Unable to select the Batch Number re-entered through Stock Adjustment when using the FIFO-Batch costing method

Unable to select the Batch Number re-entered through Stock Adjustment when using the FIFO-Batch costing method

I performed a stock adjustment and entered an old batch number that I found in the warehouse so I could use it in my next order. After completing this, it still doesn't show correctly. What can I do to fix it?

This is due to the logic of FIFO - Batch costing method. The last entered item in Cin7 Core will be the first to be picked, and the stock received date for new stock in adjustment is always the the current date (this is not altered by the effective date of the stock adjustment, the effective date only applies to accounting transactions). Regardless of the batch number, the "in" date means that the batch will not be picked right away. To select product by batch number regardless of stock entry date, you can use the Special - Batch costing method.

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