Stock Received vs Invoice Report

Stock Received vs Invoice Report

This report compares stock received vs invoice. Use this report to see what has been received but not invoiced or what has been invoiced but not received, along with the order total for a selected reporting period or as of today i.e. the calendar date on which the report is run.

Note: Reporting period must also cover invoice date for report line to appear. The invoice can be in draft status (not yet authorized). For simple purchases, draft invoice is created automatically however for advanced purchase it needs to be raised by the user for each stock receipt.

To check stock received that has not been invoiced, check the Stock Received Not Invoiced report.




Data from this report can be exported in Excel, PDF or RTF format.



Select to run report for a reporting period, or as of a specific date.

Reporting Period

(Mode: Period) Allows the user to select the reporting period from a list of options or set a custom date range. The report is filtered by stock received date.

As of date

(Mode: As of date) Allows the user to compare the stock received vs invoiced as of today i.e. the calendar date and current time on which the report is run.


Allows the user to select the currency to be used in the report.


Set to the Default layout. Allows selection of saved layouts, if any.

Save Layout As

Allows saving a layout for potential future use.

Reset Layout

Resets the layout to the default layout or selected saved layout.


Select Apply Filter to set filter fields for the report and Update to refresh the output with any new changes. See Managing Cin7 Core Reports - Filtering Reports for more detailed information about using filters.


The following output fields are available for this report. You may have to open the Configure Layout menu to add some of them to your report.



Product SKU


Product name

PO #

Purchase Order Number identifying the purchase

Invoice #

Invoice Number issued by the supplier

Invoice Date

Date of the invoice

Received Date

Date when stock was received


Supplier name

Required By

Date when the purchase needs to be delivered

Invoice Due Date

Date when the invoice is due

Invoice Status

Status of the invoice

Stock Status

Status of the stock received


Purchase status


Location this purchase is intended for


Product category


Product brand

Product Tags

Comma-separated product tags


Product family name


Product unit of measure

Supplier Additional Attribute 1-10

Values of Additional supplier attributes

Product Additional Attribute 1-10

Values of Additional product attributes

Data Headers


Quantity of the product received


Quantity of the product invoiced

Difference in Quantity

Difference between quantities of the product received and invoiced

PO Total

Purchase Order Total for the product received excluding tax.



Note: If you have added an Additional Attribute set to your purchase process, the attributes will appear as additional report fields.



Scheduling report for other dates

When scheduling this report, you can select Period mode or As of date mode. If As of date mode is selected, you can then select either Today (the day the report is scheduled), Yesterday (day before the report was scheduled), or Date offset (X number of days before the report scheduled date).

The report scheduled date is dictated by the Scheduled from field and Frequency field.

With this function, you can run the report to show data as of days other than the current calendar date. Date offset value can be greater than the report frequency.

Example 1:

Schedule from:  22 Feb 2023, 00:00 Frequency: Daily, As of date: Yesterday.

The first report will be generated on the 22nd of Feb 00:00, with data until the 21st of Feb 00:00.

The second report will be generated on the 23rd of Feb 00:00, with data until the 22nd of Feb 00:00.

Example 2:

Schedule from:  30 Feb 2023, 17:00 Frequency: Weekly, As of date: Date offset 8.

The first report will be generated on the 28th of Feb 17:00, with data until the 20th of Feb 17:00.

The second report will be generated on the 7th of Mar 17:00, with data until the 27th of Feb 17:00.


Some transactions are indicating 0 balance or quantity even though both stock received and invoice have been authorized.

Usually, this is an issue with the date filters. Check that the reporting period covers both invoice and stock received dates. You may have to set a custom date range. Missing entries can also be caused by cache problems. Try clearing your cache and refreshing to see if the issue persists.

We need help understanding why inventory asset value is added in April for stock invoiced in April but received in May as shown on the Trial Balance and Stock Received vs Invoice Report.

The report shows transactions as they are generated. In this case, Invoice amount was recognized on April and entry on such date is to debit Inventory account that is why it is showing on the report on the month of April. This is a result of not enabled Inventory Accrual. When inventory accrual is enabled, an invoice will generate a different transaction, replacing the asset account in invoice line with Goods Invoiced Not Received account.

Can we use the STOCK RECEIVED VS INVOICE REPORT but from Day 1 of using Cin7 Core? Currently it’s restricted to only 365 days.

Unfortunately, the report can only have a maximum range of 1 year. You can then run the report numerous times, if you require report for multiple years.  And since this is a transactional report, only those included in the range of date will be reflected in the report. If not in that range, then the transaction will not be reflected.

Why does PO Total show a value when Invoiced and Received quantities are the same?

This is by design. PO Total shows full total amount from the purchase order for the product. It does not account for difference or if it is fully or not fully received/invoiced. We have another report, Stock Received Not Invoiced, to check for differences.

Still no answer to your question? Please do not hesitate to get in touch with Cin7 Core support.

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