The Suppliers resource allows Suppliers to be listed, viewed, created, and updated. Here are some example URIs:
/Suppliers/E6E8163F-6911-40e9-B740-90E5A0A3A996 - returns details of a particular Supplier;
/Suppliers?page=2 - returns the second page of 100 Suppliers;
/Suppliers - returns the first 100 active Suppliers because page number 1 is the default;
/Suppliers?page=2&limit=500 - returns the second page of 500 Suppliers; ie. the 501st to 1000th Suppliers;
/Suppliers?includeDeprecated=1 - returns the first page of 100 Suppliers including deprecated Suppliers;
/Suppliers?name=ABC - returns the first page of 100 Suppliers with name starting with ABC;
The full range of URIs and HTTP Verbs supported are:
Operation | HTTP Action |
List of paginated Suppliers | GET /Suppliers?page={pageNumber} |
View any Supplier | GET /Suppliers/{id} |
Create a set of Suppliers | POST /Suppliers |
Update a set of Suppliers | PUT /Suppliers |
These filters can be used with the GET Suppliers endpoint:
Filter | Description |
limit | Specifies the page size for pagination. Default page size is 100 Suppliers. |
name | Only return Suppliers that start with the specific Supplier name |
modifiedSince | Only return Suppliers modified since a specified date (UTC time) |
includeDeprecated | Returns all Suppliers, including deprecated, if set to true. If set to false or if it is not specified then returns only active (ie. non-deprecated) Suppliers |
Filters are used by adding the filter and value to the URI: /Suppliers?name=ABC&includeDeprecated=true
Using bulk create/update:
With POST and PUT actions you create/update a set of Suppliers:
Suppliers: [{...}, {...},...]
Up to 100 Suppliers can be created/updated in one batch.
As a result of the call to batch actions you will get the following response:
"Suppliers": [
"Errors": [
{"ErrorText":"Supplier with specified id does not exist"},
{"ErrorText":"Supplier name cannot be longer than 256 characters"}
"Errors": []
Where “errors” property for every Supplier in a batch indicates problems with executing create/update action on the Supplier. If “errors” array property has no items then operation completed successfully. You can also check “operationStatus” property to find out if specific action in a batch succeeded or failed.
Available Fields for Supplier:
Property | Type | Length | Required | Notes |
Addresses | Address collection, see below
| |||
Contacts | Contact collection, see below
| |||
Errors | Errors collection, see below
| |||
ID | Guid |
| Ignored by POST action. Required for PUT action |
OperationStatus | String |
| Read-only field. Empty in Get action result and one of two possible values as a result of POST, PUT and DELETE actions: “failed” or “succeeded” |
Name | String | 256 | Yes | Must be unique |
Currency | String | 3 | Yes | ISO code |
PaymentTerm | String | 50 | Yes | Valid payment term name (payment term with this name must exist in Payment Terms reference book and should be active) |
TaxRule | String | 50 | Yes | Valid taxation rule name (taxation rule with this name must exist in Taxation Rules reference book and should have For Purchases flag set to “true” in API) |
Discount | Nullable Decimal |
| Discount percentage, applied for all purchases by this supplier by default. Range from 0 to 100 |
Comments | String | 256 |
| Multiline comment field. Automatically copied to Notes field in sale task when the Supplier is selected. |
AccountPayable | String | 50 | Yes | Account code of active account from chart of accounts with Account Payable=true |
TaxNumber | String | 256 |
| Taxation number of the Supplier used to report to tax authorities |
AdditionalAttribute1 | String | 256 |
| Value of the Supplier’s additional attribute 1. Ignored when current Cin7 Core Subscription plan is Small or Medium or when AttributeSet name is not provided. |
AdditionalAttribute2 | String | 256 |
| Value of the Supplier’s additional attribute 2. Ignored when current Cin7 Core Subscription plan is Small or Medium or when AttributeSet name is not provided. |
AdditionalAttribute3 | String | 256 |
| Value of the Supplier’s additional attribute 3. Ignored when current Cin7 Core Subscription plan is Small or Medium or when AttributeSet name is not provided. |
AdditionalAttribute4 | String | 256 |
| Value of the Supplier’s additional attribute 4. Ignored when current Cin7 Core Subscription plan is Small or Medium or when AttributeSet name is not provided. |
AdditionalAttribute5 | String | 256 |
| Value of the Supplier’s additional attribute 5. Ignored when current Cin7 Core Subscription plan is Small or Medium or when AttributeSet name is not provided. |
AdditionalAttribute6 | String | 256 |
| Value of the Supplier’s additional attribute 6. Ignored when current Cin7 Core Subscription plan is Small or Medium or when AttributeSet name is not provided. |
AdditionalAttribute7 | String | 256 |
| Value of the Supplier’s additional attribute 7. Ignored when current Cin7 Core Subscription plan is Small or Medium or when AttributeSet name is not provided. |
AdditionalAttribute8 | String | 256 |
| Value of the Supplier’s additional attribute 8. Ignored when current Cin7 Core Subscription plan is Small or Medium or when AttributeSet name is not provided. |
AdditionalAttribute9 | String | 256 |
| Value of the Supplier’s additional attribute 9. Ignored when current Cin7 Core Subscription plan is Small or Medium or when AttributeSet name is not provided. |
AdditionalAttribute10 | String | 256 |
| Value of the Supplier’s additional attribute 10. Ignored when current Cin7 Core Subscription plan is Small or Medium or when AttributeSet name is not provided. |
AttributeSet | String | 50 |
| Name of the Supplier’s additional attribute set. Ignored when current Cin7 Core Subscription plan is Small or Medium. (AttributeSet with this name must exist in Additional Attribute Sets reference book) |
Status | String |
| Yes | The only valid values are “Active” and “Deprecated” |
LastModifiedOn | Nullable DateTime |
Property | Type | Length | Required | Notes |
Line1 | String | 256 | Yes |
Line2 | String | 256 |
Type | String | 8 | Yes | Billing, Shipping or Business |
DefaultForType | Boolean |
| Yes | “true” if specified address should be used as default for its Type (Shipping). Default addresses are selected by default when Supplier is selected in sale task. |
City | String | 256 |
State | String | 256 |
Postcode | String | 20 |
Country | String | 32 |
| Name of the country |
Property | Type | Length | Required | Notes |
Name | String | 256 | Yes | Contact person’s name |
Phone | String | 50 |
MobilePhone | String | 50 |
JobTitle | String | 256 |
Fax | String | 50 |
String | 256 |
| |
Website | String | 256 |
Default | Boolean |
| Yes | True if this contact is the Supplier’s default contact. Will be selected automatically when the Supplier is selected in sale task. |
Comment | String | 256 |
| Multiline comment field. Copied to Notes area in sale task when this Supplier is selected. |
Property | Type | Length | Required | Notes |
ErrorText | String |
| Read-only field indicating problem when executing action on associated entity |
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