoice is generated from an invoice dated 27th of April, and the current date is the 25th of October, with a monthly frequency. As the next invoice date would be the 27th of May (in the past), the next invoice will be generated on the 27th of October.

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