WooCommerce Integration FAQs
How long does syncing with WooCommerce normally take?
Syncing should be automatic and much faster when it is done in the background in case of stock availability changes. Manual execution of full catalogue update done through Bulk listing or Update is slower. We recommend enabling Update stock levels on the WooCommerce Integration page.
Is automatic syncing available for product updates?
No, only product stock availability can be synced automatically. Updates to product descriptions and other product details require manual sync.
We are currently experiencing errors claiming insufficient permissions. How do we resolve this issue?
The most common reason for this error is that some required IP addresses have not been whitelisted. Make sure to whitelist these addresses.
The second cause of the error is that the user who granted Cin7 Core access to WooCommerce no longer has write access to WooCommerce. Please contact support so we can help you update the connection between Cin7 Core and WooCommerce.
Why was category information not pushed with products from Core to WooCommerce?
Disable Use WooCommerce as Master Source for Cin7 Core products on the WooCommerce Integration page to update product details when pushing products from Cin7 Core to WooCommerce.
How can I identify products with no picture so I can hide them in WooCommerce?
You can export images and attachments to view products with images in Cin7 Core. This file will not include products without attached images. You can then manually deactivate products that are not included in the list in WooCommerce.
Why can't I export a product inventory list out of Cin7 Core for my WooComerce products?
This means that you don't have permissions to export lists from Cin7 Core. Request your organization's master user to grant you the permission from the Settings > Users & Roles page in Cin7 Core.
Will the categories in WooCommerce be affected when we perform a Cin7 Core to WooCommerce product update?
Your WooCommerce categories will not be replaced if you enable Use WooCommerce as Master Source for Cin7 Core products on the WooCommerce Integration page.
Why isn't Cin7 Core creating product families and updating product details when importing proudcts from WooCommerce?
In Cin7 Core, go to Integrations > WooCommerce, then under the Setup tab, check that the Use WooCommerce as Master Source for Cin7 Core Products button is toggled to Yes. If the button is set to No, click on it to set it to Yes. Once done, try the import process again. It should now be creating product families and updating your products based on details in WooCommerce.
How can we resolve a pending invoice, which is not getting processed and can't be removed?
In Cin7 Core, go to Integrations > WooCommerce, then under the Logstab, delete the log record for the pending invoice. Once done, go to the Pending orders tab, then click Load orders, then Process to process the invoice again.
Does Cin7 Core provide a way to bulk update products from Cin7 Core to WooCommerce?
Cin7 Core has a bulk listing feature that allows you to select the category, family, product tag, or listing status of the products for bulk listing. You can find this feature under the Bulk Listing tab on the WooCommerce Integration page.
Do you support the default setting for permalinks inWooCommerce stores?
The previous legacy WooCommerce API version implies that Cin7 Core still supports the required configuration of permalinks. However, the new WooCommerce API that is used as default for newer WooCommerce versions doesn't require any changes to permalinks in WooCommerce. Thus, the integration of your WooCommerce store with Cin7 Core should still work.
We sell in 3 currencies and have a plugin that converts our base currency in WooCommerce, how can we stop USD price importing to Cin7 Core?
Multi-currency plugin is not supported by WooCommerce API. This setup is not compatible with Cin7 Core. You should set up three (3) WooCommerce stores with different currencies instead.
We are having an issue with the GST component for orders imported from our WooCommerce store.
Cin7 Core captures all sale information from WooCommerce, including tax amount. You need to set up correct tax rules in WooCommerce and then map WooCommerce tax rules to Cin7 Core tax rules. This can be done by going to Integration > WooCommerce > Setup. Cin7 Core will not recalculate tax for sales from WooCommerce; instead, Cin7 Core will bring in the exact tax amount from sale orders in WooCommerce.
Can we change the product and order field mapping between WooCommerce and Core?
The data mapping between Cin7 Core and Woo is preconfigured and cannot be changed.
Can I use the Cin7 Core API to set the status of an existing WooCommerce order to backordered?
The Backordered status can only be set automatically in case Cin7 Core detects insufficient components. It can't be forced via the API.
Why does Cin7 Core create duplicate credit notes when I create a credit note for a refund manually?
Since Cin7 Core automatically loads credit notes from WooCommerce, you shouldn't create credit notes manually in Cin7 Core, otherwise, duplicates will appear. This is true for both Simple and Advanced sales. Credit notes are processed after fulfilment, so there might be a little delay if the order hasn't been fulfilled yet.
We have different SKUs in WooCommerce and Cin7 Core. They are linked by auto-assembly for stock calculations. Can we merge our Cin7 Core and Woo SKUs?
You can merge the different SKUs in Cin7 Core. Just make sure to first remove the bill of materials and auto-assembly from the WooCommerce SKUs. Once merged, the SKUs on Cin7 Core and WooCommerce should match.
Is Cin7 Core Woocommerce integration compatible with Woocommerce HPOS?
This is an internal WooCommerce setting. Whether HPOS is on or off, this does not affect the API. Cin7 Core does not have a WooCommerce module to support this.