Xero Synchronization Report

Xero Synchronization Report

During synchronization with Xero, items could be imported to Xero but ultimately have status skipped, pending, or failed. This will cause an information discrepancy between Cin7 Core and Xero. This report allows the user to see discrepancies where data in Cin7 Core has not been imported to Xero.

The report contains the following data types with Failed, Pending, Skipped, or Completed status:

  • Attachments

  • Contacts

  • Credit notes

  • Customer credits

  • Invoices

  • Payments (payments and refunds)

  • Supplier deposit

  • Manual journals

  • Money tasks

  • Products


Note: Payments for consolidated invoices cannot be imported to Cin7 Core. You will need to manually apply a payment in Cin7 Core to the imported consolidated invoice.

This report is only available to users with Financial Reporting permissions.



Reporting Period

Allows the user to select the reporting period from a list of options or set a custom date range.


Set to the Default layout. Allows selection of saved layouts, if any.

Save Layout As

Allows saving a layout for potential future use.

Reset Layout

Resets the layout to the default layout or selected saved layout.


Select Apply Filter to set filter fields for the report and Update to refresh the output with any new changes. See Managing Cin7 Core Reports - Filtering Reports for more detailed information about using filters.


The following output fields are available for this report.


Cin7 Core Number

Identifier for Cin7 Core item

Xero Number

Identifier for Xero item

Sync date

Data of synchronization

Sync status

Sync status, can be Failed, Pending, Skipped, Completed.


Type of item. Can be:

  • Credit note

  • Customer credits

  • Invoices

  • Payment

  • Refund

  • Supplier deposits

Consolidated Invoice/Credit Note # in Xero

Only for Xero consolidated invoices/credit notes if applicable.

Payment Account

Payment account name in Cin7 Core if applicable. Only applicable to payments, refunds, customer credits, and supplier deposits.

Document Link

Link to document for which payment is applied. Only applicable to payments, refunds, customer credits, and supplier deposits.

Effective Date

Date of transaction in Cin7 Core


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