FAIRE integration

FAIRE integration

The FAIRE business model is designed to give mom-and-pop shops the scale and buying terms that the 'big guys' enjoy, while helping them easily access goods from craftspeople and small manufacturers (“makers”) who make products not found in big box stores or online. FAIRE combines the buying power of thousands of mom-and-pop shops across the US to get its participating stores favorable pricing.

FAIRE, which is four years old, now serves more than 40,000 local retailers in the United States and that number is growing rapidly. By today FAIRE has added more than 400 international artisans and vendors from 39 countries to its wholesale offerings.

This integration supports two-way (Cin7 Core <-> FAIRE) inventory data exchange, however orders can only be created from FAIRE and captured by Cin7 Core.

At this time, FAIRE does not allow for forwarding shipments through third party fulfillment centers or mail forwarders.


  • Apply and register account as a FAIRE brand.

    • Cin7 Core integration is not available for FAIRE retailers.

  • Provide FAIRE with relevant account owner, company and contact information. After the application is accepted, you will be provided with a FAIRE account, brand ID, API access token and personal e-shop web-page by the FAIRE onboarding team. Please contact integrations.support@faire.com and ask them for the API key.

  • Prepare brand store for launch on FAIRE marketplace (please contact FAIRE support for help with these steps):

    • prepare product inventory with all required properties, statuses, product variants and pricing info.

    • preview the shop and make any final edits to Shop Page, Videos, Arrangement, or Shop Settings.

    • activate the shop and 'Go live' on FAIRE.

  • User will need the Integration: FAIRE permission in order to access the integration settings and catalog.

  • Users will need to add an External integration license to their subscription if they do not have one available.


Setting up FAIRE integration in Cin7 Core

Account must be set up with:

  • Master user/account owner information

  • Company and license information

  • Configured inventory of products with all required properties

  • Configured customers

  • Credentials

  • Licenses

  • Price tiers

  • Payment terms

  • Delivery fees

  • etc.


Any number of FAIRE brands can be managed from each Cin7 Core organization.

Connecting Cin7 Core to FAIRE

You will need to configure some settings in FAIRE before you can integrate with Cin7 Core. First, logon to the FAIRE account portal, and add products to your inventory. Please see FAIRE support documentation for help with this step.


Preview the shop and make any adjustments or corrections.


Activate the shop and go live.


That's all from the FAIRE side. You will need your FAIRE store name and the API key (provided to you by the FAIRE onboarding team during new account registration -  please contact integrations.support@faire.com and ask them for the API key.) to connect to Cin7 Core. Return to Cin7 Core and log on.

  1. Navigate to Integrations  → FAIRE.

  2. Click + to connect a new store. Any number of FAIRE brands can be managed from one Cin7 Core organization.

  3. Enter your the following info:

    • API key: Secure API authorization key provided to you by the FAIRE onboarding team during new account registration.

  4. Now click Connect to FAIRE. You will then be taken back to Cin7 Core.


Integration settings

Once you've connected Cin7 Core to your FAIRE store, you can then configure the integration settings between the two systems under the Setup tab on the FAIRE Integration page in Cin7 Core.

General settings

Capture order when it is

Cin7 Core can capture orders from FAIRE when:

  • Order is created

  • Order is completed (delivered in FAIRE)

  • Order is paid


Order consolidation

Sales are processed in Cin7 Core using any of the two consolidation types.

  • No consolidation indicates that all walk-in/cash register sales will be created as individual sales orders in Cin7 Core.

  • Daily consolidation will consolidate all sales for the day into a single sales order.

When daily consolidation is chosen, a Consolidation time setting becomes available. This is your local time when all pending orders aggregated during the day will be processed.


An existing customer in Cin7 Core will need to be selected for pending order processing to work in certain scenarios.

  • When Consolidation type: Daily consolidation is selected this customer is used to create a new sales task which will combine all daily sales into a single sale.

  • When Consolidation type: No consolidation, this customer is used in cases where customer information is not provided. If customer info exists in the sale order, then this setting is ignored.


