Stock transfer with MES

Stock transfer with MES

MES automatically creates stock transfer orders to deliver unused components back to a storage location, and to transfer finished products to their delivery location. You can also create new transfer orders from within MES and complete existing stock transfers that have been authorized in Cin7 Core, Cin7 Core POS, or Cin7 Core WMS.

With MES, you can also pick stock for multiple orders to or from a single location for more efficient transfers.


  • Advanced Manufacturing must be included in or added on to your subscription.

  • Set delivery location for finished products. This is set from the production order in Cin7 Core. It cannot be edited after a production operation has started and cannot be edited from MES.

  • Configure production process customization settings for finished product delivery. Cin7 Core can generate transfer orders to deliver finished products to a storage location on production run completion, production order completion, or not at all.

Create a new stock transfer

Create a new stock transfer between two locations from MES.

  1. Select Stock transfer from the main menu.

  2. Select Add transfer to begin a new stock transfer.

  3. Select a From location, To location, and Required by date.

  4. Save the transfer order in draft status and move on the next step.

  5. Enter or scan a product name or SKU to search for a product. Alternatively, press the search icon to display all product inventory at that location, including products not currently in stock.

  6. Select products to add them to the transfer list.

  7. Once all of the items have been added to the transfer order, check that the quantity to transfer is correct and edit if necessary.

  8. Save to come back to the draft transfer order later, or Authorize the transfer order to continue to the next step. This will take you back to the transfer order screen, when you can see the order with Ordered status. Continue to the next step, complete an existing stock transfer, to pick stock to transfer and put it away when it arrives at the destination location.

Complete an existing stock transfer

Complete any transfer with Ordered status directly from the MES app. This includes stock transfers created in Cin7 Core, Cin7 Core POS, Cin7 Core WMS and stock transfers between locations that are not the current working area.

  1. Select Stock transfer from the main menu to see a list of stock transfers.

  2. Select a transfer order to continue. You can use status or transfer order number to filter the stock transfer list.

  3. If you have selected a Draft order, finish adding items and authorize the order to continue.

  4. If you have selected an Ordered order, you will move to Transfer picking. Check the Ordered quantity, and click the search icon or quantity field to open the picking details window. This will show the bins where the stock is located so you can choose how many items to pick from each possible location. You can also scan items or manually enter SKU to search. Click Finish to return to the transfer picking screen.

  5. When you have picked all required items, click Send to send the stock to the new location. This will take you back to the transfer order screen, when you can see the order with In transit status.

  6. If you have selected an In transit order, open the transfer order when the items arrive at their destination to see the Transfer put away screen. Click the search icon to view all locations bins where the item can be put away.

  7. Click an item to choose a location or bin to put the item away and enter the quantity put away.

  8. Click Finish to receive the stock and select another order to put away.

  9. When you have put away all items, click Complete to finish the transfer order and return to the stock transfers list, where the transfer order will now have the status Completed.



Transfer from a location

Consolidate multiple transfer orders for efficient picking. Pick products from multiple existing orders from a single location to be transferred to one or more destination locations.

This feature picks items from existing transfer orders and generates new transfer orders, with new document numbers, that reflect the items picked and from/to locations. MES updates the existing transfer orders to remove the picked items. When or if all items are picked from the existing order, it will be empty and thus voided. Details are recorded in the Activity log for both old and new transfer orders and link to the other relevant orders for tracking purposes.
  1. Select Stock transfer from the main menu.

  2. Select From location. This will show all products available to pick from the working area location, in any bin, for any authorized transfer order.

  3. Use the checkboxes to select the bins and work centers of the current working area to pick from for the transfer, then click Next.

  4. Click a product, enter the product SKU, or scan a product to open the item detail view.

  5. Next, pick the required quantity.  Scan the bin to confirm the picking bin or select No bin to pick directly from the working area location. Enter the item # or batch/SN or scan the SKU. You will then need to press Enter on your device keypad if entering the number manually.

  6. Enter the picked quantity or scan all instances to add them to the picked list. Partial picking is allowed.

  7. When you have picked all the required items, click Finish to generate new transfer orders and update existing transfer orders. This takes you to the put away screen.

  8. The put away screen shows all the products available to place at each destination location. If you can't put away now, you can close the put away view and return to the stock transfer menu.

  9. Check the put away location is correct and press Next to start putting away items.

  10. The put away list shows all the products to be put away to the selected location. Click a product to open the item detail view.

  11. Next, place the required quantity. Scan the SKU or batch/SN number or enter it manually. You may need to press Enter on your device keypad if entering the number manually. Enter the placed quantity or scan all instances to add them to the placed list. It is not possible to partially put away an order.

  12. When you have put away all products, click Finish to complete the transfer order. You will given the option to print the stock transfer list before returning the menu.

Transfer to a location

Consolidate multiple transfer orders for efficient picking. Pick products from multiple existing orders that will all be transferred to the same destination location.

This feature picks items from existing transfer orders and generates new transfer orders, with new document numbers, that reflect the items picked and from/to locations. MES updates the existing transfer orders to remove the picked items. When or if all items are picked from the existing order, it will be empty and thus voided. Details are recorded in the Activity log for both old and new transfer orders and link to the other relevant orders for tracking purposes.
  1. Select Stock transfer from the main menu.

