Sales By Product Summary Report

Sales By Product Summary Report

The report shows quantities, profit and additional financial summary for sales by product. It shows product quantity, amount invoiced, COGS, journal amount, tax and profit. The output can be customised using product details. This report does not allow the output to be customised by customer location.




Data from this report can be exported in Excel, PDF or RTF format.


Reporting Period

Allows the user to select the reporting period from a list of options or set a custom date range. The report is filtered by transaction dates (COGS within range) or invoice date (all COGS). (See NOTE below.)


Choose whether COGS are calculated from COGS within the date range or all COGS on the record.(See NOTE below.)


Set to the Default layout. Allows selection of saved layouts, if any.

Save Layout As

Allows saving a layout for potential future use.

Reset Layout

Resets the layout to the default layout or selected saved layout.


Select Apply Filter to set filter fields for the report and Update to refresh the output with any new changes. See Managing Cin7 Core Reports - Filtering Reports for more detailed information about using filters.

NOTE: Sales by product summary pulls entries based on transactions dates (if COGS within date range is selected) or invoice dates (if all COGS is selected.)

Transaction dates include invoice authorization, ship tab authorization (COGS) and payments. For dropshipped products, COGS transactions are triggered when dropship purchase invoice is authorized. If you need COGS to have same date as the invoice, you need to change delivery date same as the invoice date (you can undo the ship tab to do this.)

If only COGS within date range is selected, a) you may see invoice dates from before the reporting period (with COGS transactions within the reporting period) and b) may see some 0 COGS values (if the ship date is out of the reporting period).

If All COGS is selected, the report will pull entries by invoice date, but COGS will be shown regardless of when the ship tab was authorized. If the ship tab has NOT yet been authorized, COGS will be 0.

Gift Card sales do not have COGS so will not show a margin or profit, and therefore do not appear in the report. When a gift card is redeemed, it will be used as payment, so it will be reflected as a payment amount.


The following output fields are available for this report. You may have to open the Configure Layout menu to add some of them to your report.



Product SKU


Product name


Product category


Product brand


Product family


Unit of measure

Product Tags

Comma-separated product tags


Weight of the product

Weight Units

Weight per unit

Shipment Date

Shipment date for the Sale Order


Customer name

Sales Representative

Company sales representative responsible for the Sale Order

Customer Reference

Customer Reference associated with the sale

Customer Tags

Comma-separated customer tags

Customer Additional Attribute 1-10

Values of customer additional attributes

Product Additional Attribute 1-10

Values of product additional attributes

Data Headers



Quantity of the product ordered (doesn't include restocked quantity)


Total of invoice - Total of credit note including tax in base currency


Total of sale order excluding tax in base currency


Total tax from the sale order


Cost of Goods Sold in base currency


Total of all Additional Transactions associated with the sale in base currency


Profit = Sale - COGS (in base currency)

Profit less Journals

Profit - Journals in base currency


Note: If you have added an Additional Attribute set to your sale process, the attributes will appear as additional report fields.


Sale by Product Summary is showing a different quantity of units than the Inventory Movement Summary report. What could cause this?

Sale by Product Summary counts a sale when a sale invoice is authorized, while Inventory Movement Summary tracks when products move in and out of inventory via stock movements. Sold but unshipped products would appear as sold in Sale by Product Summary but will not be taken out of the Inventory Movement Summary.

Please keep in mind that inventory movement report also includes stock transfer. You can run Inventory Movement Details report to see details about movements.

We are exporting a Sales by product summary Report. In the report we see that some of the invoices on the report does not have a invoice date in the field. What is the reason for this?

This is the case when sales are under advanced sale module. This field (date) won't show on advanced sale since there may be multiple invoices associated with the Sale order. At the moment Cin7 Core shows multiple invoice numbers as comma delimited list on the Invoice # field, but we can't do that with the date, because it is not text. You can use the Sale Order Details and Sales Overview Report to see all invoice dates for Advanced Sales. We are aware of this but have as of yet been unable to suitably resolve it.