Wholesale price tier

This setting determines which Cin7 Core product price tier to use when selling wholesale products. This is the default price tier for FAIRE products.

Retail price tier

This setting determines which Cin7 Core product price tier to use for non-wholesale product transactions.

Pick, pack and ship processing mode

This setting tells Cin7 Core if it should try to auto pick, auto pack and auto ship items for sale tasks created when a pending order is processed by Cin7 Core. If there is not enough stock on hand to pick the full quantity of products in an order, then pick should remain in Draft state and pack and ship won’t be done.

Cin7 Core does not pick up shipment information from FAIRE and will not create fulfillment in FAIRE if auto-ship is selected.

Process Auto-Assembly as

This dropdown field has two options:

  • For ordered quantity: Does not check stock quantity. An assembly order is created for the quantity specified in the sale order, regardless of stock availability.

  • For minimum quantity required for picking: Assemble stock required to meet the quantity of specific sale order.

    • If stock availability is negative, auto-assembly will produce a finished goods quantity which is more than the quantity ordered through sale order.

    • If there is already stock available in inventory but not enough to fulfill the sale order quantity, auto-assembly will assemble the difference in quantity needed to meet the sale order requirement.

    • If stock availability exceeds sale order quantity, auto-assembly is not triggered.

Stock availability is validated against the sale order location and does not take on order quantity into account.

Link FAIRE store to Cin7 Core location

FAIRE does not allow the use of multiple warehouses. Each FAIRE store can have a dedicated Location within Cin7 Core which can be selected from the drop-down menu. Selecting a particular warehouse will limit the availability of stock in FAIRE to that location. The default option, All Locations, will display consolidated stock quantities across all of your locations.

Account and cash settings

Invoice status

You can control the invoice status for sales tasks created as a result of pending order processing. By default, an invoice will not be authorized and will be in draft state, adjustable and waiting for authorization. However, if this setting is changed to Authorized, the invoice will be automatically created and authorized. It can then be synced with your preferred accounting application.

Sales representative name

This option allows the entered name to be used as the sales representative for the sales task.

Optional revenue account

The revenue account to be used for all sales downloaded from FAIRE. This will override revenue account settings at the product/customer level and any other account mapping.

Use FAIRE as master source for Cin7 Core products

This option sets the direction of structuring data flow between Cin7 Core and FAIRE: when enabled, Cin7 Core should not push product families and options to FAIRE. Instead, products and families in Cin7 Core should be updated with products, including their variant sets, from FAIRE. When disabled, FAIRE products are downloaded to Cin7 Core only if they do not already exist there. If the FAIRE product can be matched (by SKU for single product or by family name for FAIRE variation set) to any existing Cin7 Core product, it should be kept unchanged.

Disabled by default.

Update stock levels in FAIRE

Controls if stock level is updated automatically in FAIRE store by Cin7 Core at the time when available product quantity changes in Cin7 Core. This may be useful for managing stock level in FAIRE. Disabled by default.

Please ensure you have the correct stock quantities entered in Cin7 Core before you turn on this option as these values will override the stock quantities in FAIRE. Enabling Update stock levels in FAIRE will display the Use buffer inventory setting.

Use buffer inventory

Displayed when Update stock levels in FAIRE is enabled. Allows for an inventory buffer on stock quantities pushed to FAIRE. Sync quantity passed to FAIRE when updating stock levels will be equal to Actual stock - buffer inventory. Enabling this setting will enable the Buffer inventory field.

Buffer inventory

Displayed when Use buffer inventory is enabled. Enter an integer number of stock to act as a buffer. Sync quantity passed to FAIRE when updating stock levels will be equal to Actual stock - buffer inventory. When this setting is enabled, Sync quantity and Buffer inventory quantity will be added as fields to the Catalog and Bulk listing tables alongside stock availability.

Note: Once buffer inventory is enabled and specified, it will be applied across all products listed on the Catalog and Bulk operations tabs. However, sync quantities will only be updated in the channel if the user updates or lists a product.

