Report FAQs
Q: The decimal places for numeric data shown in our reports seem to be very long. How do we set this to two (2) decimal places?
A: Decimal places in reports in Cin7 Core are set under Settings > General Settings (look for the Maximum decimal places in quantity option under Organisation). This is set to two (2) by default, but if upon checking it is not, you may change it accordingly.Both generated and printed reports will display numeric data with the decimal places set under this option.
Q: I am trying to see the inventory for our tagged items. What report should I use to check the available stock for these tagged items?
A: You can use the Product Availability report. Use the search bar to look for the product tag, then export the report if needed.
Q: I'm using the Product Stock Level report to check the availability of tagged non-zero and zero stock items, but I can't see some items I expect to see in the report. Can you suggest a report that will be able to get those figures for me?
A: The Product Stock Level report won't show zero stock items if the number of products x the number of locations in your account exceed 10000. Your account shows that you've exceeded the 10,000-record limit since you have more than 4,000 products in four (4) locations. Since you are searching for tagged items, we suggest using the Product Availability report instead of checking the availability of non-zero and zero stock items (see our answer to the previous question).
Q: On the Sales Backorder Details report, some products are coming up that we haven't backordered. The allocated number is less than the on-hand/available number, so the product shouldn't appear on the backordered list, right?
A: As soon as a sale with this product is backordered and the quantity on backorder is recorded, the product will appear on the Sales Backorder Details report until it is picked in the sale, regardless of current stock level. Current stock level is not used when showing data in this report.
Q: When I generate the Profit and Loss by Product and Profit and Loss reports, I noticed that the sales figures in these reports are different from each other. Shouldn't they be the same?
A: The sources of data and conditions are different in these reports. The Profit & Loss by Product report uses inventory movements where we record sales proceeds from invoices related to fulfilment. On the other hand, the Profit and Loss report shows financial transactions, so it will include sales that are not yet fulfilled. Thus, it isn't expected that the sales figures in these reports will exactly match since the first is a product-level report while the second is a financial report.
Q: How can we filter non-fulfilled sales on the Product reports? Is there a report that analyses in detail product margins on a per-sale basis?
A: The Sales Profit Summary report will provide your product margins on a sale by sale basis. The report will include sales outside the given date range as long as the COGS falls within the date range. You may want to include both the invoice date and the shipment date when generating the Sales Profit Summary report. This will ensure that, even if the invoice date is outside the given date range, all sales will be recorded, as long as the shipment date is within the given date range.
Q: I regularly use the Products Reordering report. I noticed recently that the minimum before reordering and the reorder amount are double the number in the Product attributes. May I know what may be causing the discrepancies?
A: Based on the sample report you sent us, it seems you removed the Location column prior to generating the report. If the same products have multiple locations, data from these locations will sum up as usual, just like in pivot reports. Insert the Location column prior to running the report and you should see the normal figures.
Q: On the Purchase Order Details report, the purchase invoice number and invoice date are blank for advanced purchases. On the Sales Overview report, the sales invoice number can be shown but the invoice date isn't. Is this normal? Can these two reports also show the invoice number and invoice date?
A: Since advanced sales/purchases can contain many invoices/dates, we can't show them in combined reports like these two reports. Only simple sales/purchases will have that information in these reports.
Q: Are COGs values not available anymore on the Customer Orders by Product report? Can you confirm if this is an issue when reporting our sales from this format?
A: This is the correct report for you. It will show you how many products were invoiced/credited during a specific period based on invoice/credit note dates. If you do not see COGS values displayed in the report, that means the goods have not been shipped yet.
Q: Is there a chance of overlap of one order into the next quarter, i.e. a doubling up of sales?
A: No, invoice lines are based on the invoice date, and credit note lines are based on the credit note date. So, no doubling up should happen.
Q: Do you know any way of updating the city, states, and countries in the Customer Orders by Product Report? I assume you can't override this information but wanted to check.
A: Unfortunately, it is by design that we don't change data on sales/purchases when you update reference entries on customers/suppliers. There is no easy way of changing these except manually updating every single sale.
Q: We have been downloading the Customer Orders by Product Report on a monthly basis, but it has come to my attention that our profit margins might be askew because in some months a deposit has been received before the item has been built and allocated. This is coming up with a 100% margin. Does this mean that the sum of these reports will show a higher than actual average margin?
A: Yes, this report shows data based on when cost is received. So if you sold an item and didn't include the cost of the item (because the To date of the report is prior to the cost change date), the COGS won't have the value of the cost change that happened the following month. One report that shows accumulated COGS regardless of cost change date is the Sale Overview report. Note that COGS transactions may also be even after the shipping date in case of sold goods cost changes with a later effective date. When you authorize a purchase invoice for received stock three (3) months after the stock was received, this report will only show you COGS if the report date range actually includes the purchase invoice date.
Q: We need help understanding why the Balance Sheet shows inventory asset value for stock invoiced in April but received in May.
A: The Balance Sheet shows transactions as they are generated. In your case, the invoice amount was recognised in April and the entries on these dates show Inventory accounts being deposited – this is why it is showing on the report for April. In addition, this might be a result of inventory accrual not being enabled. If this is the case, then you should enable inventory accrual going forward.
Q: I am having problems with stock reports for a client. The stock value as per the Balance Sheet does not agree with the stock value on the inventory movement report ending on the same date. Is the Inventory Movement Report Summary the correct report to use to obtain a stock value as of a certain date? If not, what is the correct report to use? If it is the correct report, why does it differ from the stock on hand figure shown on the balance sheet?
A: Some of the discrepancies may be caused by goods invoiced but not received. You can use the Financial Transactions vs Stock On Hand Difference Report (which can be generated under Reports > Financial Reports) to check for specific purchases that can contribute to the difference. In addition, you may want to enable accrued inventory transactions in General Settings for purchases to properly attribute costs and generate valid transactions.
Q: I am having difficulties getting the correct stock value from the Inventory Movement Summary Report. I do not understand how inventory items that have a current average cost shown in my inventory records can have a value of 0 in the report. How can the inventory records have negative stock and a negative cost at the same time?
A: The report may show a negative On Hand quantity in case stock is received after the To Date and some sale movements that used that stock occurred before the said date.
Q: The total amount reflected on a PO in our Purchase Order Summary Report is different from the amount shown on the actual Purchase Order. Do you know why this is so?
A: This report shows both order and invoice info. Removing the invoice info from the report, like what happened in your case, will incorrectly sum the total ordered as it repeats the amount for every invoice. Adding the invoice number to the report should correct the discrepancies.
Q: I need the aggregate PO total, or one row per PO, shown on the Purchase Order Summary Report. How do I modify the report to meet this requirement?
A: For a PO with multiple invoices, the order# will be shown per invoice if the invoice# is included in the report. Removing the invoice# will show only one line per PO, thus resolving your issue.
Q: I've been reviewing the Customer Orders by Product report and I noticed that many of my products have £0 COGS assigned to them. Why is this so?
A: This report shows data based on the specified date range. For those COGS that show 0, the costs were allocated in the months outside the date range. This can be resolved by specifying a wider date range for the report.
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