Production MailMerge Fields for Cin7 Core Templates
This article contains all the MailMerge tables for the purchase process. Each table contains MailMerge fields that can be used to edit purchase document templates. Please see Template editing for a video tutorial of the template editing process and familiarise yourself with how to Manage Document and Email Templates before editing your templates. Purchase document templates can be downloaded from Settings → Document and email templates → Purchase.
Production process MailMerge fields are used in the following template types: Production Order, Production Order Traveler, Production Run Pick List, Production Run Receiving Note.
The Cin7 Core Production module is an area of ongoing development and this area may experience frequent updates and changes.
Note: Cin7 Core have a dedicated support team for resolving template issues, don't hesitate to contact Cin7 Core Support for help.
Manage Document and Email Templates (required) - please start here first if you are unfamiliar with how MailMerge fields work.
Important table structure information
All sections in a template must be contained within TableStart and TableEnd tags. This defines which table the mail merge fields data will be pulled from.
Templates will start and end with the parent TableStart and TableEnd tags, e.g. «TableStart:Purchase» and«TableEnd:Purchase». Child TableStart and TableEnd tags can be placed within the parent tags.
Tables that may have multiple lines generated in them, for example, tables with sale order lines, purchase order lines, or additional Charges, will have TableStart and TableEnd tags within the table itself. e.g. «TableStart:POLines» and«TableEnd:POLines». These are child tags that will be found within the parent tags.
TableStart and TableEnd tags that end in Details (POLineDetails, InvoiceDetails etc.) are for matrix documents, e.g. Purchase Order Matrix, Invoice Matrix.
If you need to customise standard templates, make sure that the opening tag for any table «TableStart:NAME» has the matching closing tag «TableEnd:NAME», or your template will not work. Try to change the structure as little as possible to preserve the template functionality.
Parent table fields can be used in child tables but child table fields can only be used within the child table. Parent table fields can be used in child tables but child table fields can only be used within the child table. In the sample table, Purchase is the parent table and POLines is the child table.
Sample Structure:
The most important thing to remember when making changes to templates is to change the FIELD CODE, not the FIELD NAME.
Right-click any <<field name>> and click Toggle Field Codes to show the field code (displayed as {MERGEFIELD field code}).
Windows users can toggle all field codes by holding down ALT + F9.
Mac users can toggle all field codes by pressing OPTION + F9.
FIELD NAMES:Don't change these.
FIELD CODES: Change these.
Once you have made your changes to the field code, right-click and click Update Field for the changes to take effect.
Production Process MailMerge Fields
Production process MailMerge fields are used in the following template types: .
These field codes can be used between the «TableStart:ProductionOrder» and «TableEnd:ProductionOrder» tags. This is the parent MailMerge table for the other production tables. Parent fields can be used anywhere between the parent start and end tags.
Production process MailMerge fields are used in the following template types: Production Order, Production Order Traveler, Production Run Pick List, Production Run Receiving Note.
Field Code |
Description |
ProductionOrderID |
Production Order Task ID |
OrderNumber |
Production Order Number |
ProductCode |
SKU of the product to be produced |
ProductName |
Name of the product to be produced |
Unit |
Units of the product to be produced |
Quantity |
Task Quantity |
QuantityNumeric |
Task Quantity in Numbers |
Barcode |
Item barcode for the product to be produced |
ProductDescription |
Product description |
ShortDescription |
Product Short Description |
AdditionalAttribute1 |
Product Additional Attribute 1 |
AdditionalAttribute2 |
Product Additional Attribute 2 |
AdditionalAttribute3 |
Product Additional Attribute 3 |
AdditionalAttribute4 |
Product Additional Attribute 4 |
AdditionalAttribute5 |
Product Additional Attribute 5 |
AdditionalAttribute6 |
Product Additional Attribute 6 |
AdditionalAttribute7 |
Product Additional Attribute 7 |
AdditionalAttribute8 |
Product Additional Attribute 8 |
AdditionalAttribute9 |
Product Additional Attribute 9 |
AdditionalAttribute10 |
Product Additional Attribute 10 |
ProductImage |
Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage» |
LinesInRuns |
Number of Lines in Run |
OrderCost |
Cost of Order |
ShopFloorName |
Shop Floor Name where production takes place |
SaleOrderNumber |
Sale Order Number which generated production order if applicable |
Status |
Production Task Status |
PlannedDate |
Production Order Planned Date |
ReleaseDate |
Production Order Release Date |
RequiredByDate |
Production Order Required By Date |
CompletionDate |
Production Order Completion Date |
DatePrinted |
Current Date of printing document |
StartDate |
Production Order Start Date |
SaleCustomerName |
Sale Customer Name |
SaleBillingAddressLine1 |
Customer Billing Address Line1 |
SaleBillingAddressLine2 |
Customer Billing Address Line2 |
SaleCustomerEmail |
Customer Email |
SaleShippingAddressLine1 |
Full Shipping Address Part 1 (ShippingLine1 + Shipping Line2) |
SaleShippingAddressLine2 |
Shipping Address Part 2 (City, State, Post code) |
SaleOrderDate |
Sale Order Date |
SaleTerms |
Sale / Payment terms |
SaleCustomerReference |
Sale Customer Reference |
SaleRequiredByDate |
Sale Required By Date |
Company |
Company name |
Line1 |
Company Address Line1 |
Line2 |
Company Address Line2 |
Line3 |
Company Address Line3 |
MyName |
Company Contact Name |
MyPhone |
Company Phone |
MyFax |
Company Fax |
MyEmail |
Company Email |
MyWebsite |
Company Website |
PlannedBy |
Date Production Order needs to be planned |
ReleasedBy |
Date Production Order needs to be released |
ProductionOrderComments |
Text from ProductionOrder Comments field in header |
These field codes can be used between the «TableStart:OrderOperations» and «TableEnd:OrderOperations» tags. This is a parent table for the OrderOperationComponents, OrderOperationResources, and OrderOperationNotes table and a child table for the ProductionOrder table. Parent MailMerge table fields can be used between child table start and end tags but child MailMerge table fields can only be used between the child table start and end tags.