Export shipping information to FAIRE

Enable to export shipping information from Cin7 Core to FAIRE. Enabled by default. Please see Map carriers section, FAIRE only allows a short, pre-determined list of carriers and if they are not mapped properly - shipping information will not be exported correctly. Only one shipment from Cin7 Core will be exported to FAIRE and only when there are no shipments in FAIRE (more shipments can be manually added in FAIRE).

Tax mapping

Note: Orders will be skipped on download if tax rules are not mapped!

FAIRE transactions are not typically exposed to VAT, and in cases where they are (intra-EU, UK-EU combinations etc.) FAIRE uses intra-community supply and reverse charge rules. These will show as disclaimers on the order fulfillment page when applicable. FAIRE does not expose VAT information or any other tax information via API that Cin7 Core can capture to its brands. For this reason, brand sales are invoiced without VAT and the retailers are assumed to handle VAT on their own. The only applicable rule to map is Tax exempt on the Cin7 Core side.

When a pending order is processed by Cin7 Core, a sale task is created. Each order and invoice line is assigned a tax rule. The tax rules specified in these settings should be used to create those lines.


Map payment methods to payment accounts

FAIRE does not expose payment information via their API, therefore it is not possible for Cin7 Core to automatically add payments to an invoice as with other eCommerce integrations. However, Cin7 Core can still add an 'artificial payment' to invoices in Cin7 Core, based on the product content of the order downloaded from FAIRE and the payment account mapping in this section.

Payments to brands come from FAIRE, and retailers pay later. It is not possible to follow payments.

Note: The artificial payment may be inaccurate (because of promo actions and discounts applied, different delivery options etc.) Users will need to check payments against FAIRE sale orders and manually correct if necessary.

This setting is not mandatory. If payment mapping is not completed, orders are still captured and downloaded from FAIRE, but payments must be manually added to invoices in Cin7 Core.

Disconnect from FAIRE

When you disconnect from your FAIRE store, Cin7 Core removes all associations between this Cin7 Core shop and FAIRE, including all logs and product catalog. Please take care when disconnecting from your FAIRE shop, as there is no way you can link Cin7 Core and FAIRE again automatically without going through the initial setup operations again.

Map carriers

FAIRE operates a strictly restricted list of carriers:






  • UPS

  • USPS




These must be mapped to applicable carriers in Cin7 Core in order for fulfillment details to map correctly. Carriers in Cin7 Core can be added by going to Settings → Reference books → Carriers. See Carriers for more information.

From the FAIRE integration page, go to the Carrier mappings tab to link carriers in Cin7 Core to carriers in FAIRE.

If multiple FAIRE stores are added into Cin7 Core integration, a button showing Copy mappings from will be displayed, allowing you to select which store's carriers you wish to map. Cin7 Core will not sync shipment information to FAIRE if carrier mapping has not been completed.



There are some limitations to this integration, collected here for easy review.

  • Importing prices from FAIRE imports the USD value only. The price value of a product exported from Cin7 Core will be  shown as USD in FAIRE.

  • Maximum unit price is $1000, FAIRE does not currently support the sale of items greater than $1000 on the marketplace.

  • User must select a Taxonomy type when listing a product in FAIRE.  Updates to this field are not permitted, and changes in category will not be updated in FAIRE. Taxonomy type will be used as Category when downloading a new product from FAIRE. Updates to this field are not permitted, and taxonomy type will not change category in Cin7 Core.

  • FAIRE products have maximum 3 options as in Cin7 Core, but they are unchangeable after creation. Changes in options in Cin7 Core cannot be updated in FAIRE. Option values can be updated.

  • FAIRE transactions are not typically exposed to VAT, and in cases where they are (intra-EU, UK-EU combinations etc.) FAIRE uses intra-community supply and reverse charge rules. These will show as disclaimers on the order fulfillment page when applicable. FAIRE does not expose VAT information or any other tax information via API that Cin7 Core can capture to its brands. For this reason, brand sales are invoiced without VAT and the retailers are assumed to handle VAT on their own.

