Print product labels

Print product labels

Product labels show a product's list price, barcode, and SKU. Print product labels for easy identification of items for your customers and quick scanning when processing a sale. Product labels can be printed for one product at a time or for batches of products.

This article covers printing product labels in Cin7 Core. You can also print product labels from the POS and WMS applications.

Product label templates can be customized to your requirements. For more information, see our document templates guide. Cin7 Core have a dedicated template team so do not hesitate to contact Cin7 Core Support if you need help.


  • Set up Products including barcodes

  • Users will need the Inventory: Products and families permission in order to print product labels

Print a product label

  1. Navigate to Inventory → Products and select a product.

  2. Click Print to generate a PDF document to print or save.

Print product labels in bulk

  1. Navigate to Inventory → Products.

  2. Check the box next to one or more products.

  3. Click Print to generate a PDF document. One PDF file will be generated containing all the documents in the batch.

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