Warehouse Details Report

Warehouse Details Report

This report shows warehouse details for fulfilled sale orders over a specified date range. It shows the number of orders and SKUs that were handled by your pickers, with the aim of helping management make better decisions on warehouse operations.

This report is only accessible to users with full access to the Inventory Reporting user permission. For more information, see Managing Users & Roles.


The report inputs are shown in the table below.

Field Name


Reporting Period

Allows selection of reporting period, e.g. 30 days and 365 days. It is set to the current month by default.

Date Range                                                         

Allows specifying a date range for the report


Updates the report

Reset Layout                                                         

Resets the report layout


Allows the user to export report data to Excel (with or without totals), PDF or RTF format

Apply Filter

Displays the option to set filters on the fields used in the report



After setting the inputs described above, pressing the Update button refreshes the report based on the selected inputs. The output fields are shown in the table below.

Column Name


Picker Name                                                      

Name of the picker

Orders Picked/Packed                                                      

The number of orders picked

SKUs Picked/Packed                                                      

The number of SKUs picked


Location where picking/packing task took place


Type of activity: Picking or packing

Completion Date

Date when picking/packing task was marked finished by user

Time tracked

Total time spent on task


For help in customising this report, see Managing Cin7 Core Reports.

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