  • Only one shipment from Cin7 Core will be exported to FAIRE and only when there are no shipments in FAIRE. More shipments can be manually added in FAIRE.


The Catalog tab on the FAIRE Integration page is where you manage products and product quantity. From the Catalog tab, you can perform the following:

  • download products from FAIRE to Cin7 Core.

  • upload a single product from Cin7 Core to FAIRE (Use bulk operations to upload multiple products at at time).

  • update (name, description, wholesale price, retail price) for individual products between Cin7 Core and FAIRE.

  • delete links between Cin7 Core and FAIRE products.

  • update stock levels in FAIRE from Cin7 Core.


Search by typing SKU, product name, category into the search field. Refresh shows the most recent catalog data.

Note: Customer data cannot be downloaded in bulk, however customer contact, shipping address etc. is downloaded with unconsolidated sales orders.

Downloading products

From the Catalog tab, you can download either new products from FAIRE to Cin7 Core, upload new products from Cin7 Core to FAIRE, or update information (name, description, wholesale price, retail price) in both directions.

Note: Variant names are read-only at FAIRE since they are auto-generated. Changing of names for linked products in Cin7 Core after they have been downloaded from FAIRE is prohibited.

In FAIRE every product must have at least one variant, because only the product variant data structure retains the SKU and pricing information.

If the variant in FAIRE does not have any options, it can be downloaded to Cin7 Core as a single product. If the variant has at least one option, it will be downloaded to Cin7 Core as part of Product Family. FAIRE allows multiple options via API, and only three by its portal UI, while Cin7 Core allows only three options for product families. Due to this, only the first three options in FAIRE should be loaded per product family in Cin7 Core.

Cin7 Core only supports unique SKUs, and while FAIRE requires unique SKUs it does not check uniqueness. When downloading products from FAIRE, Cin7 Core will skip all products with duplicated SKU or no SKU until those SKUs are corrected to be unique.

To match FAIRE product variant sets to Cin7 Core families the following approach is used:

  1. Cin7 Core will search for a product family with the same name as the downloaded product.

    • If found, the product family in Cin7 Core will be linked with the FAIRE product variants set.

    • If no matching family is found, a new family should be created in Cin7 Core with family SKU formed by ID of FAIRE product, basic to its variants.

  2. If products and product families have already been created/linked with FAIRE, then Cin7 Core will update the existing products and families instead of creating new ones.

  3. IMPORTANT: Option names/values should be consistent in order between FAIRE and Cin7 Core. E.g. if option 1 in FAIRE is size, option 1 in Cin7 Core should also be size. This is because during product download Cin7 Core will match up option names by option order, and will download all option values.

    • If option 1 in FAIRE is colour with values red and blue, and option 1 in Cin7 Core is size with options S, M, L, option 1 after product download will have values red, blue, S, M, L.

    • If FAIRE has options 1 and 2, but Cin7 Core has options 1, 2, 3, after product download the product will have options 1, 2, 3. Option names will be taken from FAIRE.

    • Values of options are not added to Cin7 Core family if they are not mentioned explicitly in variations.

    • Removing this issue is under current development.


To download products from FAIRE to Cin7 Core:

  1. Under the Catalog tab, click Download → Products.

  2. On the Load Products from FAIRE window, click Load from FAIRE.

Product field mapping

Unused fields from FAIRE are ignored. Default fields in Cin7 Core like location, retailer name, currency and so on are filled from settings chosen in the Setup tab. If a field does not exist in FAIRE, then null or default will be set for related Cin7 Core field.

FAIRE only has one unit of measure, 'unit'.



IMPORTANT NOTE: Option names/values should be consistent in order between FAIRE and Cin7 Core. E.g. if option 1 in FAIRE is size, option 1 in Cin7 Core should also be size. This is because during product download Cin7 Core will match up option names by option order, and will download all option values.

  • If option 1 in FAIRE is colour with values red and blue, and option 1 in Cin7 Core is size with options S, M, L, option 1 after product download will have values red, blue, S, M, L.

