Winners and Losers Report

Winners and Losers Report

Use this report to see which products drive your revenue generation and should be prioritized. Identify the products that are rarely sold but still incur overhead costs.


Report options


Set to the default layout or select from a saved layout.

Save layout as

Save a layout for potential future use.

Reset layout

Resets layout to the default layout or selected saved layout.

Select Apply filter to set filter fields for the report and Update to refresh the output with any new changes. See Managing Cin7 Core Reports - Filtering Reports for more detailed information about using filters.

Export report data to Excel, PDF, or RTF.

Report fields

The following fields are available for this report. Open the Configure Layout menu to view all available fields.



Product SKU


The name of the product


Product brand


Product category


Product family name

Product Tags

Comma-separated product tags


Location name


Product unit of measure


Supplier associated with this product


SKU barcode

Days in stockout

The starting date of a stockout. Can be past (already occurring) or future (expected to start).

Demand segment

Winners are top sellers which generate the most revenue, chasers are still in demand products, losers are products that are rarely sold.

Margin Gross profit in your currency
Margin % Margin percentage of sale price

Data Headers

Stock value

Current stock value

Sale price

Average sale price

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