Set max/min order amounts and product quantities

Set max/min order amounts and product quantities

Cin7 Core B2B Portal allows users to specify both minimum and maximum order amounts per single order, and minimum and maximum quantities for individual products (per order). Display of this information to customers is optional and controlled by a separate setting.



Set maximum and minimum order amounts

Maximum and minimum order amounts are set from the B2B Portal General Settings (Integration → B2B Portal → General). This value is set in your organisation's base currency and will be converted to the B2B portal currency if the B2B portal currency is not the same.

Minimum Order Amount allows you to specify a minimum amount for orders placed on the Portal. When this setting is enabled and customer order total is less than the minimum order amount, a notification will be displayed at the top of the screen displaying minimum order amount in the base currency and B2B portal currency (if applicable).

Maximum Order Amount allows you to specify a maximum amount for each order placed on the Portal. When this setting is enabled and customer order total is more than the maximum order amount, a notification will be displayed at the top of the screen displaying minimum order amount in the base currency and B2B portal currency (if applicable).


Set maximum and minimum product quantities per order

The Catalog page allows you to set a minimum and/or maximum order quantity when you list a product. Search or filter for the products to list with a minimum and/or maximum order quantity. Enter a number in the Minimum to Order field and Maximum to Order field and click List. Unlisted items will be listed with the minimum order quantity.

Note: Quantity can be decimal and less than one.

To set a minimum/maximum quantity to order for an already listed item or change the quantity, Unlist the item, change the Minimum to order/Maximum to order value, then List it again.

Display max/min quantity notifications

Users can optionally display minimum and maximum order quantity information to customers. This is managed from the Integration → B2B Portal → General tab,  in Advanced Settings.

Enable/disable Show Minimum Order Quantity for Products and Show Maximum Order Quantity for Products.

This information will be displayed whenever a product is added to the shopping cart and at the checkout page.

When the total amount in the cart is less than the minimum order value (if applicable) or above the maximum order value (if applicable) a notification will be displayed at the top of the screen. This notification cannot be disabled.

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