  • If FAIRE has options 1 and 2, but Cin7 Core has options 1, 2, 3, after product download the product will have options 1, 2, 3. Option names will be taken from FAIRE.

  • Values of options are not added to Cin7 Core family if they are not mentioned explicitly in variations.

  • Removing this issue is under current development.




Cin7 Core field

FAIRE field

Simple products (FAIRE product has just one variant and options of product is not empty)



Product name


Short description

short_description (max 75 characters)


description (max 1000 characters)







Price tier value for retail price

Retail price in USD**

Price tier value for wholesale price

Wholesale price in USD**



Family product (FAIRE product has at least one option_set in options)



Product name


Short description

short_description (max 75 characters)


description (max 1000 characters)







Price tier value for retail price

Retail price in USD**

Price tier value for wholesale price

Wholesale price in USD**



Option name (1-3)***


Option value (1-3)


Variation of family product



Product name

name + variant_option_sets[i].name + variants[].options[i].value

Short description

short_description (max 75 characters)


description (max 1000 characters)







Price tier value for retail price

Retail price in USD**

Price tier value for wholesale price

Wholesale price in USD**



Option name (1-3)***


Option value (1-3)


*User must select a taxonomy type when listing a product in FAIRE, and taxonomy type will be used as category when downloading a new product from FAIRE. Updates to this field are not permitted.

**FAIRE does not currently support the sale of items > $1,000 on the marketplace.

***FAIRE products have maximum 3 options as in Cin7 Core, but they are unchangeable after creation. Changes in options in Cin7 Core cannot be updated in FAIRE. Option values can be updated.

Updating quantities

To update product quantities in FAIRE with the currently available quantities in Cin7 Core:

  1. Under the Catalog tab, click Update quantities in FAIRE.

Managing the catalog

List a product in FAIRE

  1. Click on the product in the Catalog tab.

  2. Enable or disable Sync stock level for that product. Disabling means stock levels will NOT synchronize for that product when there is a change in its stock level in Cin7 Core.

  3. Select a Taxonomy type for the new product. Taxonomy types are downloaded from FAIRE. Taxonomy is used only once to classify the product in FAIRE on-site catalog and is not related to Cin7 Core category at all, except the case when product is created at Cin7 Core side upon download from FAIRE - when Cin7 Core category is fulfilled with FAIRE taxonomy type.

  4. In the pop-up window, click List on FAIRE.

  5. Save your changes.

Update a product

  1. Click on the product in the Catalog tab.

  2. Enable or disable Sync stock level for that product. Disabling means stock levels will NOT synchronize for that product when there is a change in its stock level in Cin7 Core.

  3. In the pop-up window, click Update on FAIRE.

  4. Save your changes.


Note: Updating a product from the catalog will update stock level in FAIRE, regardless of the sync stock level setting status.

Unlink a product

  1. Click on the product in the Catalog tab.

  2. Click Unlink from FAIRE.

  3. Click Save.


This will unlink the product in Cin7 Core from FAIRE, but not remove it from FAIRE.

Remove a product

  1. Click on the product in the Catalog tab.

  2. Click Remove from FAIRE.

  3. Click Save.


This will remove the product from FAIRE (but not in Cin7 Core).

Buffer inventory

Instead of showing actual inventory values in e-Commerce storefronts, many retailers prefer to display an estimated display quantity where there is a safe buffer stock on their backend to avoid overselling products. Cin7 Core allows for an inventory buffer on stock quantities pushed to FAIRE, both for the whole channel and at the product level.

Buffer inventory levels for the whole channel are controlled from the Setup tab. Update stock levels in FAIRE setting must be enabled.

  • Use buffer inventory: Displayed when Update stock levels in FAIRE is enabled. Allows for an inventory buffer on stock quantities pushed to FAIRE. Enabling this setting will enable the Buffer inventory field.