OrderOperations TableStart tags, TableEnd tags and field codes are used to generate tables of operation details for the whole production order.
Field Code |
Description |
ID |
Task ID |
OperationID |
Operation ID |
ProductionOrderID |
Production Order ID |
Sequence |
Operation sequence |
Name |
Operation name |
CycleTime |
Operation cycle Time |
UnitsPerCycle |
Units Per Cycle |
UnitsPerCycleNumeric |
Units Per Cycle Numeric |
WorkCenterID |
Work Center ID |
WorkCenterName |
Work Center Name |
WorkCenterCode |
Work Center Code |
TotalCost |
Total Cost |
TotalCostNumeric |
Total Cost Numeric |
LinesInComponents |
Total component lines in operation |
LinesInResources |
Total resource lines in operation |
LinesInNotes |
Total note lines in operation |
These field codes can be used between the «TableStart:OrderOperationComponents» and «TableEnd:OrderOperationComponents» tags. This is a child MailMerge table. Parent MailMerge tables (ProductionOrder and OperationOrders) fields can be used between child table start and end tags but child MailMerge table fields can only be used between the child table start and end tags.
OrderOperationComponents TableStart tags, TableEnd tags and field codes are used to generate tables of components required for a production operation for the whole production order.
Field Code |
Description |
ID |
Production Order Task ID |
OperationID |
Production Order Operation ID |
ProductID |
Component product ID |
ProductCode |
SKU of the component |
ProductName |
Name of the component |
Unit |
Units of the component |
Quantity |
Component Quantity |
QuantityNumeric |
Component Quantity in Numbers |
Barcode |
Component barcode |
ProductDescription |
Product description |
ShortDescription |
Product Short Description |
AdditionalAttribute1 |
Product Additional Attribute 1 |
AdditionalAttribute2 |
Product Additional Attribute 2 |
AdditionalAttribute3 |
Product Additional Attribute 3 |
AdditionalAttribute4 |
Product Additional Attribute 4 |
AdditionalAttribute5 |
Product Additional Attribute 5 |
AdditionalAttribute6 |
Product Additional Attribute 6 |
AdditionalAttribute7 |
Product Additional Attribute 7 |
AdditionalAttribute8 |
Product Additional Attribute 8 |
AdditionalAttribute9 |
Product Additional Attribute 9 |
AdditionalAttribute10 |
Product Additional Attribute 10 |
ProductImage |
Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage» |
WastageQty |
Wastage Qty |
WastageQtyNumeric |
Wastage Qty Numeric |
WastagePercent |
Wastage Percent |
WastagePercentNumeric |
Wastage Percent Numeric |
TotalCost |
Total Cost |
TotalCostNumeric |
These field codes can be used between the «TableStart:OrderOperationResources» and «TableEnd:OrderOperationResources» tags. This is a child MailMerge table. Parent MailMerge tables (ProductionOrder and OperationOrders) fields can be used between child table start and end tags but child MailMerge table fields can only be used between the child table start and end tags.
OrderOperationResources TableStart tags, TableEnd tags and field codes are used to generate tables of resources required for a production operation.
