Using the Cin7 Core Payments Dashboard
After your account application gets approved (see Getting Started with Cin7 Core Payments for more information), you can start using Cin7 Core Payments.
IMPORTANT! Cin7 Core Payments is currently undergoing beta testing. If your organisation has an active Cin7 Core subscription, you can join the beta testing programme for the service. Support for Cin7 Core B2B Portals is already included in the Cin7 Core Payments Beta, with Cin7 Core POS support coming in a future version.
Active Cin7 Core subscription (required)
Enabled Cin7 Core Payments Integration (required)
The Cin7 Core Payments Dashboard is displayed by default when you navigate to Integrations > Cin7 Core Payments,once your Cin7 Core Payments account has been verified.
Once enabled, you can also disable your Cin7 Core Payments account at any time from the Dashboard. The integration can also be re-enabled at any time (see Disabling/Enabling Cin7 Core Payments Integration below).
Details of Cin7 Core Payments transactions, refunds, payouts and disputes are available on the Dashboard's four tabs: Transactions, Refunds, Payouts, Disputes.
All transactions on sales channels that have been set up to accept Cin7 Core Payments appear under the Dashboard's Transactions tab, which is displayed by default when you open the Dashboard.
The Total Account Balance, Available Balance, and Next Payout Date are displayed at the top of the Transactions tab. The Total Balance is the amount currently in your account, the Available Balance is the total balance minus any holds on your account, and the Next Payout Date is the scheduled date for your next payout.
Displayed below are the details of your sales transactions for the current month, including the date and time, invoice number, customer name, status (Payment Received/Refunded/Refund Failed), amount, and currency.
A Refund button is displayed to the right of each transaction. In case a customer requests a refund, you can process the refund by clicking this button. If your account balance is insufficient to cover a refund, you will receive an error message upon clicking the button. Details of all refund transactions are displayed under the Refunds tab (see below).
You can filter transactions by a range of dates or search for specific transactions by entering an invoice number or customer name.
Details of all refund transactions, including the sale date, the date and time the refund was processed, invoice number, customer name, refund reason, amount, and status (Pass or Failed) are displayed under the Refunds tab.
You can search for specific refund transactions by entering an invoice number or customer name.
The actual refund of a sales transaction is performed under the Transactions tab (see above). In case a customer requests a refund for a successful sales transaction, go to the Transactions tab and click the Refund button displayed to the right of the transaction. On the Refund Payment window, the original transaction amount is displayed by default as the Refund amount. You may edit this and enter a lower amount in the case of a partial refund. Enter a reason for the refund, then click Refund.
If your account balance is insufficient to cover a refund, you will receive an error message upon clicking the Refund button. In this case, click the Setup page, enter an amount that can cover the refund in the Balance to Hold field under the Business Details tab, then click Save.
You may try the refund again once your account balance is sufficient to cover the refund request.
When performing refunds, consider the following:
It may take 5-10 days before a refund appears on a customer's statement. Cin7 Core Payments automatically sends an email to the customer once the refund is credited back to the customer's account.
Some refunds that are issued shortly after the original charge appear as a reversal instead of a refund. In this case, the original charge drops off the customer's statement, and a separate credit is not issued.
More than one refund can be issued against a charge, but the refund amount cannot be greater than the original charge amount.
Refunds will be sent back only to the original payment method used in a charge. They cannot be sent to a different card or bank account.
Refunds may fail if your customer's bank or card issuer is unable to process it correctly, e.g., the customer's bank account has been closed, or there is a problem with the customer's credit/debit card. The bank returns the refunded amount to Cin7 Core Payments, which then adds the amount back to your account balance. This process can take up to 30 days from the post date. In this case, you should contact and request the customer to provide an alternative way of providing the refund.
Proceeds of all sales transactions paid using Cin7 Core Payments minus the corresponding Cin7 Core Payments fee are termed as Payouts.
The details of all payouts to your bank account, including the date, amount, and status (Completed or Failed), are available on the Payouts tab, with the amount of the next payout prominently displayed at the top.
Each payout can be expanded to display the date and time, invoice number, customer name, and amount of the transactions included in the payout.
You can filter payouts by invoice number, customer name, and status (All/Pending/Completed/Failed).
You can also export a payout and its corresponding transactions to a CSV file.
For payouts, consider the following:
Cin7 Core Payments sends your first payout 10 days after it receives the first successful payment (not refunded) made on your account.
For transactions greater than $10,000, only 50% of the amount will be released via the first payout, with the balance being paid out 21 days after that. In this case, expect another payout from Cin7 Core Payments on the 22nd day after the first payout.
A transaction will be included in subsequent payouts seven (7) days after it is successfully completed.
If your bank account cannot receive a payout for any reason, e.g. if your account information is incorrect, the bank will send the funds back to Cin7 Core Payments. This process may take up to five (5) business days. Once the cause of the failure is fixed, e.g. you have edited your bank account details on the Setup page, Cin7 Core Payments will send the payout without any further action required on your part.
When one of your customers files a dispute on an invoice paid using Cin7 Core Payments with their bank or credit card issuer, Cin7 Core Payments will receive a notification from the bank or issuer. Cin7 Core Payments will then create a dispute under your account and notify you of the dispute at the same time. You can view the details of the dispute under the Disputes tab. The email notification from Cin7 Core Payments will also contain the dispute details.
The Disputes tab displays the date, due date, dispute status, and dispute amount. The Dispute Status may be any of the following:
Pending (awaiting your response)
In progress (you have responded and are awaiting a response from the customer)
Won (awarded to you)
Lost – (awarded to the customer).
Disputes can be filtered according to status, with the default set to All, and date range. You can also search for a specific dispute by customer name.
You can review the detailed history for a Pending, In progress, Won, or Lost dispute by clicking on it.
For Pending disputes, click the Respond button to the right to respond to a dispute. On the Respond to Dispute window, the details of the dispute are displayed, together with the corresponding action you need to take. From here, you can also accept the dispute, submit evidence that the customer authorized the charge, or email the customer.
When submitting evidence, read the Evidence Upload guide to ensure that your evidence meets the documentation guidelines. Evidence may include any communications with the customer acknowledging their purchase or receipt of the product or service, and that the customer received or used the product or service. Provide as much evidence as necessary.
Once submitted, you will not be given another opportunity to enter evidence.
You can also save the evidence for later use. However, if you fail to submit the evidence before the due date, Cin7 Core Payments will automatically submit the saved evidence for you.
Disabling/Enabling Cin7 Core Payments Integration
In case you want to disable or disconnect the integration with Cin7 Core Payments, click the Disable Cin7 Core Payments button on your Cin7 Core Payments Dashboard.
To re-enable the integration with Cin7 Core Payments, click the Enable Cin7 Core Payments button.
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