Production orders list

Production orders list

The list of production orders is needed to show all production orders and production runs with their general data in one place. The production orders list allows the user to search and filter production orders, as well as authorize, release and consolidate orders.

The production orders list is accessed from Production → Production Orders.

Note: Production orders are an advanced manufacturing feature. You will need to add the advanced manufacturing module to your Cin7 Core base subscription to use this feature. See Getting Started with the Advanced Manufacturing module for more information.



Production Orders List View

The Production Orders List contains the following data for each Production Order. Columns can be shown/hidden by clicking the Settings gear icon and checking boxes to show/hide columns.

  • Order number – displays the Production Order/Production Run number.

  • Product – displays the name of the finished good product to be produced in this Production Order.

  • Status – the status of the order:

    • Draft – the Production Order is created and not authorized.

    • Planned – the Production Order is authorized.

    • Released – the Production Order is released. This status is inherited by all Production Runs included into the Production Order.

    • Completed – for the Production Order, Completed status is set when put away is executed for the whole order; for the Production Run, Completed status is set when put away is executed for this Production Run.

    • Work in progress – for the Production Order, Work in Progress status is set when at least one Production Run is in work in progress (operation in at least one Production Run is started); for the Production Run, Started status is set when at least one operation within this Production Run is started.

    • Voided – the Production Order/Production Run has been voided.

  • Quantity – displays the quantity of finished goods for the Production Order or for the Production Run.

  • Shop floor – displays the location for the Production Order. This location is inherited by all Production Runs included into the Production Order.

  • Release Date – displays the release date for the Production Order. If the Production Order is not released, the field is empty. This date is inherited by all Production Runs included into the Production Order.

  • Required by Date – displays the Required by Date for the Production Order. This field is empty for the Production Run.

  • Sales Order – displays a link to the related sale order for production order if applicable

  • Comments – Click to expand and show Comments field from production order.


Next to each order line, there is a checkbox that can be used to select the Production Order/Run so bulk actions can be applied (see Authorizing Production Orders in Bulk, Releasing Production Orders in Bulk below for more information).

The Refresh button refreshes the page view without resetting the filters or search results. This pulls any new updates in the system to be displayed on the page (e.g., change of order status).

The Gear icon is used for the grid settings. Clicking the icon opens a dialogue box that allows the grid layout to be changed. Click Reset Layout to reset the layout to the default layout.


Create a new Production Order

Create a new Production Order by clicking the + button in the top left corner.

Search and filter the Production Orders List

Search by Product, Tags, or Production Order/Run number in the search box at the top left of the screen.

Multiple filters can be applied at once to the Production Orders List. The Production Orders List can be filtered by Shop Floor (Order location), Date range and Status.

Shop Floor (Production Order location)

Filter orders by Shop floor specified in the Production Order Location field (See Define Shop floor locations for more information). Multiple Shop Floors can be selected.

Date range

Filter orders by Required by Date values. There are the following options:

  • All dates –displays the results for all Required by Date dates.

  • 7 days ahead from Required by Date – displays the results in which the Required by Date is within 7 days ahead starting from the current date.

  • 14 days aheadfrom Required by Date – displays the results in which the Required by Date is within 14 days ahead starting from the current date.

  • Custom – sets the custom time frame for the results display. When selected, the date pickers to select the needed date range are displayed.



Filter by Production Order status. The following filters are available:

  • All – shows all Production Orders and Production Runs. It is selected by default.

  • All but voided – filters by only not Voided Production Orders and Production Runs.

  • Draft – filters by not authorized Production Orders.

  • Planned – filters by all authorized Production Orders.

  • Released – filters by all released Production Orders and Production Runs.

  • Completed – filters by all completed Production Orders and Production Runs.

  • Work in progress – filters by all work-in-progress Production Orders and Production Runs.

Authorizing Production Orders from the Production Orders List

Production Orders in Draft status can be authorized directly from the Production Orders List. The Plan button is displayed next to such orders.

By clicking the Plan button, the dialogue to input the required data is opened. Select the capacity calculation method, Planned Date/Required by Date, and click Plan to authorize the Production Order and allocate resource capacity.

Note: If the Production Order has been created from a Sales Order, the Required by Date will be filled automatically from the sales document header, but can be changed manually if required.

Authorizing Production Orders in bulk

To authorize orders in bulk, select the required orders in the Production Orders List by checking them or filtering the required orders using filters. Only orders with a Required by Date in Draft status can be planned in bulk.

Click Plan & Scheduler → Plan Orders from Required Date backward to authorize selected orders in bulk.

Releasing Production Orders from the Production Orders List

Production Orders in Planned status can be released directly from the Production Orders List. The Release button is displayed next to such orders.

Pressing Release will open up a dialogue box. The Release Date calculated from capacity calculation will be filled in automatically but can be manually edited if necessary. Click Release to release the order and issue components. A single Production Run will be created automatically for the quantity of the Production Order.

Releasing Production Orders in bulk

To release orders in bulk, select the required orders in the Production Orders List by checking them or filtering the required orders using filters. Only orders in Planned status can be released in bulk. Click Plan & Scheduler → Release Orders to authorize selected orders in bulk.

Consolidate Orders

Production Orders for finished and semi-finished products can be consolidated based on the following criteria:

  • Orders contain identical products – products SKU is the same.

  • Orders are to be produced in the same Shop Floor location.

  • Orders are in Draft or Planned status (Released orders can no longer be consolidated).


Click Consolidate orders, and the system will check which orders can be consolidated.

The user will be prompted to set the Required by Date for the consolidated order. Click Consolidate to finish consolidating the orders. The quantities of finished good products in the consolidated order are the sum of finished goods from the orders that are consolidated.

Bulk print production orders

Print Production Orders in bulk by selecting the required orders using the check box and clicking Bulk Print. A PDF document will be generated with each order on a separate page. Production Order document templates can be customised by going to (Settings → Document and email templates → Production). See Managing Document and email templates for more information.

Note: Only Production Order documents can be bulk printed. For Production Run Receiving Note, Production Run Pick List, and Production Order Traveler, please open the production order to print.


Add tags to production orders in bulk

Add tags to production orders in bulk by selecting the required orders using the check box and clicking Add tag. Enter a new tag name or select from the dropdown menu. Save to add this tag to all selected production orders.

To view tags, click the Gear icon and make sure Tags is shown as a column. Tags can be added for the production orders in any status. Newly added tags do not override any tags already added to a production order.

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