Modify prices, discounts, and tax in POS
This article assumes you are familiar with the basics of making a sale in Cin7 Core POS. Users with the correct permission can modify a product's price, apply discounts to single products or the entire order, or modify the tax amount or tax rule of a sale.
At least one POS register added to your base subscription.
Setting up POS - Basics (required)
Sales in POS (required)
Change a product price
The user must have the permission Can Change Price in order to change the product price during a sale. Set user permissions for Cin7 Core POS via the Cin7 Core web portal, Integrations → Cin7 Core POS → [selected store] → Users
Once a product has been added to a sale, it will displayed in the shopping cart to the right of the screen. Clicking the product in the cart will expand the view to show the product price and any applied discount. Clicking the price or discount field will open up a window. Enter the new price and click Price to change the price to the new value.
The new price will then be visible in the shopping cart.
Add a discount to a product or to a whole order
The user must have the permission Can Give Discount in order to change the product price or apply a discount to an order during a sale. Set user permissions for Cin7 Core POS via the Cin7 Core web portal, Integrations → Cin7 Core POS → [selected store] → Users.
Once a product has been added to a sale, it will displayed in the shopping cart to the right of the screen. Clicking the product in the cart will expand the view to show the product price and any applied discount. Clicking the price or discount field will open up a window. Enter the discount percentage and click % Percent to apply the discount and change the price.
The new price and discount will then be visible in the shopping cart.
To add a discount to the whole order, click on Discount in the bottom-right of the sale screen.
This will open a window where you can input the discount value. Discount values can be applied as after a fixed amount (in your base currency) or as a percentage of the whole order. Once you have selected Fixed or Percentage, you will able to see the applied discount on the sales screen and continue on with the sale.
Modify a tax rule or tax amount
During a sale, it is possible to apply a different tax rule to a product or group of products other than the one that has been assigned by default. Expand the total window and click the line displaying the tax to open the tax editing window.
Note: Tax rules must be created in Cin7 Core before they can be applied to a product sale in Cin7 Core POS. If you do not see new tax rules after creating them in Cin7 Core, reload application by selecting Menu → Sell → Reload Data.
In the tax editing window, select a tax rule to open a dropdown list of all tax rules and select a new one.
Use the Detailed tab to change tax rules for each individual product.
Use the Combined tab to change all products with a tax rule for another (e.g. change all products with GST on Income to GST Free Income).
Save to finish the tax modification, see the new tax value and continue the sale as usual.
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