Cin7 Core Payments FAQs
Q: What is Cin7 Core Payments?
A: Cin7 Core Payments is our own payments platform. It complies with PCI standards, uses TLS 1.2 encryption for both transaction and checkout, and works with all invoices generated in Cin7 Core. We designed Cin7 Core Payments specifically to let your customers pay for their transactions with ease and peace of mind.
Q: When is Cin7 Core Payments going to be made available to Cin7 Core users?
A: For now, Cin7 Core Payments Beta is already live for Cin7 Core subscribers in Australia. This means that it can already be used for live transactions on Cin7 Core and Cin7 Core B2B Portals. A future version will also support Cin7 Core POS.
Q: We're based in the US. Is Cin7 Core Payments going to be made available here soon?
A: We can't say for sure when it will be rolled out to the US, although we definitely have plans to roll out in your country and several other locations, including Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. Rest assured that we will inform active subscribers in these countries of its availability when the time comes.
Q: If we sign up for the Beta, where can we immediately use Cin7 Core Payments?
A: You can use it immediately for your transactions on Cin7 Core and Cin7 Core B2B Portals.
Q: Can we test it to make sure it meets our needs before signing up?
A: Yes, you can test Cin7 Core Payments through the Sandbox on the Cin7 Core Payments Integration page. For more information, see Generating and Signing the Cin7 Core Payments Service Agreement.
Integrating with Cin7 Core Payments
Q: What are the requirements for signing up for the Beta?
A: Only active Cin7 Core subscribers can sign up for the Beta. In addition, your organisation must have a valid business registration in your country of operation (only Australia is currently supported).
Q: How do we sign up for the Beta?
A: To sign up for the beta, navigate to Integrations > Cin7 Core Payments Beta, then follow the instructions on the page. To learn more about the process, see Signing Up for Cin7 Core Payments.
Q: Who should we put in as the Account Opener?
A: The one who signs you up for an account on the Cin7 Core Payments platform is always the Account Opener. Thus, if you're signing up your organisation, you're the Account Opener.
Q: Can we have just one person in all three required Business Representative roles, e.g. Account Opener, Owner, and Director?
A: Yes. You may also have different persons in these roles.
Q: What are the acceptable supporting documents for business representatives?
A: Generally, government-issued IDs, e.g. passports and driver's licenses, are acceptable. Copies of the front and back of IDs must be uploaded. Other requirements include:
Documents must be in colour.
Size should be smaller than 8,000px by 8,0000px.
Images should be in JPEG or PNG.
File Size should be less than 10MB.
The name on the ID document should match the name provided by the merchant for the Account.
For New South Wales-based organisations, a photo card is required.
Q: I've uploaded the required supporting documents for my application. Why am I being asked to provide proof of address?
A: When verifying your account, Cin7 Core Payments may ask for additional supporting documents such as proof of address. This is because we need to validate the business address associated with your account before charges and/or payouts can be enabled on the account.
Q: I've signed up but it says that my account is awaiting verification. How many days do we wait before our application is verified and approved?
A: Account verification may take up to 3-5 days. Cin7 Core may also ask for additional supporting documents, e.g. proof of address, that will help in the verification – send these documents ASAP to ensure fast approval of your application. Once Cin7 Core finishes the account verification process, you will get a notification at the email address you provided during account registration informing you of the status of your application.
Q: How do I disable Cin7 Core Payments?
A: To disable or disconnect the integration with Cin7 Core Payments, click the Disable Cin7 Core Payments button on your Cin7 Core Payments Dashboard. To re-enable the integration with Cin7 Core Payments, click the Enable Cin7 Core Payments button.
The Cin7 Core Payments Dashboard
Q: When I access the Cin7 Core Payments Integration page, I can only see a Setup tab, nothing else. How do I check out the other Cin7 Core Payments features?
A: You need to sign up for a Cin7 Core Payments account before you can see the other features. You can sign up via that Setup tab on the page. If you're not ready to use it for actual transactions, we recommend signing up for the Sandbox instead, where you can test the service until you're ready to put it into production. For more information, see Signing Up for Cin7 Core Payments.
Q: How do I search for transactions, refunds, payouts, or disputes?
A: Each of the tabs on the Dashboard, such as Transactions, Refunds, Payouts, and Disputes, has its own search function. For example, to search for a transaction, click the Transactions tab, then enter either an invoice number or customer name. You can also filter the transactions by a range of dates. Generally, these features are also available in the other tabs. For more information, see Using the Cin7 Core Payments Dashboard.
Q: Where can I view all transactions that were paid for using Cin7 Core Payments?
A: All transactions on sales channels that have been set up to accept Cin7 Core Payments appear under the Transactions tab, which is open by default when you navigate to your Cin7 Core Payments Dashboard.
Q: I only see a list of refund requests and their statuses under the Refunds tab on the Cin7 Core Payments Dashboard. How or where do I refund a transaction?
