Stock Adjustment and Stock Revaluation
Stock Adjustments can be used to update/correct the quantity and price of products in your Inventory. Adjustments could be required for entering new stock, removing damaged or stolen stock, data entry errors and so on.
Stock adjustments will update your stock quantities upon completion of the stock adjustment operation. The effective date is only for the purpose of dating Manual journals that will be generated by an adjustment. Therefore, the stock will be available for Picking based on the actual completion date of the Stock Adjustment and not based on the Effective Date of the transaction. In terms of cost, it will be based on the unit cost of one of the existing non-zero batches of the product.
Stock adjustment permissions
Cin7 Core offers fine-grained control over user permissions. Grant users full or read-only permission to the different features of the inventory module, and create roles with pre-defined permissions to assign to users.
Cin7 Core allows you to set the following permissions relevant to stock adjustments (Settings → Users and Roles) - stocktake are also controlled by the same settings.
These permissions are available under Inventory.
Stock Adjustment Tasks: (Read-only) View the stock adjustment list, stock adjustment details and stock adjustment tasks assigned to you. (Full Access) New stock adjustments can be created and authorized.
Stocktake Tasks: With read-only access, view the stock adjustment list and stock adjustment task details. (Full Access) New stocktake tasks can be created and authorized.
Stock Adjustment & Stocktake – Undo: Tasks permission must be granted.Undo stock adjustment/stocktake tasks. If only one Tasks permission is granted, the user will only be able to open task details and use Undo for that type.
Stock Adjustment & Stocktake – Void: Tasks permission must be granted.Void stock adjustment/stocktake tasks. If only one Tasks permission is granted, the user will only be able to open task details and use Void for that type.
See Introduction to users and Manage roles and User permissions explained.
Change Stock Quantities
Stock quantities can be changed by either amending the quantity of existing stock (Non-Zero stock on hand) or adding new stock (Zero stock on hand). You can edit existing stock quantities and add new stock in the same stock adjustment.
Note: Non-Zero Stock on Hand refers to existing stock at a location. If there are no items in stock at a location, use Zero stock on hand even if the item is in stock elsewhere in your inventory management system. You can also do a Stock Transfer to move stock from one location to another.
Stock Adjustment will cause transactions to be generated and synced to your accounting software. If stock adjustment is not 'real' (i.e. in the case of correcting a data entry error), this can be skipped.
Manually edit stock quantities
NOTE: You can enter stock quantities by scanning product barcodes if you have a suitable scanner connected. Click Scan Barcode to scan item barcodes or manually enter the barcode number. Scanning multiple units of an item will automatically calculate the total stocktake quantity. The item will automatically be entered into the correct section (zero or non-zero stock on hand). If it is a zero stock on hand item, you will still have to manually enter the batch/serial number if applicable
Change stock quantities (in both cases):
Navigate to Inventory → New → Stock Adjustment.
Enter the stock adjustment Date.
Enter a Reference (if applicable).
Choose the correct Account for stock adjustment expenses.
Expense and Liability accounts can be selected as the account for stock adjustments. This module also allows selecting only one asset class account, the one selected as Inventory Discrepancy Account in account mapping.
Note: Non-Zero Stock on Hand refers to existing stock at a location. If there are no items in stock at a location, use Zero stock on hand even if the item is in stock elsewhere in your inventory.
Adjust quantities of Non-Zero stock on hand stock:
In Non-Zero stock on hand Product, click + or Add more items.
Choose a product from the drop-down menu.
The Location field will be pre-filled automatically with the location of the existing stock.
Enter the New Quantity. You can see the amount you have On Hand and Available.
Enter any comments (optional).
Add Zero stock on hand stock:
In Zero stock on hand Product, click + or Add more items.
Select the Location of the new stock.
Choose a product.
Enter the Batch/Serial Number and/or Expiry Date (if applicable).
Select how Cost is estimated using the dropdown menu.
Average Cost: Calculated based on all purchase prices for this product.
Latest Purchase Cost:The cost for the product from the latest completed purchase order.
Note: Accrual costs (from manual journals, landed costs etc.) are included
Fixed Purchase Cost: Fixed supplier costs taken from the product’s record. If multiple suppliers are available, the last used supplier’s fixed price will be used.
Unit Cost can also be entered manually.
Enter the Quantity and any comments (optional).
For both adding new stock and changing existing quantities:
Click Save to save as draft or Complete to finish the Stock Adjustment.
Stock Adjustment Report can be saved or printed by clicking Print → Stock Adjustment.
Once the Stock Adjustment has been completed, the financial transactions generated will be visible from the Financials tab. These will be synced with your accounting application next time data is synced. In the case of a 'fake' Stock Adjustment (for example, to correct a data entry error), this can be skipped. See Skip Transaction Synchronisation for more information.
The user has the option to undo this Stock Adjustment. Clicking Undo will reverse all Stock Adjustment transactions and change the Completed status to Draft.
Import stock adjustment details
Multiple products can be entered at once by importing from a CSV file, which is much faster than manually editing stock adjustment details.
Import stock adjustment details from CSV:
Navigate to Inventory → New → Stocktake/Count.
Enter the stock adjustment Date.
Enter a Reference (if applicable).
Choose the correct Account to debit.
Click Import.
Download the CSV Stock Adjustment template.
Fill in the CSV according to the instructions on the pop-up window.
Choose the CSV file and click Upload.
Attach documents to stock adjustments
Stock adjustments and stocktakes which have been saved as a draft will have an Attachments tab. Click to upload a file or drag and drop a file to the highlighted area. Max file size is 32 MB. Multiple files can be attached.
Skip Transaction Synchronisation
Once the Stock Adjustment has been completed, the transactions generated will be visible at the bottom of the screen. These will be synced with your accounting application next time data is synced. In the case of a 'fake' Stock Adjustment (for example, to correct a data entry error), this can be skipped.
Skip generating transactions for a stock adjustment:
Hover over your Xero/QuickBooks organisation in the top toolbar.
Check the pending sync entries by clicking Products: [x] require sync or View Sync History.
Change the status of the Inventory adjustment manual Journal entry (not Products) from Pending to Skipped.
Stock Revaluation
For some products, the available quantity may be correct, but the cost is wrong. Stock revaluation is a two-step procedure.
If for some products the quantity available is correct, but the cost is wrong, that means that the user needs to revalue the existing stock.
Revalue stock:
The first step is to set the existing stock of the product to zero. Click Non-Zero stock on hand Product.
Select the product to revalue.
Enter 0 into the New Quantity field to write off existing stock.
Next, click Zero stock on hand Product to add the product with a new value.
Enter the original quantity into the Quantity field.
Enter the new Unit Cost.
Save and Complete the Stock Adjustment as usual.
View Stock Adjustments List
You can view all historical Stock Adjustments and Stocktakes by navigating to Inventory → Stocktake/Inventory.
See the details of previous stock adjustments by clicking on each line.
Stock Adjustment Completed Notification
The Stock Adjustment Completed notification can be enabled so that responsible users can be notified once stock has been adjusted. Like all other Cin7 Core notifications, this notification has three types, namely:
Once enabled, the Stock Adjustment Completed notification is triggered when a stock adjustment operation is completed in Cin7 Core.
See Using the Automation Module to know more about enabling this notification for your users.
IMPORTANT! An active subscription to the Automation module is required to access the Notifications feature of Cin7 Core. Read Adding Trials of Cin7 Core Modules to Paid Plans to know more about subscribing to the Automation module.