Field Code |
Description |
ID |
Production Order Task ID |
OperationID |
Production Order Operation ID |
ResourceID |
Resource ID |
ResourceCode |
Resource Code |
ResourceName |
Resource Name |
Quantity |
Resource quantity for operation |
ResourceCycleTime |
Resource Cycle Time |
TotalCost |
Total Cost |
TotalCostNumeric |
These field codes can be used between the «TableStart:OrderOperationNotes» and «TableEnd:OrderOperationNotes» tags. This is a child MailMerge table. Parent MailMerge tables (ProductionOrder and OperationOrders) fields can be used between child table start and end tags but child MailMerge table fields can only be used between the child table start and end tags.
OrderOperationNotes TableStart tags, TableEnd tags and field codes are used to generate tables of notes for a production operation.
Field Code |
Description |
ID |
Production Order Task ID |
OperationID |
Production Order Operation ID |
Note |
These field codes can be used between the «TableStart:Runs» and «TableEnd:Runs» tags. This is a parent table for the RunOperations, RunPutAway, RunOperationComponents and RunOperationResources tables and a child table for the ProductionOrder table. Parent MailMerge table fields can be used between child table start and end tags but child MailMerge table fields can only be used between the child table start and end tags.
Runs TableStart tags, TableEnd tags and field codes are used to display Production Run data.
Field Code |
Description |
ID |
Task ID |
RunID |
Run ID |
ProductionOrderID |
Production Order Task ID |
Number |
Number |
Status |
Task Status |
Quantity |
Task Quantity |
QuantityNumeric |
Task Quantity in Numbers |
StartDate |
Start Date |
EndDate |
End Date |
ReceivedDate |
Received Date |
LinesInPutAway |
Total put away lines in the run |
LinesInOperations |
Total operation lines in the run |
ProductCode |
ProductName |
Name of the product |
Unit |
These field codes can be used between the «TableStart:RunPutAway» and «TableEnd:RunPutAway» tags. This is a child MailMerge table. Parent MailMerge tables (ProductionOrder) fields can be used between child table start and end tags but child MailMerge table fields can only be used between the child table start and end tags.
RunPutAway TableStart tags, TableEnd tags and field codes are used to display information about the product to be put away and put away quantities.
Field Code |
Description |
ID |
Production Order Task ID |
RunID |
Run ID |
ProductID |
Product ID |
ProductCode |
SKU of the product to be produced |
ProductName |
Name of the product to be produced |
Unit |
Units of the product to be produced |
Quantity |
Task Quantity |
QuantityNumeric |
Task Quantity in Numbers |
Barcode |
Item barcode for the product to be produced |
ProductDescription |
Product description |
ShortDescription |
Product Short Description |
AdditionalAttribute1 |
Product Additional Attribute 1 |
AdditionalAttribute2 |
Product Additional Attribute 2 |
AdditionalAttribute3 |
Product Additional Attribute 3 |
AdditionalAttribute4 |
Product Additional Attribute 4 |
AdditionalAttribute5 |
Product Additional Attribute 5 |
AdditionalAttribute6 |
Product Additional Attribute 6 |
AdditionalAttribute7 |
Product Additional Attribute 7 |
AdditionalAttribute8 |
Product Additional Attribute 8 |
AdditionalAttribute9 |
Product Additional Attribute 9 |
AdditionalAttribute10 |
Product Additional Attribute 10 |
ProductImage |
Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage» |
BatchNo |
Batch No |
ExpiryDate |
Expiry Date |
BinName |
Bin Name where put away is performed |
ReceivedDate |
These field codes can be used between the «TableStart:RunOperations» and «TableEnd:RunOperations» tags. This is a parent table for the RunOperationComponents, and RunOperationResources tables and a child table for the ProductionOrder and Runs table. Parent MailMerge table fields can be used between child table start and end tags but child MailMerge table fields can only be used between the child table start and end tags.
RunOperations TableStart tags, TableEnd tags and field codes are used to generate tables of operation details for a production run.
Field Code |
Description |
ID |
Production Order ID |
OperationID |
Operation ID |
RunID |
Run ID |
StartDate |
Start Date for the operation |
CompletionDate |
Completion Date for the operation |
Sequence |
Operation sequence |
Name |
Operation name |
Type |
Type of operation (set-up, manufacturing, quality control, co-manufacturing) |
PlannedTime |
Planned time for all operation cycles |
ActualTime |
Actual time for all operation cycles |
UnitsPerCycle |
Units Per Cycle |
UnitsPerCycleNumeric |
Units Per Cycle Numeric |
CyclesCount |
Number of cycles in operation |
WorkCenterID |
Work Center ID |
WorkCenterName |
Work Center Name |
WorkCenterCode |
Work Center Code |
TotalCost |
Total Cost |
TotalCostNumeric |
Total Cost Numeric |
LinesInComponents |
Total component lines in operation |
LinesInResources |
Total resource lines in operation |
These field codes can be used between the «TableStart:RunOperationComponents» and «TableEnd:RunOperationComponents» tags. This is a child MailMerge table. Parent MailMerge tables (ProductionOrder and Runs) fields can be used between child table start and end tags but child MailMerge table fields can only be used between the child table start and end tags.
