Working with batch and serial numbers

Working with batch and serial numbers

Serial numbers identify individual products and have many uses. Serial numbers are a deterrent against theft and counterfeit products, as they can be recorded, and stolen or otherwise irregular goods can be identified. They are valuable in quality control, as once a defect is found in the production of a particular batch of product, the serial or batch number will identify which units are affected.



IMPORTANT: Validation of unique serial or batch numbers

Cin7 Core does not currently support checking/enforcing uniqueness of serial or batch numbers, and it is possible to enter duplicate serial numbers into the system. For example, products bought from different suppliers could happen to have been assigned the same serial number due to different supplier numbering systems.

Please be aware that Cin7 Core does not validate the uniqueness of a serial number when carrying out inventory operations such as stock receiving, stock adjustment, stocktake, etc.

Selecting a batch costing method for a product

Costing methods affect the order in which stocks are picked and how the total value of the inventory is calculated in accounting records. Three costing methods allow batch numbers:

  • FIFO - Batch: Batch numbered stocks are picked according to first in, first out.

  • FEFO - Batch: Batch numbered stocks are picked according to first expired, first out. It is mandatory to specify an expiry date for a product with this costing method.

  • Special - Batch: Batch numbered stocks are picked according to user selection, no order is enforced.


The costing method is selected during product creation (Inventory → New Product/Service/Asset). Products must have a batch costing method assigned to enable entering batch numbers when receiving stock or picking stock.

Note: The costing method of an existing product can be viewed from a product's record (Inventory → Products → [select product]). Batch costing methods can be changed to other batch costing methods or FIFO,  but CANNOT be changed to a serialised costing method – a new SKU must be created with a serialised costing method.


Selecting a serialised costing method for a product

Costing methods affect the order in which stocks are picked and how the total value of the inventory is calculated in accounting records. Three costing methods allow serial numbers:

  • FIFO - Serial: Serially numbered stocks are picked according to first in, first out.

  • FEFO - Serial: Serially numbered stocks are picked according to first expired, first out. It is mandatory to specify an expiry date for a product with this costing method.

  • Special - Serial: Serially numbered stocks are picked according to user selection, no order is enforced.


The costing method is selected during product creation (Inventory → New Product/Service/Asset). Products must have a serialised costing method assigned to enable entering serial numbers when receiving stock or picking stock.

Note: The costing method of an existing product can be viewed from a product's record (Inventory → Products → [select product]). Serialised costing methods can be changed to another serialised costing method, e.g. FIFO - Serial to Special - Serial. However, non-serialised costing methods CANNOT be changed to a serialised costing method – a new SKU must be created with a serialised costing method.


Receiving purchases with serial or batch numbers

Serial or batch numbers are input for purchased stock during the Stock Received step. Each serial or batch number must be entered individually before authorizing the stock received. The system does not allow duplicate serial numbers to be entered in one stock receiving action.


Serial numbers can also be entered when using the WMS app for receiving purchases. See Serial Numbers and Batch Numbers in Cin7 Core WMS - Receiving Inventory.

Picking sales with serial or batch numbers

During a sale, product serial numbers are shown during the Pick stage. If the product costing method is FIFO - Serial or FIFO - Batch, the product units will be picked automatically from your inventory by first in. If the product costing method is FEFO - Serial or FEFO - Batch, or first expire. In this case it will not be possible to select a different serial-numbered product.

If the product's costing method is Special - Serial or Special - Batch, the serial-numbered or batch-numbered product units will be picked automatically from your inventory according to first in. Clicking the serial number field will allow you to select a different serial-numbered unit from available stock.      

Serial numbers can also be entered when using the WMS app for picking sales. See Serial Numbers and Batch Numbers in Cin7 Core WMS - Picking Inventory.

Manufacturing with serial numbers

Assembled products (products with an Assembly BOM made using an Assembly Order) are automatically assigned a serial number by the system. Serial numbers for assembled products cannot be assigned by the user.

Production finished goods (products with a Production BOM made using a Production Order) can have user-assigned serial numbers.

Note: If you need to assign the serial numbers for your manufactured products, please use the Production BOM and Production Order instead.

Serial numbered products can be added as components to both assembly and production bill of materials.

During assembly or production, product serial numbers are shown during the Pick stage.

  • If the product costing method is FIFO - Serial or FEFO - Serial, the serial-numbered product units will be picked automatically from your inventory by first in or first expire. In this case it will not be possible to select a different serial-numbered product.

  • If the product's costing method is Special - Serial, the serial-numbered product units will be picked automatically from your inventory according to first in. Clicking the serial number field will allow you to select a different serial-numbered unit from available stock.


See Finished goods assembly and Getting Started with the Advanced Manufacturing module for more information.

Assign serial numbers to manufactured products

Serial numbers can be assigned to a manufactured product during a production run. If the user does not input a serial number for the manufactured product, Cin7 Core will generate one automatically. The product being manufactured must have a serialized costing method (FIFO - Serial, FEFO - Serial, or Special  - Serial).

See Managing Production Orders for detailed information on carrying out production orders in Cin7 Core. Production orders require an Advanced Manufacturing Module subscription.

Serial numbers can be assigned to a product from the Output tab of a production run. This is possible at any point after a production order is released and a production run is created. Serial numbers cannot be edited after an output product has been sold, transferred, or adjusted.

Note: Completing Put Away for a finished product authorizes a transfer order from the production location to another location, preventing further changes to output data and serial number.


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