Pinch Payments
Pinch payments lets you automatically take direct debit and credit card payments for your one-off and recurring invoices. Once you have connected, you can add a Pinch payment link to your invoice templates in Cin7 Core so customers can make their payments and use Pinch to make bank card payments via your B2B portal.
Payment processing platforms do not require a subscription add-on in Cin7 Core.
Manage document and email templates. (recommended)
Users will need the Integrations: Pinch permission.
Connect to Pinch from Cin7 Core
You can connect Cin7 Core to Pinch by authorizing the connection via the Cin7 Core web portal.
Navigate to Integration → Pinch Payments.
On the Setup tab, enter your Pinch merchant ID, Pinch secret key, and Pinch publishable key. You can find this on the API Keys section of your Pinch account.
Click Connect to Pinch.
You are then redirected back to the Pinch Integration page in Cin7 Core where, on the Setup tab, you can change the Payment account associated with Pinch payments and the time zone, and disconnect Cin7 Core and Pinch, if necessary.
Click Save Settings. Your Pinch account can now send and receive payments through Cin7 Core.
Click Save Settings. Your Pinch account can now send and receive payments through Cin7 Core.
View transactions
Once connected, you can view a summary of transactions on the Overview tab of the integration in Cin7 Core. Use Refresh to show the most recent data, and the search field to search for a specific transaction by invoice number. The Gear icon allows you to edit the table settings and choose which columns to show/hide.
A more detailed summary can be found on the Log tab of the integration in Cin7 Core. Use Refresh to show the most recent data, and the search field to search for a specific transaction by invoice number, pinch payment ID, and account. The Gear icon allows you to edit the table settings and choose which columns to show/hide.
The Log table will show:
Payment date - the date and time stamp of the attempted payment transaction
Sale invoice - the number of relevant invoice in Cin7 Core with a hyperlink
Amount - a number, showing the total sum of paid in transaction using your organisation base currency
Account - the name of merchant account used to receive customer funds
Paying with Pinch for B2B portal
When connected, customers can use Pinch to pay for sales via the B2B portal. First, you will need to set Pinch Payments is selected as your payment method for bank cards.
Go to Integrations → B2B → [select store] and scroll down to Payment methods.
Add apayment method, or edit an existing method, selecting Pinch from the dropdown menu. Save your changes.
Payments will be received in the account specified in the Connect to Pinch from Cin7 Core step.
After adding this payment option, it will then be available at the Checkout page of the B2B Portal store for your customers, by selecting the payment method set up in the previous step.
Selecting Bank Card as a payment option will open a new dialog window after Confirm Order is selected. This will allow the customer to enter their personal and card details and confirm the payment. Customer will see a confirmation whether the payment was successful or if it failed.
Payment document information
There are two types of payment documents you can generate for your transactions:
Sale quote
Sale invoice.
Sale quote and sale invoice documents are generated from the sale quote and sale invoice document templates. You can see and edit the various template types by going to Settings → Document and Email Templates. See Managing document templates for more information.
Sale quote payment documents
These conditions should be met to enable pay links on generated sale quote documents:
Payment processor should be configured.
Sale quote should be authorized.
Customer credit account should be configured on the Account Mapping page.
Amount to pay for sale quote documents is calculated as the difference between the sale quote total and all payments/prepayments.
After successfully completing the payment workflow, a Customer Credit record is created with the account defined on the payment processor settings page.
Sale invoice payment documents
These conditions should be met to enable pay links on generated sale invoice documents:
Payment processor should be configured.
Sale Invoice should be authorized.
Amount to pay for sale invoice documents is calculated as the difference between the sale invoice total and all payments/prepayments.
After successfully completing the payment workflow, a payment record is created against the relevant invoice.
Adding a Pinch pay link to a payment document
There are two ways to insert a pay link into a document template: with a standard pay link image and with a custom pay link image. See Managing document templates for more information about adding mail merge fields to standard documents.
Pre-prepared templates can be downloaded from the Help section of the Pinch integration with Cin7 Core.
Note: Pinch must be connected and configured for pay links to show on the payment document. Simple text hyperlinks are not supported.
To insert a standard pay link image:
In Settings → Document & Email templates, download the quote and/or invoice template.
Copy an existing field to the location on the template where you want your pay link to appear.
Show the field code either by right-clicking the field and selecting Toggle Field Code or pressing Alt + F9 (on Windows) or Option + F9 (on Mac).
Replace the copied field with the mail merge field { MERGEFIELD PinchPay} and the field will be replaced with the Pinch pay link image.
Toggle off the field codes by pressing Alt + F9 (on Windows) or Option + F9 (on Macs) again.
Save the edited template and upload.
To insert a custom pay link image:
In Settings → Document & Email templates, download the quote and/or invoice template.
Copy an existing field to the location on the template where you want your pay link to appear.
Show the field code either by right-clicking the field and selecting Toggle Field Code or pressing Alt + F9 (on Windows) or Option + F9 (on Mac).
Replace the copied field with the code { IF “{MERGEFIELD PinchPayLink}”=”” “<CustomImage>” “<CustomImage>” } and insert a PayLink with the specified <CustomImage> into the Word Template.
Save the edited template and upload.
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