Nested Production Orders (Production BOM Explosion)

Nested Production Orders (Production BOM Explosion)

Production BOMs can contain finished products (products with their own production BOM) or assembled components (products with their own Assembly BOM). This article explains how orders containing nested production BOMs are treated by the system.

Nested production orders are only created if the nested order product is not in stock, either in the shop floor warehouse or in the connected warehouse.

Note: Production BOM is an advanced manufacturing feature. You will need to add the advanced manufacturing module to your Cin7 Core base subscription to use this feature. See Getting Started with the Advanced Manufacturing module for more information.

Note: Component finished products must have their own production BOM in order for nested production orders to be generated. Finished products that are produced as part of another product's manufacturing process, but which do not have their own production BOM, will not cause nested production orders to be generated.


  • Getting Started with the Advanced Manufacturing Module (required)

  • Production BOM (required)

  • Managing Production Orders (required)

  • Access to the advanced manufacturing module requires adding a subscription to the module to your Cin7 Core paid plan.

  • Users will need access to some or all of these production permissions to fully use this feature, depending on role:

    • Production List & Tasks

    • Production – Undo

    • Production - Void

    • Production Order fulfillment (Authorize and Release production orders)

    • Production adjustment (Can undo/mark as completed/void Production Order or Production Run)

    • Production Bill of Material


Manually Authorizing a Production Order

This applies when a Production Order is authorized/released from the Production Orders List, Scheduler or the Production Order itself. Production Orders start in status Draft. No nested orders for finished products are created while the Production Order is in Draft status.

Authorizing/Planning a Production Order creates nested orders in Planned status. Releasing a Production Order changes its nested orders to Released status.

Assembly Orders will also be generated for semi-finished components with an Assembly BOM. Authorizing a production order will create an assembly order with Authorized status.

Note: If auto-assembly is checked for an Assembly BOM, the component list will be exploded in the production operation containing the assembly component, and no separate assembly order will be created. Cin7 Core refers to this as a Phantom BOM. Please see Phantom BOM for more details.

Production Orders created from Sales Orders

You can set Production Orders to be created from Sales Orders (as well as manual creation and creation from  Reorder suggestions page). This can be configured in Settings → General Settings → Production Process Customisation. See General Settings - Production for more detailed information about Production Settings.


When a sales order is authorized, production orders are created with Draft, Planned or Released status.

Nested production orders are created for semi-finished components with a production BOM with the same status as the top-level order (except for Draft orders). Planning/Releasing a top-level order will Plan/Release the nested orders.

Nested assembly orders will also be generated for semi-finished components with an assembly BOM. Planning/authorizing a production order will create an assembly order with Authorized status.

Note: If auto-assembly is checked for an assembly BOM, the component list will be exploded in the production operation containing the assembly component, and no separate assembly order will be created. Cin7 Core refers to this as a Phantom BOM. Please see Phantom BOM for more details.

Sales Order Example

Product A is a finished product with a Production BOM. A demand for one (1) unit of Product A is created by a Sales Order. When the Production Order for Product A is authorized, Product A Production BOM explosion is initiated.


All orders for semi-finished components (nested orders) are created in the same status as Production Order for finished product (parent). This means that if setting is set to Released status, all nested orders will be created in Released status.

The low level elements are highlighted with yellow. These are the simple components which required to replenish (or take from stock if they are available) to complete the Product A.

Note: Simple components quantities for replenishment (created Transfer Orders and Purchase Orders) are calculated based on the Availability in the Shop Floor and connected Warehouse (see Logistics Path). These formulae are only applied for finished and semi-finished products of the order.

Let's assume that every product needs 1 each of of its finished and semi-finished products.

Scenario 1

  • Setting: Quantity Required (Production Orders will be created only for quantity required for Sales Order)


A sales order for quantity 1 of Product A is authorized.

In Product A example the following orders will be created:

  • Product A - Production Order for quantity 1 (Sales Order demand)

  • Product B - 2 of Product B are needed for each Product A. (Separate orders are created)

    • Production Order for 1 Product B

    • Production Order for 1 Product B

  • Product C - 1 of Product B is needed for Product A

    • Production Order for quantity 1 (it is needed 1 Product C for Product A creation)

  • Product E - 1 of Product E is needed for each Product B.  2 Product B are needed for Product A. (Separate orders are created)

    • Production Order for 1 Product E

    • Production Order for 1 Product E


  • Related orders: Purchase Orders and Transfer orders are created depending on the availability of simple components, the same as it is done for a regular Production Order.

    • Related orders are created only for the orders to which they refer and not visible in the parent order. If Product L is required for Product C production, then Purchase Order for Product L Production order will include Purchase orders for Product C.

    • In Production Order for Product A, the Purchase Order for Product C is not displayed. In case if Product L is required for some other Production Order, it will be created within this Production Order.


  • Assembly BOM initiates orders creation the same as Production BOM

    • Assembly Order is created for Product F, and will be visible in the Related Orders tab.

    • No Purchase Orders/Transfer Orders are created automatically for Assembly Order components.


Scenario 2:

  • Setting: Quantity required and maintain minimum stock level quantity (Production Order quantity is calculated as: Sales Order quantity - (Minimum Before Reorder + Reorder Quantity + On Order - Available). Even if Availability is negative, it is considered in the formula and added to the quantity to produce.)


The Minimum before Reorder quantity for each component is 1. The Reorder Quantity is 1. The starting availability for all components is 1.

A sales order for quantity 1 of Product A is authorized.

NOTE: Component availability is re-checked whenever the order changes from one status to another (e.g. Planned to Released). If component availability is different from when the Production Order was generated, the user will be able to select whether to keep original order quantity or newly calculated order quantity.

