Import and edit prices via CSV
It is possible to import and edit prices in bulk using CSV files. There are 3 different CSV files, for simple prices, markup prices and custom prices.
Set up Products (required)
Set up Suppliers (recommended)
Users will need the Settings: Your Company - General Settings permission to edit price tier names and rounding tables.
Users will need the Inventory - Products and families and Product – Price info permission to edit price tier values.
Pricing and price tiers (recommended)
Multicurrency (recommended)
Import simple prices
Simple prices are imported using the Inventory List CSV.
Note: Simple prices are static and do not change based on the customer base currency.
Navigate to Inventory → Products.
Click Export → Inventory List and download the file. This will export a list of all of the products in your inventory.
Open the file and edit the Price Tier cells. There are 10 price tier cells for each inventory list line.
Save your changes. Upload the edited file by clicking Import → Inventory List.
Import markup prices
Markup prices are imported using the Markup Prices CSV.
Navigate to Inventory → Products.
Click Export → Markup Prices and download the file. This will export a list of all of the products in your inventory which currently have at least one markup price specified. Alternatively, click Import -> Markup Prices and download the blank template.
Open the file and edit the cells. You will need to specify ProductSKU, Price Tier to create/update. It is not required to specify the Product Name when creating new markup prices (this is shown for your information on export). Available Markup Types are Append and Markup%. Available UseTypes are Average Cost, Fixed Supplier Price, Last Supplier Price, Price Tier Value. Finally, specify the Value of the markup pricing. See Markup pricing for more information on how prices are calculated from these parameters.
There are three possible values for Action. These are Create, Update and Delete. If left blank, Create/Update is assumed. Delete will remove the markup pricing for the specified price tier for a product.
Save your changes. Upload the edited file by clicking Import → Markup Prices.
Exporting Markup Prices only generates CSV lines for products that already have at least one markup price specified. This is convenient to update existing markup pricing, but not immediately apparent how to populate initial markup pricing for large quantities of products. For populating initial markup pricing, it is recommended to copy the ProductSKU column from the Inventory List CSV and paste it into the Markup Pricing CSV. Markup pricing for PriceTier 1 can then be input. This can be repeated as many times as required for up to 10 price tiers.
Import custom prices
Custom prices are imported using the Custom Prices CSV. Custom prices are treated as simple prices, i.e. static values.
Navigate to Inventory → Products.
Click Export → Custom Prices and download the file. This will export a list of all of the products in your inventory which currently have at least one custom price specified. Alternatively, click Import → Custom Prices and download the blank template.
Open the file and edit the cells. You will need to specify ProductSKU, Customer Name and Price. A new line is required for each customer price for each product. It is not required to specify the Product Name when creating new markup prices (this is shown for your information on export).
There are three possible values for Action. These are Create, Update and Delete. If left blank, Create/Update is assumed. Delete will remove the markup pricing for the specified price tier for a product.
Save your changes. Upload the edited file by clicking Import → Custom Prices.
View and edit customer price tiers in bulk
View and edit your customer price tiers by exporting a Customer List in CSV format.
Navigate to Sale → Customers → Export → Customers to download the CSV file.
Do not change any of the column headings to prevent any errors during the upload. View the PriceTier column to see a customer's price tier. Edit the Price Tier value if required.
If making changes, save the CSV file when finished and Import the edited template.
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