Updated Terms Of Use

Updated Terms Of Use

We have updated our Cin7 Core Terms of Use (effective from 1st October 2023). These changes help clarify and make it easier to understand what to expect as you use the service. You can review the new terms, but we also wanted to provide you with a high-level summary of the changes.

Terms of Use Updates for Cin7 Core

This update addressed:

  • Simplified and additional language as well as general updates for improved clarity and readability.
    We have updated and/or modified language (including definitions) to make the Terms more clear and concise. We have also restructured the Terms to make it easier for navigation (which includes re-organizing some sections, such as Obligations and Warranties and Acknowledgments).

  • The inclusion of a new section for Implementation Services.

  • An update to the Obligations section to include a restriction on inputting PCI (for example, credit card information) or sensitive financial information into free text fields.

  • New language for configurations and competition in Your Obligations and for feedback in Intellectual Property.

  • New language in Term and Termination and Payment sections to establish initial configuration and minimum pricing concepts for buyers that activate an initial subscription, or users that select a subscription to a Standard, Pro, or Advanced Plan, after October 1, 2023.

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