RunOperationComponents TableStart tags, TableEnd tags and field codes are used to generate tables of components required for a production run.
Field Code |
Description |
ID |
Production Order Task ID |
OperationID |
Production Order Operation ID |
ProductID |
Component product ID |
ProductCode |
SKU of the component |
ProductName |
Name of the component |
Unit |
Units of the component |
Quantity |
Component Quantity |
QuantityNumeric |
Component Quantity in Numbers |
CycleQty |
Component quantity per cycle |
Barcode |
Component barcode |
ProductDescription |
Product description |
ShortDescription |
Product Short Description |
AdditionalAttribute1 |
Product Additional Attribute 1 |
AdditionalAttribute2 |
Product Additional Attribute 2 |
AdditionalAttribute3 |
Product Additional Attribute 3 |
AdditionalAttribute4 |
Product Additional Attribute 4 |
AdditionalAttribute5 |
Product Additional Attribute 5 |
AdditionalAttribute6 |
Product Additional Attribute 6 |
AdditionalAttribute7 |
Product Additional Attribute 7 |
AdditionalAttribute8 |
Product Additional Attribute 8 |
AdditionalAttribute9 |
Product Additional Attribute 9 |
AdditionalAttribute10 |
Product Additional Attribute 10 |
ProductImage |
Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage» |
BatchNo |
Batch No |
ExpiryDate |
Expiry Date |
BinName |
Bin Name |
TotalCost |
Total Cost |
TotalCostNumeric |
Total Cost Numeric |
These field codes can be used between the «TableStart:RunOperationResources» and «TableEnd:RunOperationResources» tags. This is a child MailMerge table. Parent MailMerge tables (ProductionOrder and OperationOrders) fields can be used between child table start and end tags but child MailMerge table fields can only be used between the child table start and end tags.
RunOperationResources TableStart tags, TableEnd tags and field codes are used to generate tables of resources required for a production operation.
Field Code |
Description |
ID |
Production Order Task ID |
OperationID |
Production Order Operation ID |
ResourceID |
Resource ID |
ResourceCode |
Resource Code |
ResourceName |
Resource Name |
Quantity |
Resource quantity for operation |
ResourceCycleTime |
Resource Cycle Time |
TotalCost |
Total Cost |
TotalCostNumeric |
Total Cost Numeric |
ProductionLabelsBatch (BETA)
These field codes can be used between the «TableStart:ProductionLabelsBatch» and «TableEnd:ProductionLabelsBatch» tags. This is a standalone MailMerge table.
ProductionLabelsBatch TableStart tags, TableEnd tags and field codes are used to generate product labels for production items.
Field Code |
Description |
ProductionOrderID |
Production Order Task ID |
ID |
Task ID |
ItemCode |
ItemDescription |
Name of the product |
Unit |
Units of the product to be produced |
Quantity |
Task Quantity |
Location |
Location |
BatchOrSerialNumber |
Batch Or Serial Number of product |
Barcode |
Item barcode for the product |
ProductDescription |
Product description |
ShortDescription |
Product Short Description |
AdditionalAttribute1 |
Product Additional Attribute 1 |
AdditionalAttribute2 |
Product Additional Attribute 2 |
AdditionalAttribute3 |
Product Additional Attribute 3 |
AdditionalAttribute4 |
Product Additional Attribute 4 |
AdditionalAttribute5 |
Product Additional Attribute 5 |
AdditionalAttribute6 |
Product Additional Attribute 6 |
AdditionalAttribute7 |
Product Additional Attribute 7 |
AdditionalAttribute8 |
Product Additional Attribute 8 |
AdditionalAttribute9 |
Product Additional Attribute 9 |
AdditionalAttribute10 |
Product Additional Attribute 10 |
ProductImage |
Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage» |
ExpiryDate |
Expiry Date |
StockLocator |
Stock Locator |
PriceTier1 |
Price tier 1 |
PriceTier2 |
Price tier 2 |
PriceTier3 |
Price tier 3 |
PriceTier4 |
Price tier 4 |
PriceTier5 |
Price tier 5 |
PriceTier6 |
Price tier 6 |
PriceTier7 |
Price tier 7 |
PriceTier8 |
Price tier 8 |
PriceTier9 |
Price tier 9 |
PriceTier10 |
Price tier 10 |
ItemWeight |
Product Weight per 1 quantity |
TotalLineWeight |
ItemWeight * Quantity |
WeightUnits |
Weight Units |
Category |
Category |
Brand |
Brand |
Option1 |
Product Family variant option 1 value |
Option2 |
Product Family variant option 2 value |
Option3 |
Product Family variant option 3 value |