Introduction to users

Introduction to users

You must create a user for each person using your Cin7 Core account.

For example, if you run a store with three salespeople, you’ll need four users—one for yourself and one for each employee.

You can invite users to your Cin7 Core account within your plan’s user limit and assign roles to users to control what they do. Each user has private credentials so only the right person can log in.

There are four types of users:

  • Account owner

  • Co-owners

  • Advisers

  • Regular users

Account owner

The account owner is the default user of your Cin7 Core account. The account owner can:


Advisers are registered Cin7 Core partners with access to your Cin7 Core account. They’re typically accountants, bookkeepers, or financial advisers who need direct access to Cin7 Core.

Advisers don’t count towards the user limit of your Cin7 Core plan. Advisers’ rights and permissions are controlled by their roles and permissions.

Find out how to invite advisers.


Co-owners are users with authority to make decisions on behalf of the account owner.

Co-owners are picked by the account owner. They can reset two-factor authentication (2FA) and authorize Cin7 Core Support to change the account owner. Co-owners' other rights and permissions are controlled by their roles and permissions.

Find out how to assign co-owners.

Regular users

Users who aren’t the account owner, a co-owner, or an adviser are regular users. Their rights and permissions are controlled purely by their roles and permissions.

Find out how to invite users.

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