A: The actual refund of a sales transaction is performed under the Transactions tab. If there is a refund request, go to the Transactions tab and click the Refund button displayed to the right of the transaction. Note that more than one refund can be issued against a charge, but the refund amount cannot be greater than the original charge amount. Learn more about Refunds in Cin7 Core Payments.
Q: I'm receiving an error message when I try refunding a transaction. How do I resolve this issue and prevent it from happening again?
A: This error message appears if your account balance is insufficient to cover a refund (Cin7 Core Payments uses your account balance to cover refund transactions). To resolve this issue, you can perform a fake sales transaction that will result in an account balance that can cover the refund amount.
To prevent it from happening again, specify a Balance to Hold amount under the Setup tab on your Cin7 Core Payments Dashboard (see Getting Started with Cin7 Core Payments for more information). Cin7 Core will keep this amount in reserve for refunds.
Q: How long will it take before customers see the refunds appear on their statements?
A: It may take 5-10 days before a refund appears on a customer's statement. Cin7 Core Payments automatically sends an email to the customer once the refund is credited back to the customer's account.
Q: It has been more than a week and the customer has not received the refund yet. Why is there a delay?
A: Refunds may take anywhere from 5-10 days. If the refund does not appear after 10 days, it may be because your customer’s bank or card issuer is unable to process it correctly, e.g., the customer's bank account has been closed or there is a problem with the customer's credit/debit card. The bank returns the refunded amount to Cin7 Core Payments, which then adds the amount back to your account balance. This process can take up to 30 days from the post date. If this is the case, you should contact and request the customer to provide an alternative way of providing the refund.
Note the following when processing refunds:
Some refunds that are issued shortly after the original charge appear as a reversal instead of a refund. In this case, the original charge drops off the customer’s statement, and a separate credit is not issued.
Refunds will be sent back only to the original payment method used in a charge. They cannot be sent to a different card or bank account.
If your customer is still unable to see the refund after 30 days, please open a ticket with Cin7 Core Customer Support.
Q: When will I get my first payout?
A: Cin7 Core Payments sends your first payout 10 days after it receives the first successful payment (not refunded) made on your account. For transactions greater than $10,000, only 50% of the amount will be released via the first payout, with the balance being paid out 21 days after that. In this case, expect another payout from Cin7 Core Payments on the 22nd day after the first payout.
Q: How long before a transaction is included in a payout?
A: After the first payout (see the previous question), expect subsequent payouts seven (7) days after a transaction is successfully completed.
Q: I'm expecting a payout but have not received it yet. What's causing the delay?
A: It might be because your bank account cannot receive a payout for any reason, e.g. your account information is incorrect. In this case, the bank will send the funds back to Cin7 Core Payments. This process may take up to five (5) business days. Once the cause of the failure is fixed, e.g. you have edited your bank account details on the Setup page, Cin7 Core Payments will send the payout without any further action required on your part.
Q: How do I respond to a pending dispute?
A: All disputes from customers are viewable from the Disputes tab on the Cin7 Core Payments Dashboard. Click the Respond button to the right to respond to a pending dispute. On the Respond to Dispute window, the details of the dispute are displayed, together with the corresponding action you need to take. From here, you can also accept the dispute, submit evidence that the customer authorizes the charge, or email the customer. For more information, click Disputes in Cin7 Core Payments.
Q: What evidence can I submit in response to a dispute?
A: Evidence may include any communications with the customer acknowledging their purchase or receipt of the product or service, and that the customer received or used the product or service. Provide as much evidence as necessary. Once submitted, you will not be given another opportunity to enter evidence. You can also save the evidence for later use. However, if you fail to submit the evidence before the due date, Cin7 Core Payments will automatically submit the saved evidence for you.
Q: Until when can I submit evidence in a dispute?
A: You will see a due date for when evidence is required for submission to the customer's bank when you click a Pending dispute on the Disputes tab. Make sure to submit the evidence before the due date, as you will not be given another opportunity to enter evidence. If you don't submit any evidence, there's a higher probability that you will lose the dispute.
Email Templates and Notifications
Q: What email templates and notifications are available for use with Cin7 Core Payments?
A: Cin7 Core Payments has two types of predefined email templates:
templates that you get when Cin7 Core performs an action on your account
templates that your customers get from you when you perform an action related to their transactions.
You can customise the latter type of email templates.
Email templates are enabled by default, meaning that you and your customers will receive them once you start using Cin7 Core Payments. You can also disable them if you don't want to use them.
Q: Why is the Activate Notifications tab on my Dashboard disabled?
A: If you have an existing paid subscription to the Notifications module, this feature will be available to you. Since it's disabled, it may mean that you don't have a paid subscription to the Notifications module. See Adding Trials of the POS, B2B, API and Automation Modules to Paid Plans if you want to know more about subscribing to the Notifications module.
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