I ran the attached report for the month of July and found some discrepancies. A SO with an invoice date in June was picked up, but the sales value was zero even though the quantity was non-zero. My question is: how can I run a report for each month and have the quantity for each SKU and $ sales value accurately reported for that month?

There is a transaction entry for the month of July with regards to COGS. This can happen where the invoice of the PO that brought in the goods was only authorized after the shipment was authorized in the related sale order. Cin7 Core will then take the PO invoice authorized date as the COGS date as Cin7 Core uses actual costs. If you select 'All COGS' from the Show COGS list, you can see the sale with the quantity, invoice amount (incl GST) & sale amount (excl sale tax).

I'm trying to run a report showing the units sold per store for a particular customer. The different stores are currently sitting in the shipping address, therefore i have so far been unable to run a report based on the location. (only city, but sometimes we have four stores in one city) Is there anyway i can separate the stores from the particular customer?

The Sales by Product Details report have Shipping Address field you can add to the report table to separate the customer stores.


Can you please tell me why a sale order is missing from this report?

  • Usually, this is an issue with the date filters. This report pulls sales according to their invoice date. Double check that the reporting period covers the invoice date of the sale order you are looking for. Sales that are not invoiced will not appear.

  • Back-ordered sales also will not appear in the sales by product details report - because this report only shows sales that have been completed.

  • Missing entries can also be caused by cache problems. Try clearing your cache and refreshing to see if the issue persists.

  • If a product is deprecated or missing in the inventory list it won't show in the Sales By Product report. Deprecated products will show up on all other reports like profit by sales rep, customer payments, profit and loss, sales overview etc.


Can you tell me how to add the margin to a sale by product summary?

The margin only can be seen in the Sale Profit Summary report. In the Sale by product details report you will be able to add the below-mentioned columns to check the margin.


Sale total on the Sales by product summary report and Profit and Loss report are different. Is there any reason for this?

The reports are not suppose to be exactly the same. There might be financial transactions involving revenue account that are not related to sales, like money tasks or some manual journals. You will need to drill-down to specific amounts using Trial balance to see what contributes to this amount in Profit and Loss report.

In sales by product summary, the source is an invoice, and data is filtered by the invoice date. In Profit and loss by product, the source is stock movements, and date of sale proceeds will match Shipment date if it is greater than the invoice date. This can also cause records not to match.

Why there is a mismatch in total sales figure of two different sales reports (Sales Overview & Sales By Product Summary) for the same month?

These two reports use different basis for their data. Sales Overview report contains all the transactions for a specific order. The date range in the header filters the sale order date. Sales By Product Details report is transaction based. It contains all the transactions within a specified period of time. The invoice totals might be different if the credit note date falls out of the date range specified since the credit note total is included in the invoice total on the reports.

For example, for a May 16 report, example SO27500 has a credit note dated 30/06/2016 so it will be included in the Sales Overview report but will be excluded from Sales by Product Details report since you are looking at May. SO31800 and SO32400 are present in Sales Overview report since the order date is in May but they are missing from Sales By Product Details report since the invoice is dated June.

Why aren't additional costs captured on the Sales Order Details and Sales By Product Summary reports?

Sales Order Details and Sales by Product Summary Report does not show additional charges because report focuses on product lines and order details found on document header. Try using instead the Profit by Sales Rep report, this includes additional charges because it is needed to know the profit total and currently this is how the system is designed for the reports.

Some sales are being excluded when I filter by invoice date. What is the cause of this?

This is the case when sales are under advanced sale module. This field (date) won't show on advanced sale since there may be multiple invoices associated with the Sale order. For simple sales, it will work with invoice date filter which you have added, but for advanced sales since there are multiple invoices, invoice date is empty. That's why it doesn't work and some invoices are not shown in that report.  Unfortunately, there is no way of fixing this. You can try filtering by invoice month instead.

Still no answer to your question? Please do not hesitate to get in touch with Cin7 Core support.

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