The SaleList resource provides list of sales for preview. Detailed Sale information is available at Sale endpoint for each individual sale. Here are some example URIs:
· /SaleList?page=2 - returns the second page of 100 sales;
· /SaleList - returns the first 100 sales because page number 1 is the default;
· /SaleList?page=2&limit=500 - returns the second page of 500 sales; i.e. the 501st to 1000th sale;
· /SaleList?search=ABC - returns the first page of 100 sales matching search criteria for ABC;
· /SaleList?OrderStatus=AUTHORISED&PickStatus=DRAFT&Status=BACKORDERED- returns the first page of 100 sales with authorized sale order and not finalised picking where at least one product in sale order was backordered;
The full range of URIs and HTTP Verbs supported are:
Operation | HTTP Action |
List of paginated data | GET /SaleList?page={pageNumber} |
List of sales created after specified datetime | GET /SaleList?createdSince={Sale creation date} |
These filters can be used with the GET SaleList endpoint:
Filter | Description |
limit | Specifies the page size for pagination. Default page size is 100. |
search | Only return sales with search value contained in one of these fields: OrderNumber, Status, Customer, invoiceNumber, CustomerReference, CreditNoteNumber |
updatedSince | Only return sales with changes happened after specified date |
shipBy | Only return sales with Ship By date on or before specified date, with not authorized Shipment |
QuoteStatus | Only return sales with specified quote status |
OrderStatus | Only return sales with specified order status |
PickStatus | Only return sales with specified pick status |
PackStatus | Only return sales with specified pack status |
ShipStatus | Only return sales with specified ship status |
InvoiceStatus | Only return sales with specified invoice status |
CreditNoteStatus | Only return sales with specified credit note status |
Status | Only return sales with specified sale status |
Filters are used by adding the filter and value to the URI: /SaleList?search=ABC
Available Fields for SaleList:
Property | Type | Length | Required | Notes |
ID | Guid |
| Yes | Unique Cin7 Core Sale identifier |
OrderNumber | String | 256 | Yes | Sale Order number generated by Cin7 Core |
Status | String |
| Yes | Current sale status. See possible statuses below |
OrderDate | Date |
| Yes | Date when Sale Order was created |
InvoiceDate | Date |
| Date when Invoice was issued |
Customer | String | 256 | Yes | Name of the customer |
InvoiceNumber | String | 256 |
| Invoice number generated by Cin7 Core |
CustomerReference | String | 256 |
| Optional Customer Reference (typically customer Purchase order number) supplied by the customer for the sale |
InvoiceAmount | Decimal |
| Yes | Total Invoice amount minus total Credit note amount in customer currency |
PaidAmount | Decimal |
| Yes | Total Paid amount minus Refunded amount in customer currency |
InvoiceDueDate | Date |
| Date when invoice is due according to selected payment terms |
ShipBy | Date |
| Date when shipment is due |
BaseCurrency | String | 3 | Yes | 3 digit Base currency code (as configured in General Settings) |
CustomerCurrency | String | 3 | Yes | 3 digit Customer currency code |
CreditNoteNumber | String | 256 |
| Credit note number generated by Cin7 Core. Is empty unless credit note is created |
Updated | DateTime |
| Yes | Date when the sale was last created/updated last time |
QuoteStatus | String | 20 | Yes | Sale Quote status. Possible Values are “VOIDED”, “DRAFT”, “AUTHORISED”, “NOT AVAILABLE” |
OrderStatus | String | 50 | Yes | Sale Order status. Possible Values are “VOIDED”, “DRAFT”, “AUTHORISED”, “NOT AVAILABLE” |
PickStatus | String | 20 | Yes | Pick status. Possible Values are “VOIDED”, “DRAFT”, “AUTHORISED”, “NOT AVAILABLE” |
PackStatus | String | 20 | Yes | Pack status. Possible Values are “VOIDED”, “DRAFT”, “AUTHORISED”, “NOT AVAILABLE” |
ShipStatus | String | 20 | Yes | Ship status. Possible Values are “VOIDED”, “DRAFT”, “AUTHORISED”, “NOT AVAILABLE” |
InvoiceStatus | String | 20 | Yes | Invoice status. Possible Values are “VOIDED”, “DRAFT”, “AUTHORISED”, “NOT AVAILABLE”, “PAID” |
CreditNoteStatus | String | 20 | Yes | Invoice status. Possible Values are “VOIDED”, “DRAFT”, “AUTHORISED”, “NOT AVAILABLE” |
Available Sale Statuses:
Status | Description |
DRAFT | No data is added to sale details. Quote and order are empty and not authorized |
VOIDED | Task has been voided |
ESTIMATING | QuoteStatus = DRAFT, OrderStatus = NOT AVAILABLE |
ESTIMATED | QuoteStatus = AUTHORISED or Skip Quote=true, OrderStatus = NOT AVAILABLE |
ORDERING | OrderStatus = DRAFT |
ORDERED | OrderStatus = AUTHORISED, all products in sale order are in stock, no backordering. PickStatus = NOT AVAILABLE |
BACKORDERED | OrderStatus = AUTHORISED, at least one product in sale order has been backordered PickStatus = NOT AVAILABLE |
PICKING | PickStatus = DRAFT |
PACKING | PackStatus = DRAFT |
SHIPPING | ShipStatus = DRAFT |
INVOICING | OrderStatus=AUTHORISED, ShipStatus=AUTHORISED, InvoiceStatus=DRAFT |
INVOICED | ShipStatus=AUTHORISED, InvoiceStatus = AUTHORISED or InvoiceStatus = PAID, TotalInvoice – TotalPaid <> 0 |
CREDITED | CreditNoteStatus = AUTHORISED, TotalInvoice – TotalPaid <> 0 |
COMPLETED | InvoiceStatus = PAID, ShipStatus=AUTHORISED, TotalInvoice – TotalPaid = 0 |
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