Production BOM settings
The Settings tab allows you to edit manufacturing buffer time, lead time for products and more for production BOMs. See below for an explanation of each of the setting fields.
Advanced Manufacturing must be included in or added on to your subscription.
Production instruction URL
Production instruction URL is an optional field for instructions. You can enter a link here so that your shop floor staff can access it during production. The instructions URL can be accessed both from Cin7 Core and the MES mobile app.
Manufacturing buffer time
Manufacturing buffers allocate extra time to a production order to make sure deadlines are not exceeded. This is set as a percentage of the total allocated time.
Ignore cumulative lead time
When this box is left unchecked, the lead time for component replenishment is calculated from it's product record. When this box is checked, an additional field will appear when you can specify the lead time manually in days.
It's best to Ignore cumulative lead time if you have other alternatives available to your standard suppliers which can meet the specified lead time, or if you don't have accurate lead time information added to your product record. If you have long lead times for some components, or if the BOM contains components with their own production BOM, you may want to leave this unchecked to take into account cumulative lead time.
Delivery to
The Delivery to setting defines a default delivery location for finished products produced from this production BOM. This is useful if finished products need to be stored rather than go directly to the demand or retail location. If no delivery location has been specified in the production BOM or a production order, the demand/retail location from the logistics path will be used. This setting just specifies a default location, and you will always be able to select a different location during production if necessary.
This setting will not be visible if your production process customization settings are set to not transfer products to a storage location.
Minimum quantity to produce per production order
NOTE: This applies to automatically created production orders only. You can manually create a production order of any size.
Minimum production order quantities are useful when you want to create production orders automatically from sales, but also avoid the inefficiency of very small orders. If a sale order contains a quantity of finished products under this threshold, Cin7 Core will wait until additional sales are authorized before creating a production order.
Example: Minimum quantity is 200. A sale order is authorized for 180 units; production order will not be authorized. Then, a second sale order is authorized for 50 units. The total quantity to produce is now 230, and a production order for this quantity will be created.
Leaving this field blank or 0 will mean there is no minimum threshold.
Maximum quantity to produce per production order
NOTE: This applies to automatically created production orders only. You can manually create a production order of any size.
Maximum production order quantity defines when a production order should be split into two or more. This is useful when you want to create production orders automatically from your sales, without blocking off your production facility with just one or two very large orders.
Production orders are split at the maximum quantity threshold and the remaining quantity is accumulated until it reaches the minimum threshold for another order.
Example: Maximum quantity is 400, minimum quantity is 200. A sale order is authorized for 180 units;production order will not be authorized. Then, a second sale order is authorized for 280 units. The total quantity to produce is now 460. A production order will be authorized for 400, the remaining quantity of 60 will be accumulated until it reaches the minimum quantity threshold.
If this field is not filled, the maximum order quantity is not applied and production orders are created as is from sales orders.
Order quantity deviation %
NOTE: This applies to automatically created production orders only. You can manually create a production order of any size.
Order quantity deviation % is the percent to which it is possible to deviate from the minimum or maximum quantity to produce per production order. Deviation is useful for cases like the production of liquids, for example the minimum volume of the production tank is 200 litres, but producing a little less is still efficient.
If set to 0, the minimum and maximum quantity to produce per production order will be a fixed quantity.
Example: Maximum quantity is 400, Minimum quantity is 200. Order quantity deviation is 5%. A sale order is authorized for 192 units. This is within 5% of the minimum threshold, so the production order is created for this quantity.
Run size
Run size specifies how many runs the production order should be split into. If it is not possible to split the production order exactly to the run size, the final run gets the remaining quantity.
Example: Run size is 50. A sale order is authorized for 270. This is within the minimum and maximum threshold, so the production order is authorized for 270 units. The production order will be split into 5 production runs of 50 units, and one production run of 20 units.
Cost per unit of time vs cost per unit of finished product
Resource costs in a production BOM can be added as Cost per unit of time or as Cost per unit of finished product. Choose Cost per unit of time when the resource cost depends on how long you use the resource, for example, whether a shop floor worker spends one or two hours. Alternatively, use Cost per unit of finished product if the resource cost is calculated according to the piece rate.