Sales Bulk Actions

Sales Bulk Actions

Cin7 Core allows executing actions in bulk for selected sales tasks in the View All Sales screen, which is accessed from the Sales menu. These actions are available for both simple and advanced sales.


  • Familiarity with sales

  • Users will need the Sales List & Tasks permission to use this feature. Additional permissions may be required for each action.



The bulk action toolbar appears when you check one or more boxes next to individual sales. Each bulk action is explained in more detail below.


Fill & Authorize

This set of actions allows you to quickly auto-fill and authorize several steps in the sales process.

If any action cannot be performed on a sale in the list (if the prerequisites for that action have not been met), either the action will be skipped, or an error will be reported for the sale and the action will be skipped. Each sale is processed independently from the other sales. Sales are processed sequentially from top to bottom.

Users will need the appropriate sales permissions for each of these actions for the action do display (e.g. Order authorize permission to bulk authorize orders).


Authorize Quote


  • Sale quote status is Draft.

  • Quote has at least one line.

  • Quote is not skipped.

  • User has permission to authorize quotes.

Applicable to simple and advanced sales, this action will change the quote status of the selected sales tasks to AUTHORISED (it is as if you were hitting the Authorize Quote button for every task individually).

Authorize Order


  • Not a service-only sale (or will be skipped).

  • Sale order is not authorized.

  • Sale order has at least one line, or sale has an authorized quote with at least one line.

  • User has permission to authorize orders.

Applicable to simple and advanced sales, this action will authorize the sale order. It will perform the same set of checks/validations as manual sale order authorization with the only difference of automatically backordering the sale if there is not enough stock on hand to fulfil all the orders. Split orders will not be created. If you require split orders for certain sales, you will need to manually process them. If there is no content in the sale order, but the quote is authorized, the quote content will be copied to the sale order. This process will trigger auto-assembly as usual.

Authorize Pick


  • Not a service-only sale (or will be skipped).

  • Sale order is authorized.

  • Pick is not authorized.

  • Sale order has no products with a special costing method.

  • Pick already has at least one line, or authorized sale order has at least one line.

  • User has permission to authorize pick.

For simple sales:

  • This action will authorize the pick stage of the sale. It will perform the same set of checks/validations as manual sale pick authorization. If there are no lines in the sale pick, then auto-pick will be executed to fill in the Pick with relevant data.

For advanced sales:

  • Order fulfillment should be in the unauthorized stage or un-voided for picking. If there are any fulfillments of such, the system should authorize all orders that are in draft status for Pick.

  • If the Authorization is successful, and if the sale is still not fully picked (there are remaining items to be picked), another fulfillment is automatically created within the system with the remaining ordered unpicked products.

  • The lines in the Order pick tab for the remaining quantity are automatically pre-filled, and the fulfillment will be completed and authorized.


Authorize Pack


  • Not a service-only sale (or will be skipped).

  • Sale Pick is authorized.

  • Pack is not authorized.

  • User has permission to authorize pack.

For simple sales:

  • This action will authorize the pack stage of the sale. It will perform the same set of checks/validations as manual sale pack authorization. If there are no lines in the sale pack, then auto-pack will be executed to fill in the Pack with relevant data. If multiple boxes are needed, this will have to be manually processed.

For advanced sales:

  • The Pick should be in the authorized stage or un-voided for packing. If there are any fulfillments of such, the system should authorize all order fulfillments that are in draft status for Pack.

  • If there are any existing lines in the Pack tab of the sale (which the Pack has already authorized), those lines should be omitted, and the lines from the Pick tab should be copied to the Pack tab, and the Pack operation is authorized for the unauthorized lines.


Authorize Ship


  • Not a service-only sale (or will be skipped).

  • Sale Pack is authorized.

  • Ship is not authorized.

  • User has permission to authorize ship.

For simple sales:

  • This action will authorize the ship stage of the sale. It will perform the same set of checks/validations as manual sale ship authorization. If there are no lines in the sale ship, then a Default shipment line will be created with the invoice date or current date (if the invoice date is not set) used as date shipped.

