Recent Changes to Cin7 Core API v2

Recent Changes to Cin7 Core API v2

As of 10 November 2019

We are constantly improving Cin7 Core API v2 in response to customer feedback and our own use – yes, we do use our API internally.

Recent additions to Cin7 Core API v2 are listed below.

  1. A CustomerID parameter has been added to our SaleList endpoint, making it easier to relate old and new customer information. For example, a company that changes its name can still be identified through the Customer ID.

  2. StockTransfer and StockTransferOrder v2 have both been updated to return Cin7 Core price tiers and product barcodes.

  3. A PriceTier endpoint has been added that returns all Sale Price Tiers in Cin7 Core.


Find out more about these recent Cin7 Core API v2 changes at

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