In Product A example the following orders will be created:

  • Product A -  1 of Product A needed to meet Sales Order demand, 1 of Product A required to maintain stock Quantity.

    • Production Order for 2 Product A

  • Product B - 2 of Product B is needed for each Product A.

    • Production Order for 3 Product B (this order considers the Reorder and Minimum Stock)

    • Production Order for 1 Product B (this order does not)

  • Product C - 1 of Product C is needed for Product A, 2 of Product A are required.

    • Production Order for 2 Product C

  • Product E - 1 of Product E is needed for each Product B.  2 Product B are needed for Product A.

    • Production Order for 3 Product E (this order considers the Reorder and Minimum Stock)

    • Production Order for 1 Product E (this order does not)

Scenario 3:

  • Setting: Difference between available quantity and quantity required to cover a shortage (Production Order quantity is calculated as: Available - Quantity in Sales Order (negative availability is considered as 0).


The availability for all components is 1.

NOTE: Component availability is re-checked whenever the order changes from one status to another (e.g. Planned to Released). If component availability is different from when the Production Order was generated, the user will be able to select whether to keep original order quantity or newly calculated order quantity.

A sales order for quantity 1 of Product A is authorized.

  • Product A - 1 of Product A needed to meet Sales Order demand

    • Production Order for  1 Product A

  • Product B - 2 of Product B are needed for each Product A. (Separate orders are created)

    • Production Order for 1 Product B

    • Production Order for 1 Product B

  • Product C - 1 of Product B is needed for Product A

    • Production Order for quantity 1 (it is needed 1 Product C for Product A creation)

  • Product E - 1 of Product E is needed for each Product B.  2 Product B are needed for Product A.

    • Production Order for 1 Product E

    • Production Order for 1 Product E


Nested auto-assemblies (Phantom BOM)

When a production BOM contains an assembled nested component with Auto-Assemble enabled, the the component list will be exploded in the production operation containing the assembly component, and no separate assembly order will be created. Cin7 Core refers to this as a Phantom BOM.

E.g. In this example we have a parent product (Cake), and child product (Frosting). Frosting has an assembly BOM consisting of butter and sugar. Auto-assembly is enabled.

Frosting is added to a production BOM as a component:  

When the production order is authorized and the components are loaded, the components of the "Phantom BOM" are exploded and displayed in full:     

This is useful in three ways:

  • It mirrors the logical process of production

  • It enables a component (e.g. frosting) that is the same for multiple parent products to be quickly added to multiple production BOMs

  • Easy conversion when product is bought with one unit of measure and needs to be converted to another. (e.g. a case of eggs, to a single egg)


Please see Phantom BOM for more information.

Production Orders created from Reorders Suggestion Page (Smart Reordering)

Creation of Production Orders using Smart Reordering is possible from the Reorder suggestions page. Reorder Suggestions page can be opened from the Inventory Velocity Report or the Reorder Suggestions email.(See Smart Reordering for more information).

  1. On the Reorder Suggestions page, select Reorder Type: Production.

  2. Select the Location where the Production Order is to be created.

  3. Check the boxes next to the SKUs that you wish to reorder and click Reorder.

  4. The Production Order is created together with all nested Assemblies/Production orders for semi-finished components required to product the finished good. All orders are created in Draft status.

Related Orders for Nested Production Orders

Nested Production Orders for a finished good can be found on the Related Orders tab of the Production Order. See Production Orders - Related Orders for more information.


  • If the Production Order was generated by a sale authorization, the sale order will appear in the Related Orders tab of the top-level Production Order and nested production orders.

  • Related Orders tab will show nested Production Orders for semi-finished components.

    • Related Orders for semi-finished components will also show the Production Order for the next nested level up.

Capacity calculation for nested Production Orders

A Production BOM can contain semi-finished products that are Production BOM products themselves. There can be several hierarchical levels of a Production BOM, meaning that the final finished product can contain a series of nested semi-finished products. Production Orders for nested semi-finished products are created and planned (resource capacity is calculated) automatically when the top-level order is authorized.

Semi-finished products Production Orders are created in the same location as the finished good Production Order. Completed semi-finished products should be put away to either the Shop floor location of the top-level order or the connected warehouse location.

These Production Orders are displayed in the Related Orders tab of the top-level finished good (described below). Orders for nested Production Orders are created with the following properties:

  1. Status of the order is Planned.

  2. Required by Date of the nested product = Release Date of the finished product Production Order.

    • Since the Release date for the finished product Production Order is not confirmed (release of this order is not done), it is calculated from the default release date for the finished product Production Order. It is calculated the same as for the top-level production order.

  3. Timelines for semi-finished products Production Orders are automatically calculated by the From Required by date backward method if the Required by Date is available in the top-level Production Order. Timelines are calculated for each order separately. The timelines for the finished product Production Order is the sum of all Production Order timelines for the semi-finished products.


Release of semi-finished products Production Orders should be executed manually. This will create related orders (Stock Transfer, Purchase Orders) necessary for that order. These created orders are not visible in the Related Orders tab of the top-level finished product.

In Capacity Planner, if one semi-finished product Production Order is re-planned, all other orders including the finished product Production Order are not re-planned. The user will have to go to the Scheduler and check that any problems caused by the re-planning are resolved.

Production order tags and additional attribute sets

Production order tags and additional attribute sets are copied from parent production orders to nested production orders.

Undo/Void of Nested Production Orders

Undoing/Voiding one level of a Production Order DOES NOT Undo/Void nested Production Orders.

Undoing/Voiding a sales order that has generated a Production Order DOES NOT Undo/Void the Production Order or its nested Production Orders.

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