For advanced sales:

  • The Pack should be in the authorized stage or un-voided for shipping. If there are any fulfillments of such, the system should authorize all order fulfillments that are in draft status for Ship.

  • If there are any existing lines in the Ship tab of the sale (which the Ship has already authorized), those lines are omitted, and the lines from the Pack tab are copied to the Ship tab, and the Ship operation is authorized for the unauthorized lines.


Authorize Invoice


  • Service-only sale and quote are either skipped or authorized.

  • Not a service-only sale, and order is authorized.

  • Invoice is not authorized.

  • User has permission to authorize invoices.

For simple sales:

  • This action will authorize the sale invoice. It will perform the same set of checks/validations as manual sale invoice authorization. If there are no lines in the sale invoice for a service-only sale, the lines will be copied from the quote.

For advanced sales:

  • The system checks if there are any draft Invoices under the Invoice tab of the sale. If there are any, then these invoices are authorized.

  • If there are no drafts or any other invoices under the Invoices tab of the sale, new invoices are created for the quantity of the order which has not been invoiced yet. These are also authorized completely.


Full sale completion


  • Sale is not voided.

  • User has permission to authorize every stage of the sale process.

For simple sales:

  • This action will carry out all of the authorization stages described above (starting from Authorize Quote and ending with Authorize Invoice) to complete the sale. If at any stage there is a problem/validation encountered preventing the process from continuing, it will be interrupted for a particular sale task, keeping successfully processed stages authorized.

For advanced sales:

  • All the previous actions elaborated in Fill & Authorize are performed at once. For example, if there is a draft quote, then the quote is authorized; if there is a draft order, then the order should be authorized. Consequently, pick, pack and ship operations are authorized along with the invoice. If the order is authorized, but fulfillment is not done, the system automatically performs the fulfillment first and then moves on to the invoices.

  • The actions performed here are similar to performing the actions step by step; however, the Actions will be performed based on the current status of the tasks and sub-tasks. For example, if the order is already packed, the Pick operation is bypassed, and the Ship operation is performed instead.


Allows undoing of all selected sales. Applies to simple and advanced sales. Users will need the Sale Task – Undo permission to bulk undo sales.


Allows voiding all selected purchases/sales. Applies to simple and advanced sales. Users will need the Sale Task – Void permission to bulk undo sales.


Allows printing the chosen document for all selected sales. A single PDF file containing all the data is printed, with each sales task printed on a separate page. Applies to simple and advanced sales.


Applies to Simple and Advanced sales. Allows emailing the chosen document to suppliers/customers for all selected sales. Individual documents are generated for every purchase/sale and saved to attachments. Emailing is done for every selected sale separately.

For this function to work, you will need to select a document to be used as a template email body in your Documents & Email templates, enter a subject for the template you would like to email, and configure email recipients (either All active users or All company contacts, or both). Optionally, you can select a mailing list (if you have an active Cin7 Core Automation module subscription) or enter BCC addresses which will receive copies of all emails sent to suppliers/customers.

Email subjects now can be customised to include some fields from the related task for merging, including contact name, SO/PO/invoice numbers and dates. Additional info can be found on the tooltip for the Email Subject field in the Documents & Email templates form.

See Manage Document and Email Templates for more information.


You can export information about selected sales to CSV files.

In the case of advanced sales, multiple rows will be displayed in the exported document. These rows will display multiple invoices, credit notes, and shipping locations, among others.

Export accounts receivable

For simple sales, a single line per sale, including basic information about the sale, will be exported to CSV.

Export 3PL Shipment List

Sale shipment details will be exported to a CSV list for selected sales. Ship By Date is not taken into account when doing a 3PL export. A sale will not be included in the CSV file if the Shipment stage is not authorized. In addition, for the selected sales to be exported, Required by date must be set and should be in the future.

Export to CSV format

Sale shipment details for selected sales will be exported to a CSV list. This format contains more details about the sale than the accounts receivable.

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