Purchase Cost Analysis Report

Purchase Cost Analysis Report

Purchase cost analysis report details the costs associated with purchasing every product during a given period. Use this report to view the Quantity, Main Cost, Additional Cost, Journal Cost and Tax for every product purchased over the reporting period. The output can be customised to show product details, PO #, supplier, location, status and time period.

Users need the Purchase Reporting permission to access this report.



Data from this report can be exported in Excel, PDF or RTF format.


Reporting Period

Allows the user to select the reporting period from a list of options or set a custom date range. This report is filtered by stock received date (if Journal costs within date range is selected) or invoice dates (if all Journal Costs) is selected.

Show Journal Costs

Choose whether Journal costs (e.g. Landed costs) are calculated from journal costs within the selected reporting period only or all journal costs on the record.


Allows the user to select the currency to be used in the report.


Set to the Default layout. Allows selection of saved layouts, if any.

Save Layout As

Allows saving a layout for potential future use.

Reset Layout

Resets the layout to the default layout or selected saved layout.


Select Apply Filter to set filter fields for the report and Update to refresh the output with any new changes. See Managing Cin7 Core Reports - Filtering Reports for more detailed information about using filters.


The following output fields are available for this report. You may have to open the Configure Layout menu to add some of them to your report.



Supplier name

PO #

Purchase order number identifying the purchase

Invoice #

Purchase invoice number


Unique product stock keeping unit


Name of the product


Location the product is received at

Batch #

Batch or Serial number associated with stock received


Supplier currency code this purchase is created in


Product category


Product brand

Product Tags

Comma-separated product tags


Product family name


Product unit of measure

Supplier SKU

Product stock keeping unit assigned by the supplier

Supplier Product

Product name assigned by the supplier

Order Date

Date when the purchase was created

Expiry Date

Date when the current product batch expires


Purchase status


Year of the invoice date


Quarter of the invoice date


Month of the invoice date

Supplier Additional Attribute 1-10

Values of Additional supplier attributes

Product Additional Attribute 1-10

Values of Additional product attributes

Data Headers


Received quantity minus unstock quantity if any

Main Cost

Main invoice cost for the batch

Additional Cost

Portion of additional costs distributed to the batch

Journal Cost

Portion of additional not capitalised costs distributed to the batch


Tax amount combining both main invoice and portion of additional costs associated with the batch


Note: If you have added an Additional Attribute set to your purchase process, the attributes will appear as additional report fields.


I have a question on a purchase order that was completed as a drop shipment and the cost from the manual journal has not been associated with the cost and so when it goes to the sales the margin is based on the cost of the product only. I also went to look at the Purchase Cost Analysis Report and the PO doesnt even show up.

We do not include manual journals and movements for dropship items in Purchase Cost Analysis because in this case nothing to add the cost to. No product movement has happened in Cin7 Core, so journal is just a transaction. Drop Ship Purchases relate to profit/cogs figure in linked sale only.

Is there a report except PURCHASE COST ANALYSIS REPORT  and PRODUCT PRICES BY SUPPLIER Report  which will also show the cost price versus the RRP (Recommended Retail Price) as a %? Basically, our prices change every week from suppliers so we need to keep track of these in a report to make sure we are charging enough. I would like to see the difference between 1 item cost and RRP - only the bulk items? Is there a function to work out the difference in cost?

Currently, we do not have such a report.

Hello, Can you point me to a report which tells me my cost on a per product basis?

You may try referring the below mentioned reports to view per product wise cost.


Why are my costs showing as 0?

This report is filtered by Stock Received date, but costs are assigned to a purchase on the purchase invoice authorization date. If the invoice date is not covered by the reporting period of the report, costs from this invoice will show as 0. Expand the reporting period range to cover the invoice date to see the full costs or set Show Journal Costs to Show all Journal Costs.

Still no answer to your question? Please do not hesitate to get in touch with Cin7 Core support.

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