  • Buffer inventory: Displayed when Use buffer inventory is enabled. Enter an integer number of stock to act as a buffer. Sync Quantity passed to FAIRE when updating stock levels will be equal to Actual stock - buffer inventory.


When this setting is enabled, Sync quantity and Buffer inventory quantity will be added as fields to the Catalog and Bulk Listing tables alongside stock availability. However, sync quantities will only be updated in the channel if the user updates or lists a product.

Buffer inventory for the whole channel can be overwritten by a product level buffer from either the Catalog or Bulk Listing page (Use buffer inventory must be enabled from the channel Setup tab). The product level buffer value will ALWAYS override the value set on the setup tab. If the setup tab buffer inventory value is changed, this will not affect products with product level buffers.

Note: Product level inventory buffer is disabled by default. In the case of wanting to turn off inventory buffer for certain products only, the user will need to enable buffer inventory and enter a value to apply it to the whole catalog, THEN set product-level buffer to 0 for those products, then update or list the item to apply changes.

If the user wishes to apply inventory buffer ONLY to one or more specific products, inventory buffer should be enabled on the Setup tab and set to 0. Then, product level buffer inventory can be enabled and configured for products from either the catalog or bulk listing page. You will need to list or update the item to apply changes.

On the Catalog page:

Click on a listed or unlisted item to open a pop-up window and slide Use product level buffer inventory to enable. You can then enter an integer value for Product level buffer which will overwrite the channel buffer value. You will then need to Update or List the product for the new stock level quantity to be displayed in the channel. Save and Close to continue.


On the Bulk operations page:

Use this to update product level buffer for multiple items at once. Use the search box and filter options to filter items to list/update in bulk.

The Use buffer inventory menu allows you to Turn on product level setting, Remove product level setting, or Don't update existing setting.

Turning on product level setting allows you to then enter an integer value for Product level buffer. Click List to overwrite the channel buffer value for the filtered products with the product level buffer.

Selecting Remove product level setting, then List, will remove the product level setting from the filtered products and return them to the channel buffer inventory value.

Selecting Don't update existing setting will leave all buffer values, including product level buffer values, unchanged when updating listings or making a new listing.


Bulk operations

On this tab, you can manage Cin7 Core products listing on FAIRE in bulk.

Products can be updated, unlinked (breaks link without removing product from FAIRE) or unlisted (sets FAIRE product to Archived) from this tab. Press Refresh to update the display.

  1. Go to the Bulk operations tab.

  2. Select products to list, update, unlist, or unlink in bulk. You can select products by brand, category, product tag.

  3. New listing in FAIRE only: select a Taxonomy Type from the dropdown field. This will be applied to all items in the bulk listing. Taxonomy types will be loaded from FAIRE. This is ignored for updating of existing items.

  4. Click List/Unlist/Unlink to carry out the bulk operation. If products are already listed, pressing list will update the product.

Pending orders

Newly created orders or orders where status have changed are downloaded once an hour. Generally, you are not required to trigger manual order download. However, if an order was not captured by Cin7 Core or to load historical sales, you can use the Manual order download option available from the Pending orders tab. Cin7 Core allows loading historical sales data a maximum of one year old.

Whenever a sale is captured from FAIRE, it is first placed into pending orders and stock is allocated. The pending orders list can be searched by order #, product, and customer fields. Cin7 Core should import new orders with Processing status. If No consolidation is selected, each FAIRE sale is converted into an identical sale in Cin7 Core, keeping the same customer and shipping information. If Daily consolidation is selected, a single daily sale task will be created and use the customer selected in the integration settings for store, so that customer, billing, and shipping information from FAIRE should be ignored.

When a FAIRE order is cancelled, Cin7 Core has to automatically find and void the corresponding sale task, if created, or remove the associated pending order - if the order has not been processed yet. Cancellation in FAIRE will not cancel the relevant part of a consolidated order, which will have to be cancelled and voided manually.

Loading pending orders from FAIRE

To download pending orders manually:

  1. Select the Pending orderstab.

  2. Click Load orders.

  3. On the Load orders from FAIRE window, select a date for the sales transactions to be loaded from the calendar, then click Load from FAIRE. Cin7 Core allows loading historical sales data a maximum of one year old.