  2. Select To location. This shows transfer orders with status Ordered.

  3. Use the checkboxes to select the destination location for the transfer, then click Next.

  4. The pick list will show all products to be picked from all bins to send to the selected location. Click a product to open the item detail view.

  5. Next, pick the required quantity. Scan the bin to confirm the picking bin, or pick from another bin, or select No bin to pick directly from the current location.

  6. Scan the SKU or batch/SN number or enter it manually. You may then need to press enter on your device keypad if entering the number manually. Enter the picked quantity or scan all instances to add them to the picked list. Partial picking is allowed.

  7. When you have picked all products, click Finish to generate an updated transfer order. This takes you to the put away screen. You may optionally print the stock transfer list.

  8. The put away screen shows all the available products to put away to the destination location.  If you can't put away straight away, you can close the put away view and return to the stock transfer menu. When Close is pressed, you may optionally print the stock transfer list.

  9. Click a product to open the item detail view where the quantity can be placed. Next, place the required quantity.

  10. Scan the bin to confirm the placing bin, or place in another bin, or select No Bin to place directly in the location.

  11. Click the item # or batch/SN field and scan the SKU or batch/SN number or enter it manually. You will then need to press Enter on your device keypad if entering the number manually. Enter the placed quantity or scan all instances to add them to the placed list. It is not possible to partially place an order.

  12. When you have placed all orders, click Finish to complete the transfer order. You may optionally print the stock transfer list before returning the menu.

Using staging bins

Use a staging bin in a transfer:

  1. In Cin7 Core MES or in Cin7 Core WMS, select Stock transfer from the menu.

  2. Pick either From location, To location, or By order to continue.

  3. Next, pick the required quantity. Scan the bin to confirm the picking bin, or pick from another bin, or select No bin to pick directly from the shopfloor.

  4. Scan the SKU or Batch/SN number or enter it manually. You may then need to press Enter on your device keypad if entering the number manually.

  5. Enter the picked quantity or scan all instances to add them to the picked list. It is possible to partially pick an order.

  6. When you have picked all the required products, click Finish to generate an updated transfer order. This takes you to the staging bin screen.

  7. Next, place the required quantity in the staging bin. Scan the staging bin name or manually enter the bin name.

  8. Scan the SKU or batch/SN number or enter it manually.

  9. Enter the placed quantity or scan all instances to add them to the placed list. It is not possible to partially place an order. This completes the transfer order to staging area.

  10. Return to the Stock transfer list to complete the transfer from staging bin to final destination/s.

  11. Select From location to select the staging bin and pick the items.

  12. When all products are picked, click Finish to update the first stage transfer order, and create the second stage transfer order. If all products are picked from the first stage transfer order, MES will void the original order. MES then creates a second stage transfer order with the picked products with a new transfer order number. You may make multiple second stage transfer orders if required.

  13. Next, place the products in their destination locations and finish the transfer order.

Bin transfer

Move stock from one or more bins within a location to another quickly with bin transfer. This method is faster and has fewer steps than creating a full stock transfer order, and lets you pick from multiple bins in one transfer.

  1. Select Receive from the main menu, then Bin transfer.

  2. Scan or type the name of the source bin and tap Enter on your keypad. If the stock is not in a bin, leave blank and tap Enter.

  3. On the Picking screen, enter the item number or scan the barcode for the product to be moved, then tap Enter on your keypad. Use Next to change the bin you are picking from.

  4. On the item screen, choose the quantity of items to transfer. You can scan each item, manually enter the Item # or adjust the quantity by tapping . Tap Finish to add the item to the bin transfer list.

  5. The picking screen shows picked item details. From here, you can pick another item by entering the item number, tap Next to go back to the Change location screen and pick items from a another bin, or tap Start to move on to the Put away screen and the next step.

  6. Enter the Item #, scan the barcode or tap the item to open the item details.

  7. Enter the new Bin name and scan or type in the Item #, and tap Enter on your keypad to generate a line for the new bin location. You can add more items to that bin, type/scan the Item # and tap Enter on your keypad for each item or manually adjust the quantity. Instantly place all remaining items with Place all.

  8. You can add remaining items to a different bin by typing in a new Bin name, tapping Enter on your keypad, and repeating the process.

  9. Instantly place all remaining items in a new location, tap Place all. Use Place partially to place the current quantity in this bin and return to Put away, where you can place the remaining items elsewhere.

  10. Tap Finish to put away the placed items and return to the menu.

View stock transfer details

View details of an existing stock transfer to see which user worked on the order.

  1. Select Stock transfer from the main menu to see a list of stock transfers. You can use status or transfer order numbers to filter or search for a specific order.

  2. Expand an entry to see the user who performed the stock transfer.

Undo or void a transfer order

Undo a stock transfer to return it to draft status while saving the item details and quantities. Void a stock transfer to delete all transfer information. You will no longer be able to undo or void a transfer if the transferred items have been sold, written-off, or used for production.

  1. Select Stock transfer from the main menu to see a list of stock transfers. You can use status or transfer order numbers to filter or search for a specific order.

  2. Expand an entry to undo or void the stock transfer.

Print a transfer order

Print transfer order details directly from your device if you have a connected printer, or create a PDF to save and print later.

  1. Select Stock transfer from the main menu to see a list of stock transfers. You can use status or transfer order numbers to filter or search for a specific order.

  2. Expand an entry to print the transfer order.


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