Take note of the following when loading pending orders from FAIRE:

  • Any downloaded order is saved to Pending Sales, which is a temporary storage of all sales and payments in Cin7 Core. Only orders matching the defined capture option are saved.

  • If an order has an entry in Logs, or if it was already downloaded before, it will be skipped. This guarantees that Cin7 Core will not create any duplicate sales from previous transactions.

  • While saving an order, Cin7 Core captures customer information, billing and shipping addresses. All line items are captured together with quantities, prices and totals. Total order discounts are applied as additional charges to the whole order, without distribution by lines to reduce any chances of discrepancy.

  • For each line in a sale, Cin7 Core attempts to locate the corresponding product by SKU. If no product is found, Cin7 Core attempts to download product info from FAIRE with the same logic as in the Download Products function. The sale line is then saved to Pending Orders with all data from FAIRE, including tax, quantity and total.

Processing pending orders

After pending sales orders are reloaded from FAIRE, you should process pending orders to generate sales in Cin7 Core.

To manually process pending orders, click Process on the Pending order tab. Order download includes download of  all lines, customer first/last name and company name. No payments are downloaded.

When a FAIRE order is cancelled, Cin7 Core has to automatically find and void the corresponding sale task, if created, or remove the associated pending order - if the order has not been processed yet. Cancellation in FAIRE will not cancel the relevant part of a consolidated order, which will have to be cancelled and voided manually.

In FAIRE discounts applied will be captured as a negative charge in Cin7 Core.


Returns and refunds are not supported in this integration. Returns and refunds processed through Leaflink will not be captured and synced to Cin7 Core, and no stock will be restocked. Refunds and restocks will have to be manually added to the sale in Cin7 Core.

If your organization has a Cin7 Core RMA as part of its subscription, you can add a RMA Portal where customers can submit their return requests, initiate the Cin7 Core RMA workflow, and view the status of their returns. This includes sales processed through connected eCommerce channels.

Please see detailed instructions at RMA Portal for returns requests.

Please note that refunds/restocked processed in this way will not be automatically exported to the eCommerce channel, and will have to be added manually updated within the channel.

Order field mapping

Billing and shipping details are not differentiated in FAIRE API, so will take the same values.

Cin7 Core field                                                         

FAIRE field                                                         






RetailerID (or default customer from setup)


RetailerID (or default customer from setup)


customer.first_name + customer.last_name (or default customer from setup)

FinancialStatus , OrderState



from settings in Cin7 Core


from settings in Cin7 Core


















(payment_initiated_at) exists




Taken artificially as full amount paid if field mentioned

Discount (sale lines)

(brand_discounts) (calculated amount)                                                                                                                   

Shipment (sale lines)

(maker_cost_cents) exists

Shipment[0].Price, TotalPerLine

maker_cost_cents / 100


Each captured FAIRE order, once saved to Pending Sales, creates a log entry to enable tracking of the linked sale in Cin7 Core and in FAIRE. This also helps avoid creating duplicate orders when capturing the same order several times during manual order load.

Each log entry must have a link to the sale task in Cin7 Core. Depending on the settings selected by the user in the Setup tab, this sales task might be in draft or authorized status, one or more of the pick, pack and ship tabs could be authorized, and payment could have been applied to the invoice.

To view log entries, select the Log tab.

Take note of the following considerations when it comes to log entries:

  • They allow you to see which sales task links to a particular FAIRE sale.

  • You have an option to delete log entries manually. This will allow you to reprocess an order if required. Deleting log entries will not void or delete sales tasks associated with these entries.


Operations log

All operations that affect FAIRE integrations are reflected here. Each time the user or Cin7 Core downloads sales or makes changes to the integration settings or catalog, the appropriate record is added to the operations log, which also contains information about results of downloading, including the count of processed, skipped or cancelled orders. Non-administrative users can only see activities in the modules/categories to which they have access.

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